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Science and Spirituality

Here’s How to Activate Self-Healing with Self-Love.

I documented crucial health lessons to give helpful perspectives based on over five decades of experience.

Photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels

Is it possible to heal chronically ill, permanently disabled, and those with limited mobility?

Pain, Pleasure, and Suffering in Life

Our pain will persist unless we accept our conditions and learn to love ourselves unconditionally. We will continue suffering if we resist.

“Pain in life is inevitable, yet suffering is optional.” — Attributed to Dalai Lama. Living a meaningful life starts with self-love and continues with empathy and compassion for others.

All of us experience setbacks in life. However, some of us are fortunate to find viable solutions earlier than others.

We know that pain is inevitable for biological entities as a survival mechanism, yet we can reduce suffering with our physical and mental capabilities. Our bodies can self-heal.

Acknowledging and understanding the difficulties of living with pain, I am inspired to write this story with invaluable feedback from a discerning reader OldNavyWife that touched my heart and soul.

The challenging question is:

Is it possible to heal chronically ill, permanently disabled, and those with limited mobility?

This is one of the most formidable questions posed to me.

I humbly don’t have an answer and would not pretend to know. However, I am optimistic about possibilities with empathy and compassion that I’d like to articulate with real-life examples.

My premise is collective consciousness might have the answer.

Thus I believe in spiritual miracles, scientific magic, and even the appearance of angels in human form. What we know so far is a drop in the vast ocean.

It might sound unusual to read this from a trained technologist and scientist. However, without recognizing our spiritual aspect, we cannot leverage the power of science and technology.

I am not a religious or dogmatic scientist. I keep an open mind to possibilities.

Purpose of the Story

This story is not an academic or theoretical piece. I posted over 1000 articles related to physical and mental health. As it is impossible to summarize them, I provide a high-level perspective in this story.

My goal is to reflect on my past pain and the suffering experienced by myself and other innocent people in my circles.

The core theme of this article is the body has a self-healing mechanism. We might activate it with acceptance, self-love, support from others, personal responsibility, and commitment.

In this story, by no means do I compare my pain with the suffering of others. In addition, I don’t undermine the limitations, pain, and discomfort of others.

I share my thoughts with humility, empathy, and compassion.

Over the five decades of my life, I met hundreds of people suffering from debilitating health conditions. I understand the pain immobility.

My father died from motor neuron disease (ALS) at a relatively young age. Despite his athletic body, he couldn’t move and gained significant fat.

Thus, I documented 59 cases reflecting the pain and suffering of people in my circles who transformed them into pleasure by taking personal responsibility.

In this story, to articulate my points, I present a dozen of them to give a perspective on this interesting topic as examples.

Our lives include both constants and variables. Some things cannot be changed, but some can be.

For example, we cannot do much about genes. However, we can influence our genes to create epigenetic effects with healthy lifestyle choices.

Thus, focusing on what we can control and not wasting our time on what we can’t control seems to be a wise approach to living a fulfilling life.

The Poignant Picture Painted by OldNavyWife

I copied the well-articulated public comment of OldNavyWife (on my story titled Boost Sluggish Metabolism with Three Solutions Like Edward) to set the context for my thoughts.

Since there might be millions of people suffering from immobility issues, I felt obliged to share my perspectives in an article.

OldNavyWife commented:

“I’d love it if someone would write an article addressing how to lose weight for people who are chronically ill, permanently disabled, and who have limited mobility.

Adding to the problem is the fact that many who additionally have intractable pain are not getting their pain treated adequately, and some do not at all.

This in and of itself contributes great stress to the body and additional inflammation.

For doctors to flippantly tell us to eat less (already doing that) and move more (hard with untreated or undertreated pain and additionally having mobility issues from chronic illnesses) is just, in my estimation, pretty ignorant.

It screams, “I don’t have the answers and am not interested in helping you find solutions — please leave.”

Up until my 40’s, I was the girl who could not GAIN weight. So underweight at one point that a doctor put me in the hospital for 3 days solely to prove that I had an eating disorder.

