avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz


The content provides a comprehensive guide for new writers to build an audience, offering seven practical steps to overcome challenges and succeed in the writing industry.


The article addresses the common struggle new writers face in attracting readers and growing their writing careers. It emphasizes the importance of developing a growth mindset, committing to consistent writing, identifying a niche, experimenting with curiosity, embracing entrepreneurial skills, converting followers into loyal readers, and practicing generosity to foster serendipity and synergy. The guide is designed for dedicated writers who are ready to learn, adapt, and take actionable steps to cultivate a thriving readership.


  • The author believes that a growth mindset is crucial for writers to persist through challenges and learn from feedback.
  • Writing regularly and with enthusiasm is seen as essential to attract and retain readers.
  • Finding a niche is not about being a specialist but about being passionate and adaptable to different platforms and audiences.
  • Experimentation is valued as a way to discover new opportunities and keep writing fresh and engaging.
  • Writers are encouraged to view themselves as entrepreneurs, requiring them to be strategic and adaptable in their approach to writing as a business.
  • The article suggests that turning followers into loyal readers involves providing value, creating emotional connections, and encouraging interactions.
  • Generosity in sharing time, talent, and resources is advocated as a means to create meaningful connections and positive impacts in the writing community.
  • The author shares personal experiences to illustrate the effectiveness of the strategies and tactics discussed.
  • The guide is not for casual writers but for those serious about their craft and willing to work hard to advance their writing careers.

Content Development and Marketing Strategy

Why Creating an Audience for New Writers Is Hard & How to Crush Challenges in 7 Steps

Proven strategies and tactics for freelance writers to find loyal readers and grow a writing business as an entrepreneur

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk from Pexels

You’re a writer with a gift for words. You can craft stories that make people laugh, cry, think, and act. You have something valuable to share with the world and choose writing as a new profession. But there’s a problem: no one finds and reads your work, and you feel down in this economic client.

How do you find those loyal fans who will appreciate your literary genius and support your writing career? This is the most frequently asked question by new writers joining my publications and by my proteges.

I know how frustrating it is to pour our hearts and souls into our writing only to hear crickets when we hit publish. I know how lonely it is to write in a vacuum without feedback, encouragement, or recognition. I know how hard it is to build an audience from scratch without knowing where to start or what to do.

Building an audience for new writers is difficult for several reasons. Millions of writers and their stories and blogs online compete for the limited attention and time of potential readers.

It can be hard to stand out from the crowd and get noticed by our target audience earlier in our writing career. We must find our voice, produce content in specific niches, write quality content, and use effective marketing strategies to reach our ideal readers.

Building an audience takes time, effort, and consistency. We must write regularly and frequently, regardless of the obstacles or distractions.

We need to provide value to our readers and exceed their expectations. We must interact with our readers and get feedback to improve our work. We need to be patient and persistent in our writing journey.

Getting followers is not enough. We must turn them into loyal readers and advocates. We need to create resonance with our readers and connect with their emotions and experiences. We must encourage our readers to spread the word about our work and bring more people into our tribe.

It took me years to learn the secrets of attracting and retaining readers who love our work and want more of it. As I know how to overcome these challenges, I will unfold these points in the following section, highlighting the key points.

I’ve discovered the strategies and tactics that work in the real writing world, not just in theory. I’ve tested and refined these methods over 40 years of honing my craft and making an impact. And now, I’m here to share them with you.

In this short guide, I’ll show you how to build an audience for your writing that will stick with you through thick and thin. I’ll touch on how to connect with our ideal readers, spark conversations, and create lasting relationships.

I’ll focus on how to write content that resonates with our audience, captivates their attention, and inspires them to take action. However, this guide is not for everyone.

I wrote this piece for writers who are serious about their craft and their career. It’s for writers who are willing to work hard, learn new skills, and take action. It’s for writers who are ready to take their writing to the next level.

If that sounds like you, then welcome aboard. You’re in for a treat. Let’s crack the code to cultivate a thriving readership in seven steps.

In the meantime, please don’t rush to quit your job, assuming you can earn full-time from writing. It is possible, but it is not how it is portrayed in social media. Please check this case study before making such an important decision. This is a real-life scenario.

How to Crush Challenges in 7 Steps

Step 1 — Mastering the Art of Writing Amidst Uncertainty, Criticism, and Creative Triumphs

As we begin our writer’s odyssey, we must arm ourselves with a powerful weapon — the mighty growth mindset. This mindset sees challenges as opportunities, failures as lessons, and feedback as fuel.

This is the mindset that embraces learning, curiosity, and improvement. This mindset will help us find and grow our loyal readership. It will encourage us not to give up in uncertainty and difficult times when we face negative criticism that we must embrace.

You may ask what a growth mindset is and why it is so important for writers. A growth mindset is a concept of believing our abilities are not fixed but can be developed through effort, practice, and feedback.

