avatarDr. Preeti Singh


The article introduces the new Illumination integrated publication 'Readers Hope' and its founder Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, and highlights the mentoring services offered to new writers.


The article is a warm welcome to new writers from the editor's desk of the new Illumination integrated publication 'Readers Hope'. The founder of the publication, Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, is introduced as a forward-thinking and wonderful person who wants to help new writers write wonderful stories. The editor, who is also a professor, is excited to be a part of the publication and to mentor new writers. The article highlights the simple and wonderful formatting tools on Medium and the built-in community it offers. The article also features inspiring stories from other editors and mentions the challenges they faced before becoming good writers. The publication aims to transform avid readers into prolific writers using a unique method.


  • The editor believes that Medium is a built-in community and a great place for new writers to find like-minded people and wonderful articles to read.
  • The editor believes that the formatting tools on Medium are simple and wonderful, and even easier to use than Microsoft Word.
  • The editor believes that the publication offers mentoring services to help new writers write and become great writers.
  • The editor believes that the publication aims to transform avid readers into prolific writers using a unique method.
  • The editor believes that new writers should write with their heart, whether raw or polished, to reflect their love and heart for their work.


From The Editor’s Desk: A Warm Welcome To All New Writers ‘At Readers Hope’

Readers hope and we fulfill their dreams by publishing their articles

Image by the author clicked by a friend.

Introducing ‘Readers Hope’

A big warm hello from the editor's desk! New readers, I love you all and welcome you to our new Illumination integrated publication ‘Readers Hope’ founded by our energetic forward-thinking, and wonderful founder Dr. Mehmet Yildiz.

He always has new ideas bouncing in his head. This time he wants to help new writers and wants us editors along with him to help them write wonderful stories.

I have just completed one year at Medium and this is like a gift given to me. I am a professor by profession and I enjoy mentoring. I guess this is why Dr.Mehmet Yildiz asked me to be an editor of this publication.

In my one-year journey at Medium, I have learned a lot. I used to write research papers and attend several conferences around the world. I however never wrote a blog or did any writing digitally. Somehow I jump on new things without thinking.

During the pandemic, I decided to leave my full-time job and my granddaughter asked me very sweetly what I was going to do with no work. I told her “I will have more time to come and stay with her and spend more time with other people too”. Se said that I could never sit idle and what would I do when she went to school?

A young child telling me this! I immediately started a blog of mine in WordPress and failed miserably because I did not know how to build a community.

Then I joined Medium. This is a built-in community. You just have to find like-minded people and wonderful articles to read. Here I am writing blogs. I have made many friends and now it is time that I give back and help all new writers who want to write and have no guidance whatsoever to write.

I guarantee you, friends if you want to write this is the place for you: Readers Hope- A publication with a difference. A publication where we offer mentoring services to help you write.

I must add that the formatting tools on Medium are simple and wonderful. At times I find it easier to write on Medium than on Microsoft Word. One additional benefit is that Medium keeps on improving the formatting tool.

Featuring inspiring stories of other editors.

Featuring inspiring stories from the other editors I read while writing my own introduction to you.

I wanted to write about what are the things important for writing on ‘Readers Hope ‘and Carol Price had already written a beautiful guide on it in her welcome to new writers. So here I am sharing it with you again for your benefit. Every writer should find this useful. She has already started mentoring new writers.

Another esteemed editor Lawson Wallace wrote about the challenges he faced before he became a good writer. Indeed his journey towards good writing started from Illumination. Hopefully, it will give our new readers a lot of inspiration to writing on Readers Hope.

John Cunningham wrote a very inspiring piece by bringing in stories from around the world- the stories of new writers and I would like to share them with you.

Regi Brittain in his racy new style will blow your mind with his wonderful welcome. Do read and enjoy the story and you will surely like to present your raw writing to Readers Hope where we mentor you to become great writers.

Before I close I must share what our founder has in mind to start the Readers Hope publication: In Dr Mehmet Yildiz own words.

“Readers Hope is a new publication aiming to transform avid readers into prolific writers using a unique method”.

Finally, my little humble word, and I hope I inspire you- do write with your heart! Raw or polished it should reflect your love and your heart for your piece of work.

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Dew Langrial, Geetika Sethi, Carol Price, Arthur G. Hernandez, Lawson Wallace, JS Adam, John Cunningham, Regi Brittain, Editor of Technology Hits, ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curated

New Writers
Creative Writing
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