avatarTree Langdon


Letter to a Wannabe Writer

I invite you to join our welcoming writing community.

Photo by Josephina Kolpachnikof on Unsplash

Deep inside your soul lives the heart of a writer.

After all, books have always been one of the great loves of your life.

When you lose yourself inside a story, there’s always been a part of you that is sitting back in awe, admiring the writer who created it.

When you were in school, you dabbled with short stories. You played around with words, creating little poems, but you kept them hidden.

Now you write Facebook posts, business reports, and stories for your kids. That urge to write keeps surfacing, but you push it down. You know you want to write, but you’re not sure how to begin.

What’s holding you back?

It’s the voice of fear. That little voice that tells you you’re not good enough.

Well, guess what? You have to write in order to get better at it. That’s the secret. Let me say it again.

You have to write to get better at writing.

There’s a place for you to practice.

You can practice writing and publish it online without worrying about being good enough.

All you need to do is join Medium and create your own account. Take your time and have a look around. You don’t have to join the Partner Program until you’re ready.

You can create an account to practice in. Use your own name, a maiden name, or a nickname from your childhood.

There’s a supportive, creative community here. We enjoy accommodating new writers. You will find new friends who share your interests. Each time you post, you’ll stretch your writing muscles.

You have the opportunity to learn from one another, sharing tips and ideas to improve your stories. Or poems. Or whatever you want to write.

I’m here and willing to help you get started.

This article is a freebie from me to you.

Become a better writer in 5 minutes. If you’re not already a Medium member, Join us here.

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