It’s the opposite of a fixed mindset, which assumes that our talents are innate and unchangeable. People with a growth mindset are more likely to persist in facing difficulties, seek out new challenges, and learn from their mistakes.

A growth mindset is essential for writers because writing is a complex and dynamic skill that requires constant learning and adaptation. Writing is also a highly subjective and personal endeavor that exposes us to various forms of uncertainty and criticism.

If we have a fixed mindset, we might avoid writing altogether or give up easily when encountering obstacles or negative feedback. We might also limit ourselves to writing what we already know or what we think others want to read.

On the other hand, if we have a growth mindset, we can embrace writing as a rewarding and enriching journey that allows us to express ourselves, explore new ideas, and connect with others.

We must view writing as a craft that can be improved with practice and feedback. We can also see uncertainty and criticism as sources of inspiration and motivation that can help us grow as writers.

Step 2 — The Power of Commitment, Consistency and Enthusiasm

As we continue our journey through writing, commitment, consistency, and enthusiasm are a magic formula that can boost our success. This formula is like finding a secret spot where the sun shines brighter, and the wind blows stronger.

Commitment and consistency are the habits of writing regularly and frequently, regardless of obstacles or distractions. Enthusiasm is the passion and excitement that we show in our writing, regardless of the topic or genre. These three traits create a powerful combination that attracts and retains your readers.

But how do you develop consistency and enthusiasm in your writing? And how do you overcome the challenges and temptations that might stop you from writing your best work?

TIPS: Commit to your writing goals and stick to them no matter what. Write with passion and energy that can infect your readers with joy. Celebrate your writing achievements and use them as motivation to keep going

Now, let’s focus on the technical aspects.

Step 3 — Niche Navigation in a Broad Spectrum with Creativity and Unique Beams of Light

Let’s first discuss a hidden gem that can make or break our success: the so-called niche. It’s like finding a secret island where the sun shines brighter and the breeze whispers of opportunity.

But what is a niche, and why is it so important for writers?

A niche is a specific topic or genre that we’re passionate about, and that attracts a loyal audience. However, a niche does not require to be a specialist in an area. The key point is your passion for the topic.

Finding our niche is not a one-time deal. Our niche may vary depending on the platform, clients, format, and audience we’re writing for.

The key is to be aware, flexible, and adaptable in our writing career. We have to diversify our content styles, experiment with different channels, and measure our results along the way.

I must admit I’ve been on my own quest to find my niche. My early writings covered various topics, from tech talk to leadership lore. But it was when I started writing about self-improvement tips I felt a surge of readership and engagement. So, my journey has been a trial and error. So, we never stop experimenting with curiosity, as I cover in the next section.

Let me share with you my own experience regarding niche briefly. Back in 2019, I wrote an article about IoT, hoping to impress readers with my technical knowledge and expertise in the field. I published it online, expecting a flood of views and compliments. But guess what? The response was as silent as a graveyard at midnight.

But I didn’t give up. I realized that maybe my article was too niche or too dull for the general audience. So I switched gears and wrote about something more personal and relatable: my leadership journey. And voila! The response was like a New Year’s Eve fireworks show, lighting up the sky with views and comments.

I soon discovered that writing for different audiences requires different approaches and styles. For example, an article about the security issues of IoT that flopped on a mainstream platform became a hit on a specialized forum.

An article about my struggle with loose skin after weight loss that went viral on a health platform barely got any attention on a humor platform. So, I learned not to take the outcome personally and adjusted my delivery accordingly.

TIPS: The golden rule is context is king, and relevance is queen. Just as I wouldn’t sell men’s underwear at a feminist rally, our niche’s context must match its environment. We have to know our audience, their needs, and their preferences. Adding humor to our content can make as significant impact.

Step 4 — The Curious Case of Constant Curiosity — Never Cease to Experiment

Let’s discuss a skill that can make a huge difference in our success: experimenting with curiosity. Experimenting is the act of trying new things, learning from your mistakes, and improving your skills.

It’s the opposite of sticking to what we know, fearing failure, and settling for mediocrity. Experimenters are likelier to discover new opportunities, solve problems, and innovate.

For writers, experimenting is essential because writing is a complex and dynamic skill that requires constant learning and adaptation.

Writing is a highly competitive and crowded field requiring differentiation and value. If we are not curious and don’t experiment, we might miss out on new ideas, platforms, formats, and audiences.

But how do you experiment as a writer? And how do you overcome the challenges and risks that might come with it?

TIPS: Embrace imperfection and failure as opportunities to learn and grow. Apply agile principles and design thinking to your writing process and projects. Interact with your readers and get feedback to improve your writing. Think like an entrepreneur and act like a trailblazer in your writing niche as I cover in the next section.

Step 5 — Finding Your Entrepreneurial Stride by Charting a Course for Success Through Diversification and Methodical Progress

As we start the exciting freelance writing adventure, we must balance two essential skills: creativity and entrepreneurship.