He was wrong and allowed me to order whatever, whenever, I gained 3 pounds.

Now postmenopausal and chronically ill from a genetic connective tissue disorder (that incidentally did not get diagnosed until I was 56), I’m chronically 15–20 lbs overweight, have insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome.

This is extremely frustrating.”

Short Answer to OldNavyWife

I have no direct experience in helping chronically ill, permanently disabled, and those who have limited mobility to lose weight.

However, based on my reviews and understanding, the closest and most viable solutions seem to be fasting, fast-mimicking, or ketogenic diets.

Nonetheless, I also acknowledge that these regimes might not be possible for everyone and require medical intervention from qualified healthcare professionals.

I shared my perspectives in this recent story.

Keto Diets + Intermittent Fasting Lifestyle Tick the Boxes of Health Goals.

In theory, fat loss is not complex. However, we make it difficult due to confusion, negligence, and unfortunate situations.

Fat Loss Isn’t Complex, But We Make It Mysterious.

In my experience, the fat loss had nothing to do with calories. Instead, it was all about optimizing my hormones. I introduce the importance of hormones in a story titled Hormonal Intelligence: Sharpen It to Achieve Optimal Health.

I Wish We Could Package Fasting as a Therapeutic Tool.

I know that Fasting Can Change Brain Chemistry.

The beauty of fasting is it can create similar metabolic effects to exercise in the body. Thus, it can be an option for those who cannot mobilize.

Understanding the role of β-hydroxybutyrate (ketones) as a signaling molecule to reduce inflammation in the body and as a catalyst to increase BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor) in the brain was key to my self-healing. Therefore, like spiritual people, I am adamant about fasting.

Please note that my perspectives are not health advice.

Self-Healing for My Debilitating Health Conditions

I start my long answer using myself as a case study.

Acceptance of my limitations, setbacks, and health conditions allowed me to transform my life from suffering to the fulfillment I envisioned.

The road was bumpy during my transformation journey, but the destination was incredible.

Life never stops throwing us setbacks in various forms.

Therefore pain is inevitable for humans. In my case, metabolic and mental health issues manifested as significant setbacks.

For example, just after a college degree, I experienced metabolic syndrome in my mid-twenties, putting me at the onset of type II diabetes with arthritis pain was a significant challenge.

The pain during the journey was real, but I ended suffering by accepting my situation, taking personal responsibility, seeking help humbly, and committing to solving my problems.

Glimpses of My Health History

I documented dozen of health issues in a story.

12 Entangled Health Conditions I Owned & Fixed By Myself.

I shared my major mistakes in three stories.

7 Mental Mistakes Made My Life Miserable.

3 Nutritional Mistakes Caused My Metabolism to Malfunction, Inducing Fat Gain & Weak Muscles.

Fat Loss Isn’t Complex But We Make It Mysterious: Learning from five mistakes that turned into powerful habits to sustainable weight management solutions

Reflections on My Health Transformation

I owe my transformation to:

1) Awareness, 2) acceptance, 3) taking personal responsibility, 4) learning with an open mind, 5) optimistic mindset, 6) taking action, 7) Incremental progress, 8) habit building, 9) collaboration, and 10) persistence.

As my transformation is comprehensive, I link relevant stories for those who are interested in reading about them.

How I Fixed My Leaky Gut.

How I Defeated Arthritis.

I Fixed My Brain Fog With 7 Simple Hacks.

How I Dealt With Chronic Inflammation

Defeat Back Pain with Three Postural Tips from a Physiotherapist

Five Game-Changing Tips to Design a Customized Diet to Thrive

I Fixed Allergies and Autoimmune Conditions with Elimination Diet

I prevented Gum Disease With a Simple Hack

Why Is Activated Charcoal in My Emergency Bag? Is It Hype or Hope?

Powerful Life-Changing Hacks That Truly Transformed My Life: Smart Sleep Habits.

How I Deal with Anxiety in Difficult Times

Do Less Achieve More: Secret to success.

Healing Mild Depression By Scheduling And Prioritizing Fun.

