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Mental Health and Psychology

I Allow the Ego to Dance with Higher Self to Find the Sweet Spot in Life

The mortal ego does not seem to be the enemy if used properly.

Photo by Anna Tarazevich on Pexels

Every Action Comes with a Reaction

Scientific studies indicate that every action produces a corresponding reaction. The reactions could be positive, neutral, or negative based on our perceptions.

People loosely use the verb killing to convey different meanings. It is a widespread metaphor or analogy that means destroying or eliminating visible or perceived entities in various contexts.

In reality, killing means taking life’s energy from biological entities. Thus, killing humans, animals, and plants is possible. Unfortunately, we are good at taking lives to satisfy our selfish desires.

However, we cannot kill nonbiological entities. The best we can do is to shift the energy from one location to another. Or it is possible to change it from one form to another.

Can we kill the ego as proposed or advised by some?

I don’t think so.

What is the point of killing the ego?

We cannot kill the ego. If we attempt to do so, it will react strongly. Remember, every action brings a reaction.

Primarily, what is the point of killing ego in the first place?

Answering this critical question might give us a valuable perspective. My short answer would be that attempting to destroy the ego does not bring any value. Instead, it might cause more problems if we try it mindlessly.

I am concerned with people advising to kill the ego. Sadly, some people follow this useless and non-practical advice and make themselves unhappier.

Attempting to kill any aspect of the human feature sounds self-sabotaging to me. Besides, it looks like an illusion or an oxymoron.

We cannot kill any aspects of the human construct without taking the entire “life energy” yet.

However, we have the ability to take our lives, but we can’t physically eliminate psychological components like biological ones based on our current capability.

The human ego is not a biological entity. It is a concept created by psychologists. None of us can see, smell, taste, or touch the ego. Perhaps we can shift the energies of nonbiological entities by suppressing or modifying them.

Worst, attempting to eradicate, deny, or suppress an aspect of life might break the delicate balance.

Moreover, we think we killed one undesirable part, but in reality, we might end up creating zombie ingredients like neither alive nor dead similar to Schrodinger's cat.

Metaphorical zombie energies can produce unexpected reactions. As zombie energies are supernatural entities, we cannot perceive them with our limited senses.

They might manifest as bad feelings pulling strings of numerous emotions like sadness, anger, grief, boredom, anxiety, and other unpleasant emotions.

In the mental health literature, denying any layer and component of the human form seems to be one of the root causes of unhappiness and life dissatisfaction.

In this context, the human ego does not look like an enemy to me. On the contrary, this concept seems to have a purpose for our existence.

Therefore, I believe the ego is as important as the higher self from a functionality facet.

What is the viable solution, then?

I have no prescriptive solution but have a perspective and an approach. But my humble methods come with no guarantee, like anything else. We all learn experimentally.

My approach revolves around understanding five concepts. We may also call them mental frameworks.

Undoubtedly, universal rules and regulations are complex for human beings. We are slowly learning them via philosophical, scientific, and technological studies.

Furthermore, the regulations and outcomes manifest subtly, challenging our perceptions. Thus, we have difficulty perceiving or recognizing them due to constant noise.

I’d like to briefly touch on my approach in simple terms reflecting and elaborating on my perspectives.

1 — Acknowledging and Embracing Our Parts

The first approach is acknowledging and embracing every aspect of being a human.

Denial is like the emu putting its head under the sand to protect its big body from danger. For example, Albert found the direct path to enlightening Moments by accepting his suppressed emotions.

2 — The Importance of Knowledge

The second approach is getting to know each component.

We are enemies of unknowns as uncertainty creates fear in the old brain.

The more we learn, the better decisions we can make. Cognitive flexibility and emotional maturity can pave the path.

3 — Connections and Relationships

The third approach is to understand the relationship among components.

Whether we accept or deny it, everything seems connected directly or indirectly in the universe based on quantum theories.

Some connections are obvious, and others subtle.

4 — Dancing with Harmony

The fourth approach is to allow them to dance in harmony.

The universe appears to exist in a constant dance to our perceptions. Based on quantum observations, we know that every object at the subatomic level move.

Nothing remains constant. Tuning in subtle vibrations can increase our intuition.

5 — Creating Delicate Balance and Flow

The fifth approach is to maintain equilibrium.

Balance is the keyword to create happiness and fulfillment in life. I intentionally use the verb “create” as we cannot find happiness.

Aiming for a flow state might create balance in life.

Balancing Lower and Higher Selves

Humans are multidimensional beings.

Paradoxically, we are delicate but can also be resilient.

Many models and frameworks emerged throughout history.

Philosophers, scientists, technologists, artists, and other thought leaders attempted to understand these dimensions.

A plethora of thoughts, opinions, ideas, hypotheses, and theories exist.

However, the content boils down to a single notion from my perspective. The lower self, the higher self, and the in-between must share energies in balance for existence in human form.

We start seeing ourselves in the mental mirror when we can visualize the big picture with several layers.

Then picturing each layer from physical to spiritual can make it more transparent.

My point is denying or trying to kill any component in these layers is pointless. The optimal approach is accepting and allowing them to dance harmoniously.

When they are dancing, they naturally create balance.

Most of us seek happiness.

However, searching and finding happiness looks like an illusion to me. Thus, we must create happiness and joy by deliberately balancing our energies.

The more we seek happiness, especially in the wrong places, the farther away it goes, in my experience.

Conclusions and Takeaways

I don’t offer prescriptive advice. Instead, I present my perspectives to stimulate thoughts. None of us have answers to the mechanism of the universe.

However, we all perceive bits and pieces. Therefore, collaboratively connecting the dots or components of the puzzle can give us better clues to complete the enigma.

In addition, perceptions and experimentations allow us to learn and enhance the body of knowledge.

I am yet to find a prescriptive user manual for the universe or life itself. It does not exist. Or, we are not yet equipped to find it.

Sorry to disappoint you, but we can’t kill nonbiological entities yet. There is no documented or anecdotal evidence apart from baseless and unproven claims.

However, some people understand the universal rules better than others. Thus, they might provide valuable perspectives. We follow their lead.

In addition, some people have exceptional capabilities to create supernatural outcomes, as depicted in the parapsychological literature.

However, a majority of us do not have such powers. Nevertheless, I keep an open mind hoping one day most of us can gain those abilities. Possibilities are endless in the universe, especially for humans.

Based on promising studies in esoteric science communities, I believe in the psi phenomenon covering extrasensory perceptions and psychokinesis experiences.

In the meantime, the prescription for life and the universe seems to be coded in our biology and physiology at a subatomic level. Perhaps the nervous system or the brain hosts the code. However, we don’t know yet. I believe we will find out one day.

I also think that our intentions can activate the hidden code. The magic can start with accepting and understanding what we can and cannot control.

We don’t know about the beings on other planets or galaxies yet. They might or might not exist. However, unlike illusional thoughts, in reality, humans on this planet can control very little at this stage.

Our modern bodies and brains still function with primitive tools embedded in them.

Genes, bacteria, and microbes run the show giving little opportunity for human cells to thrive.

For example, genes determine our mortality, and pathogens cause us suffering by inducing undesirable diseases.

With our limited ability, by accepting every part of our being, we might allow the energies to flow harmoniously, manifesting in various vibrational frequencies.

Rather than wasting our time on futile goals like killing the ego or any other construct of our being, it seems more feasible to me to allow them to dance in harmony and express their energies as needed.

I am optimistic that maintaining a harmonious balance of lower and higher selves might make us happier than eliminating some of them. Focusing on pleasant experiences can bring joy.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

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