Think of yourself as a literary explorer, discovering new insights and telling stories while also planning your route to the destination of success.

Being a creative entrepreneur means that we’re not just writing for fun or passion but also for a purpose and a profit. We’re not just crafting beautiful sentences, but we are also crafting a strategy to reach our goals. And we’re not just following our muse but also the market.

But don’t worry. This doesn’t mean you must sacrifice your artistic integrity or sell out to the highest bidder. It just means we must be smart, flexible, and adaptable in our writing careers. We have to be willing to learn, experiment, and improve.

As we sail through the content seas, remember that creativity is our ship, entrepreneurship is our map, and adaptability is our telescope.

The journey may be full of challenges and surprises, but with every smart move, we’re not just freelance writers — we’re entrepreneurs carving our path to the content and literary horizon.

TIPS: The content market is a complex and dynamic beast, and its preferences often change and vary. Adaptation is the key to survival and success. We have to diversify our topics, platforms, and formats and measure our progress along the way. Agility and adaptability are critical success factors for entrepreneurs.

Step 6 — From Followers to Subscribers and Avid Readers — The Art of Turning Curious Clicks into Dedicated Devotees

Let’s briefly discuss a skill that can make a huge difference in our freelancing and entrepreneurial success: turning our followers into subscribers and loyal readers.

Followers and subscribers are people who have shown some interest in our writing by following us on a platform or subscribing to our email list.

Loyal readers are people who have become fans of our writing and regularly read, comment, share, and support our work. They are the ones who will stick with us through thick and thin and help us grow as a writer.

Advocacy is promoting and recommending our work to others from our superfans. People whose work is advocated are likelier to reach new audiences, create loyal fans, and grow their influence.

For writers, advocacy is essential because writing is a competitive and crowded field that requires differentiation and value.

Writing is also a powerful and influential tool that can positively impact the world. If our work is not advocated, we might miss out on new opportunities, relationships, and insights.

But how do we turn our followers into loyal readers? How do we make them love our writing, want more of it, and get our work advocated?

TIPS: Provide value to your followers by writing content that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. Create resonance with your followers by writing content that connects with their emotions and experiences. Build interaction with your followers by responding to their comments and emails, inviting them to join your community, and obtaining their feedback. Create serendipity and synergy with your generosity and act of kindness.

Step 7 — The Joyous Dance of Generosity — How Giving Sparks Serendipity and Creates Synergy

Giving is the act of sharing our time, talent, or treasure with others without expecting anything in return. It’s the opposite of hoarding, selfishness, or greed. Giving people are more likely to experience happiness, gratitude, and fulfillment.

For writers, giving is essential because writing is a social and collaborative skill that requires connection and contribution. We need to collaborate and create synergy with serendipity. I created a writing community and mentored hundreds of writers for their growth. The more I give, the more I receive. So, find mentors and mentor others for mutual gain.

Writing is a powerful and influential tool that can positively impact the world. We might miss out on new opportunities, relationships, and insights if we don't give generously and show acts of kindness daily.

TIPS: Give to your readers by writing valuable content that meets their needs and exceeds their expectations. Give to your fellow writers by mentoring, coaching, or supporting them in their writing journey. Give to your causes to raise funds or awareness for the issues you care about. Give to yourself by celebrating your achievements and rewarding yourself for your efforts.

Final Words for Paving Pathways to Writer’s Paradise

As we wrap up our adventure in the wonderful writing world, let’s reflect on what we’ve learned. Some of us are born writers who find joy in the sheer beauty of words. But for many of us, writing is more than an art — it’s a business, a thriving career of words.

We must go beyond loyalty and create advocacy to reach the next level. We need to turn our readers into champions of our work. They will spread the word and bring more people into our tribe. We must create a legacy that will last beyond our words.

Remember, the magic of writing is not only about making money but also about making a difference. Finding joy in every reader’s journey through our stories, essays, and books is lovely and joyful.

A world of possibilities is waiting for you beyond the horizon of words. Let your readers become advocates, and watch as your writing career expands, explodes, and paints the sky with the colors of your stories.

May your pens always dance, your words always sing, and your writing journey be nothing short of a grand symphony. If you are a new writer, start your mailing list and newsletter today. If you get stuck, contact me on Slack. I will guide you.

You may check my thoughts on creative non-fiction writing. Do you want to write content to generate steady income? Do you want your stories to be boosted? If you have writer’s block, check this out. If you feel stressed and are facing burnout, here is guidance.

Here is a cautionary tale for being careful for greener pastures.

I compiled my writing and content strategy stories in a list, and I hope you may find some helpful pieces from this collection.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

You may find more optimistic and empowering stories like these on EUPHORIA, where I share my insights and life lessons. My focus is on cellular, mitochondrial, metabolic, and mental health + JOY. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

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