Loneliness Is In The Mind: I Used To Feel Lonely; It Was Unbearable.

Tricking Brain To Stop Smoking: My personal story on how I quit smoking 40 years ago and never smoked again.

Why I Take 100 Mg CoQ10 [Ubiquinol] Daily

Three Tips to Eliminate Loose Skin

In summary, creating personal solutions like bulletproof life hacks and creative mental health kits gave me valuable tools.

From a physical perspective, sleep, diet, rest, and exercise were critical.

From a mental angle, cognitive flexibility was vital.

From an emotional angle regulating emotions and maturing was crucial.

Here is how I increased my cognitive flexibility and emotional maturity with five habits. They helped me lower dementia risks.

Seeking help is essential. Leaving my ego aside, I improved my social intelligence. Taming my overactive amygdala was necessary for this journey.

Here are three stories showing a summary of my transformation.

When I Skipped Breakfasts for Two Decades, I Gained Copious Benefits.

Here’s What Happened When I Replaced Carbs with Healthy Fats for Two Decades.

Here’s What Happened on One-Meal-a-Day After 15 Years.

Even though we don’t need much, omega-3 fatty acids are critical for physical and mental health.

Addressing nutritional deficiencies is critical.

Enhance Metabolic and Mental Health by Reducing Deficiencies of Key Nutrients.

We do our best, but sometimes even the most victorious moments can turn into dark moments, as I articulated in this story: An Award-Winning Conference Ended Up in a Health Disaster in Boston.

One of the critical lessons for me was Too Much, or Too Little of Anything Can Be Harmful. I keep my expectations low.

So, nowadays, I allow my ego to dance with my higher self. I listen to strangers and make consequential strangers my friends.

My karma account is more important than my bank account.

Risk Management and Disease Prevention Approach

I wrote about numerous debilitating conditions causing suffering, morbidity, and mortality. Unfortunately, it is not possible to eradicate diseases on earth. However, we might reduce risks with medical support and healthy lifestyle changes.

As these articles are comprehensive, it is impossible to summarize them in a section. Thus, I share the links for those interested in exploring further.

In my perspective, the biggest culprit causing pain and suffering is the accumulated and untreated physical and emotional traumas.

Why I Believe That Cancer Might Be Preventable

Intermittent Fasting and Keto Diet for Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Improve Cardiovascular Health in Three Steps.

Prevent Infectious Diseases in Five Steps

Fix Metabolic Syndrome to Live a Longer and Healthier Life.

Reduce the Risk of Metabolic Disorders to Get Lean, Fit, and Happy

Defeat Fatty Liver Disease with Three Doable Tips

Three Tips to Eliminate Insulin Resistance and Shrink Waistline

Five Tips to Melt Visceral Fat and Have a Defined Belly

What Can We Do About Non-Communicable Diseases Killing 41 Million People Yearly?

Ten Tips to Slow Down Dementia

Challenges of Dealing with Duality of Bipolar Disorder

Five Mental Health Conditions Causing Memory Disorders

Become Less Prone to Neurodegenerative Disorders with Five Tips.

Reduce the Risks of Neonatal Disorders to Prevent Infant Mortality

Eliminate Food Cravings in Three Steps

I Prevented Gum Disease with a Simple Solution

My Perspectives on 20 Health Tips by WHO

Slow Down, Lose Fat and Enjoy Life in Five Steps

Reflections from Case Studies that I Documented

Based on my reviews and observations, I’d like to provide only 12 samples out of my collection of 59 stories reflecting significant setbacks of people in my circles.

The common theme in these stories was that all characters fixed their issues naturally via lifestyle choices with minimal medical interventions. They initiated the self-healing mechanism of their bodies.

They took personal responsibility.

However, some needed support from qualified healthcare professionals. With their help, they managed to activate the self-healing mechanism of their bodies.

1 — A Mature Man Defeated Arthritis Symptoms

After Defeating Arthritis Pain, Shane Lost Visceral Fat and Gained Lean Muscles in Five Steps

When experiencing arthritic pain, Shane could not do simple exercises. His body was sore, his energy was low, and his mood was gloomy. He constantly had to focus on his unbearable pain in desperation. The only hope was gradually increasing high-dose painkillers, even in injectable and suppository forms suppressing his symptoms and hiding the root causes.

