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How Peer-to-Peer Recognition Might Improve Writers’ Lives

Peer testimonials aren’t just words; they are bridges connecting hearts, minds, and spirits.

Photo by cottonbro studio from Pexels

Indeed, the craving for appreciation and acknowledgment stands out in the vast oceans of human desires. It’s like our inner child and emotional side of the brain (the limbic system) saying, “Hey, please notice me!”

This survival instinct resides in our limbic system, urging us to seek acceptance and recognition. When that recognition comes from our peers, it’s like a double dose of satisfaction.

Peer recognition isn’t just a pleasant bonus. It’s a driving force for professionals in all disciplines. It’s the high-five that fuels motivation and knits meaningful relationships. The beauty lies in its authenticity, that subtle “I see you as you are” that resonates profoundly.

Exploring the concept of peer recognition has been a multi-faceted journey, with various fields casting their spotlight on its significance in my professional journey.

From the boardrooms of business magnates utilizing it for team cohesion to the classrooms of educators conjuring motivational spells.

Even in the laboratories of science advancing through peer reviews, the power of peer recognition has been dissected from numerous angles. Science is nothing without peer reviews and genuine testimonials.

Testimonials aren’t just for individuals. Businesses bathe in their glow, too. But in this post, I drill down into the individual aspect of a selected group of people close to my heart.

Yes, I am talking about writers, authors, or bloggers.

As creators, we thrive on peer recognition. It’s like a warm ray of sunshine that keeps our creative gardens blooming. And it’s therapeutic, too, like an elixir for the writer’s soul.

Writers giving testimonials to other writers is a secret sauce, if you will.


Because that recognition carries weight, like gold in a vault, peer recognition is a psychological dynamo, revving up motivation engines like nothing else.

Testimonials, when done right, can be a writer’s best gift to another writer. But “right” here isn’t a vague concept; it’s rooted in two pillars — motivation and relationships.

Imagine you get a heartfelt testimonial from a fellow writer. It’s like a dopamine rush to your creative brain, an orchestra of “you’re amazing” that boosts your spirits and increases your creativity and productivity.

That’s motivation: a small gesture, a giant impact.

Then, we have the relationship angle of testimonials.

A testimonial isn’t just words; it’s a bridge connecting hearts, minds, and souls.

It’s like a handshake in words, a declaration that says, “We’re in this together.” Trust gets sprinkled.

But here’s my formula.

Testimonials need a sprinkle of magic to work their wonders. Five crucial drops in this potion, to be exact:

1 — Truth

Truth is the bedrock. A testimonial without truth is like a cake without sugar. Essential, right? Truth with perception is the magician’s flourish.

2 — Perceptions

Perceptions carry weight — they’re like the “you got this” whispered before a big leap. They shape the giver’s authenticity.

3 — Authenticity

Authenticity is the golden ticket. It’s like Truth’s sibling. But it brings in a genuine vibe. The “I really mean it” undertone that resonates.

4 — Purpose

The purpose is the North Star. A testimonial is a spotlight on the receiver, not the giver. It’s about celebrating others, not a self-promotion show of the giver.

4 — Giving without expecting

Wise people say giving is more rewarding than receiving. They are right, as this is observable in our brains under MRI. As the National Health Institute documented, “Brain Imaging Reveals Joys of Giving.”

Giving a genuine testimonial without expecting anything in return is like sending a high-five, a virtual pat on the back, and a warm hug, all bundled up in words.

In a spiritual domain where acknowledgment holds the value of the currency, it transforms into a perpetual gift — one that thrives in the act of bestowing rather than anticipating any reciprocation.

So, here’s the lowdown. Testimonials are like gifts from the heart. They’re about authenticity, recognition, and brightening the receiver’s day.

The ultimate curtain call

By handing out testimonials to fellow scribes, we’re essentially sprinkling motivation. It’s like giving their creative brain a high-five, nudging it to unleash the magic within. Remember dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin, those snazzy neurotransmitters?

Receiving testimonials is like serving these neurochemicals up on a silver platter. It’s the primary motivation kick our brains adore. Dopamine, the maestro of motivation, takes a bow.

Imagine being on the receiving end of a heartfelt testimonial. It’s like unwrapping a surprise gift — joy, validation, and a dash of extra zest for life. It’s a “heck yeah, I’m doing something right!” moment.

Think of testimonials as relationship-building cocktails — shaken, not stirred. They’re that “Hey, I see you” note that deepens connections.

It’s like a trust-building handshake wrapped in words, the golden ticket to relationship awesomeness.

Yet, there’s more!

The hidden gem behind these words?

Yes, a subtle yet potent message — “You matter to me.”

It’s the heart of connection, the glue that sticks relationships together.

So, my fellow wordsmiths, here are five takeaways from this post:

1 — Sprinkle some magic with random act of kindness daily. Shower your writer fellows with testimonials. It’s like giving their creative engines a motivational massage.

2 — Testimonials give dopamine shots to givers and receivers. It’s the high-five our creative neurons crave.

3 — Think of joyful Juju. Receiving testimonials isn’t just about a confidence boost; it’s about joy. And joy is the secret sauce of creativity and productivity.

4 — Build trusty bridges with your authentic praise. Testimonials build trust. It’s like saying, “We’re in this together, creating magic with our words.”

5 — Behind each testimonial is a whisper, “I care for you.” It’s a language the heart understands even when words falter.

So go ahead and spread some “writerly love” today and create meaningful and ever-lasting connections that can’t be erased.

I posted a blog about this in 2020 that inspired hundreds of writers and motivated them to support each other meaningfully.

Building meaningful connections through supporting our peers can help us enhance our network and contribute to building our audience. I explained why creating an audience for new writers is hard and how to crush challenges in seven steps.

You may check out my thoughts on creative non-fiction writing. Do you want to write content to generate steady income? Do you want your stories to be boosted? If you have writer’s block, check this out. If you feel stressed and are facing burnout, here is guidance.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

I wrote many stories about writers and writing. I hope you find some valuable ones fro this collection.

You may find more optimistic and empowering stories like these on EUPHORIA, where I share my insights and life lessons. My focus is on cellular, mitochondrial, metabolic, and mental health + JOY. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

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