2 — A 78-Year-Old Woman Reduced Back Pain

Audrey Eliminated Back Pain and Transformed Her Appearance Dedicating to Six Minute Planks Daily for Decades.

When Audrey got 60 years old, her back pain became unbearable. One day her husband gave her a pamphlet introducing a free seminar for mature citizens for a new health center in their suburb. Audrey joined the workshop introducing a new service about Pilates to the locals. The presenter’s focus was on cores.

3 — A Woman Healed Leaky Gut

Anna Shed 50 Pounds After Fixing Leaky Gut in Five Steps

Anna’s common symptoms were heartburn, abdominal bloating, distension, fatigue, chronic stress, inflammation, and allergies, causing physical and emotional stress. After some meals, she felt worse. Despite her so-called healthy eating and exercise, she could not lose weight.

4 — An Obese Hoarder Lost 80 Pounds

Sandra Lost 80 Pounds After Adopting a Minimalist Lifestyle

Sandra was born in an impoverished family supported by a single mum struggling with three kids in a small, old house funded by the government. Her mum was a hoarder. So her behavior influenced Sandra to become one. But with self-improvement, Sandra dropped 80 pounds in her transition and never regained those pounds, staying at her ideal weight.

5 — An Obese and Single Mum Became a Millionaire

How a Single-Mum Reversed Her Obesity and Built up a Unicorn Business

When Maggie was in her early thirties, her husband, a construction worker, left her when the kids were 3 and 7. She believed her changing body to an obese state was the leading cause for her husband losing attraction. Her husband had an affair that broke Maggie’s heart.

6 — An Obese Truck Driver Melted His Pot Belly

How Alberto Melted His Potbelly & Doubled Testosterone in a Year

Alberto had not only a beer belly but also men’s boobs in his early forties. He disliked the appearance of his body. But his genuine concern was his erectile dysfunction was causing relationship problems. Intimacy was important in his life.

7 — A Cancer Survivor Healed Her Brain Fog

How Jennifer Healed Her Brain Fog

Jennifer is a retired tertiary education teacher. She had localized breast cancer when she was 59. While she was extremely grateful and happy to beat cancer, after 60, she started experiencing noticeable mental fatigue, commonly known as brain fog or chronic fatigue syndrome.

8 — A Filipino Elderly with Dementia Whose Parents Killed in War

Five Valuable Life Lessons from a Filipino Elderly

Nancy’s family members were killed in front of her eyes when she was a little girl. She was a wise elderly, but unfortunately, she experienced Alzheimer’s disease. Her dementia made her forgetful about current events. But she remembered the past in detail, especially her traumas in World World II.

9 — A Deaf and Pre-Diabetic Man Lived 100+ Years

A Centenarian Friend Died on New Year’s Eve

Jeremy was born on 31 December 1919 as a deaf child in Australia and died on 31 December 2021 as a special friend in my life. His parents died over a half-century ago. He survived by himself with a trust fund.

10 — A Woman Living With Fear and Anxiety

Ariana’s Happiness Tripled After Solving Three Mental Health Issues

Constant worry, anxiety, fear, and desperate need for approval from her parents and teachers adversely affected Ariana’s mental health and learning abilities. As a child, she was not aware of it.

11 — A Man Boosted Sluggish Metabolism

Edward Boosted Sluggish Metabolism with Three Solutions

As he got older, Edwards’s metabolism slowed down noticeably, causing him to gain substantial visceral fat. Besides, his waistline grew to indicate metabolic syndrome symptoms.

As a result, he lost his energy and stamina to exercise. His family doctor diagnosed Edward with obesity at the onset of type II diabetes. Due to chronic stress and inflammation, he also felt joint and muscle pain, usually in his upper and lower back, similar to Audrey.

12 — A Mature Man Detoxified His Body with 3 Self-Healing Mechanisms Lowering Health Risks & Accelerating Fat Loss.

Alan Detoxified His Body with 3 Self-Healing Mechanisms Lowering Health Risks & Accelerating Fat Loss.

As Alan got older, he experienced severe autoimmune conditions, unbearable bloating, abdominal distension, heartburn, and eczema, causing intense itching and inflammation.

Even though Alan followed conventional knowledge, he also had an inquisitive mind to discover the truth by questioning the norms and attempting to understand the rationale behind touted ideas.

Conclusions and Takeaways

Setbacks and genes are constant in life, so we cannot change them.

However, the body has a defense system with self-healing capabilities, a valuable variable for us to play with and create epigenetic effects.

Here are a dozen of pivotal takeaways from this story:

1 — Accept the conditions and take personal responsibility.

2 — Activate autophagy for self-healing.

3 — Strengthen mitochondria for cellular health.

4 — Leverage the power of thermogenesis (cold and hot).

5 — Lower refined carbs and replace them with healthy fats.

6 — Personalize diet and exercise. Consider meditation.

7 — Get restorative sleep, rest, and have fun.

8 — Stop smoking, drugs, and excess alcohol.

9 — Detoxify the body naturally.

10 — Use psychotherapy to improve mental health.

11 — Measure the progress with health tests.

12 — Seek help and support from qualified professionals.

The best tool to activate the body's self-healing mechanism, from my experience, is intermittent and/or long-term fasting for those who can do it. However, it comes with restrictions for some people.

Thus fasting requires medical supervision and support.

I also learned invaluable life lessons from centenarians. I enjoy documenting essential life lessons from people in my professional and social circles to share my perspectives and experiences.

To conclude, I have massive respect and empathy for busy medical professionals who always support us and give us hope. However, we should keep our expectations lower. They are not healers.

No one can heal another, in my opinion. Only the body, with the help of the mind, can heal itself. Medical professionals and therapists are the catalysts for the healing process. Thus, responsibility is ours.

However, even though our bodies are separate in the physical domain, and we are individuals, I believe that, in reality, we are connected invisibly in the spiritual domain.

As a technology advocate, I believe that one day we can create biotechnological solutions for terminally ill people. Therefore, I also follow the philosophy of transhumanism, which can reduce the suffering of humans in the future.

My transhumanistic goal is not to stop dying but to reduce suffering. We aspire but still cannot achieve living 1000 years. So, in my perspective, staying realistic, optimistic, and loving ourselves unconditionally starts the healing process.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

I’m sorry this article got longer than my usual pieces. Even though I made a conscious effort to keep it short, it was impossible to cut it more concisely due to the scope of the topic covering my decades of experience, reviews, and observations.

And OldNavyWife: Thank you for inspiring me and allowing me to share my experience and life lessons. I send you my healing thoughts.

Here is a glimpse of my health journey reflecting my nightmares.

Here are my perspectives on hormones that I have been studying for many years.

Here’s How I Activated Neurogenesis

And finally, I’d like to share an inspiring story of this mature couple:

Here’s How a Mature-Age Couple Reversed Diabetes and Trimmed Their Bodies with Lifestyle Habits.

In addition to health topics, I also write about my independent reviews of beneficial and well-researched supplements and molecules to improve our metabolic and cognitive health. Here are the links:

Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and other nutrients that might help to improve metabolism and mental health.

I share similar stories on EUPHORIA.

If you are a new reader and find this article valuable, you might check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting on my reviews, observations, and decades of sensible experiments.

Sample Health Improvement Articles for New Readers

I write about various hormones and neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, adrenaline, glutamate, and histamine.

One of my goals as a writer is to raise awareness about the causes and risk factors of prevalent diseases that can lead to suffering and death for a large portion of the population.

To raise awareness about health issues, I have written several articles that present my holistic health findings from research, personal observations, and unique experiences. Below are links to these articles for easy access.

Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Anemia, Dysautonomia, cardiac output, and major disorders.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, Cod Liver Oil, and other nutrients to improve metabolism and mental health.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I document my reviews, observations, experience, and perspectives only to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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