
Editor Profiles

Meet Poornima Verghese-Ram

Editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium

Photo by Artem Makarov on Pexels

Dear Subscribers,

In this post, we introduce Poornima Verghese-Ram who recently joined our editorial team of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. She supports multiple publications as a volunteer editor with great enthusiasm.

Poornima joined Medium in August 2022 to use writing as an avenue to sort through her thoughts and take her closer to clarity in her spiritual journey.

Her writing explores topics of the mind, non-duality, and existential mysteries with a strong footing on logic, science, and reality.

She writes in Medium once a week where she asks big questions and seeks simple answers from the universe.

Poornima is excited to be a part of the ILLUMINATION family and is grateful for the mentorship of Dr. Mehmet Yildiz.

She admires the publishing muscles of her fellow editors (more importantly, swept away by their warmth and friendliness) and hopes to emulate their track record someday.

She strongly believes that being meditative, blissful, content or at the very least positive and stress-free is no mean feat and it takes an enormous amount of discipline and perseverance to make these qualities a way of life and a sustaining reality.

More particularly, for her, it means struggling with her faith, renewing pacts with her inner demons, and meandering through an endless barrage of questions that challenge her beliefs.

So she writes to make sense of it all, to sieve her thoughts through a rational frame and catch whatever remains, which helps her discover, and re-discover herself.

Image by Poornima Verghese-Ram (Her private, kitchen-corner workspace where she sits with her head in her hands begging Calliope for inspiration)

Poornima’s educational background is in finance and psychology.

After a brief stint at a multinational financial corporation, she realized she preferred words more than numbers, and that encouraged her to transmigrate to business copywriting with a diploma in copywriting and professional sequence in editing.

If given a free pass for life, she would prefer staring at walls and being lost in her thoughts. But at the present time —

  • She has been strong-armed (or sweet-talked, she doesn’t remember which one) into being a part of a tech start-up that she has no business being a part of.
  • She is working on a collection of free-verse short stories based on historical events retold with a spiritual undertone from an unconventional POV (Yep! It is not supposed to make sense this early in the process)

Poornima enjoys visiting nature destinations like —

  • Hiking trails lined with tall trees and beaches with pristine waters (Door County, Wisconsin and Old Mission Penisula, MI)
  • Orange-hued mountains that soar to dizzying heights making her feel small and humble (Zion and Bryce Canyon National Parks)
  • Star-studded night skies with a clear view of the Milky Way galaxy arm (This, she would take any day over any exotic destination in the world — staring at the dusty speckle of a million stars while being awe-struck and dumbfounded is the closest she could get to experiencing God!)
Image by Adam Derewecki from Pixabay

She also enjoys reading historical fiction (Bernard Cornwell, Steven Pressfield, Mary Renault, to name a few), mysteries, and spiritual nonfiction (Rupert Spira, Adyashanti, J. Krishnamurti, and many many others).

She aspires to increase the frequency of her stories and to create her own space in Medium with like-minded writes and loyal readers.

As Poornima is relative new on Medium, we’d like to give a quick taste of her inspiring and insightful stories. Here are some of our favorite stories that has impressed us.

God — The Great Conundrum

The Myth of Enlightenment

Ramana Maharshi and his Non-ness

Is Existence an Exercise in Futility?

God/Universe Doesn’t Care About Your Prayers

Double-Slit Experiment, Consciousness, and God

Is Enlightenment an Abstract Concept or a Biological Default?

Price of Irrationality

Savants, Near-Death Experiences, and Enlightenment

Is Our Puppeteer Brain Limiting Our Consciousness?

We hope you will enjoy and find valuable insights from the stories of Poornima Verghese-Ram. It is a pleasure for us to introduce writers and editors who provide original and outstanding content on this platform.

You can contact Poornima on Illumination’s workspace.

Update on Featuring Contributors of ILLUMINATION

Collaboration and cross-pollination is our goal to bring writers and readers to one place. We are a diverse and inclusive reading and writing community on Medium. Our publications support 17,000+ writers.

We offer additional support to our writers via Illumination Slack Workspace, where writers communicate and share story links safely. Currently, our Slack group has around 14,000 members.

In addition, ILLUMINATION editors feature our writers and their content in the story and interview format.

Recently Featured Writers

We recently featured the following writers. We will continue this initiative.

An Interview with Ayodeji Awosika: Ayodeji is an educator, digital marketer, and inspiring top writer, followed by 94K readers on Medium Ayodeji Awosika

Interview with Dr. Adam Tabriz — MD: Dr. Tabriz is a physician, healthcare consultant, entrepreneur, and prolific writer on multiple platforms. Dr. ADAM TABRIZ

Meet Mark Sanford, Ph.D.: Dr. Sanford believes in introspection and self-knowledge Mark Sanford, Ph.D.

Meet Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi on Medium: Biography and an introduction to her book Darkness and Light Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Meet Gareth Willey: Top writer and editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. Gareth Willey

Meet Rob Hourmont on Medium: A top writer in health and fitness topics and a new editor of ILLUMINATION on Medium. Rob Hourmont

An Interview with Annelise Lords on Medium: An inspiring top writer, published author, and senior editor of Illumination Annelise Lords

Meet Annie Wegner on Mediu: A top writer and editor for Illumination Integrated Publications

An Interview with Mike Zillo on Medium: An engaging and informative top writer in #cryptocurrencies. Mike Zillo

Meet Don Martin: A businessman and a writer on Medium Don Martin

Meet Melinda Blau: A published author of 15 books and a prolific writer on Medium Melinda Blau

Meet Joan Gershman: Retired educator, speech therapist, English teacher, and writer Joan Gershman

Congratulations Alex Philippe for Completing 100 Day Challenge: Illumination’s 100-day challenge can increase visibility and might make you a top writer on Medium Alex Philippe

Interviews with Writers

We interviewed Lawson Wallace. You can check his interview script at this link. Dr Mehmet Yildiz, our chief editor, also interviews published authors and many writers contributing to our publications. For example, he recently interviewed a published author Keri Mangis.

You might check out interviewed writers in this collection. Interviews with Writers of Medium: Featuring inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION.

If you want to be interviewed by Dr. Yildiz or our editors, please contact him on Slack. He will be happy to coordinate it to create visibility for your profile and stories on Medium.

Writer and Editor Profiles

You may enjoy the bios of writers written with their pens. We encourage all writers to post a bio introducing themselves to our readers.

Curated Writer Bios

Collection of Editor Bios

Links to Curated Collections

You may also check our curated collections posted by ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curator, and ILLUMINATION Amplifier.

Meta Collection of Featured Stories

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Collection of Hand Picked Articles

Illumination Reading Club

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications created a reading club. All Medium members are invited. If you are not a writer for our publications yet, you may request via this weblink. We will be delighted to include you in this club.

ILLUMINATION Reading Club: Curated articles from writers of Illumination Integrated Publication for avid readers — Volume #01

Critical Documents for All Writers

Every writer of our publications needs to review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but these are non-negotiable rules.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Helpful Resources for Writers and Readers

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

How to Write Content Guaranteed to Get Views and Reads

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

8 Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience

6 Easy & Proven Tips to Increase Followers

Improving the Quality of Writing Using an Editorial Checklist

Five Questions To Increase Curation Chance and Reading Fans

7 Tips for Freelance Writers Dealing with Chronic Stress Effectively

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

What I Learned After Publishing 1,010 And Reading 100,000 Stories

The Joy of Selling 1,000+ Books In A Month With Minimal Investment

A Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers

Introduce Your Newsletters and Grow Your Mailing Lists

Science-Based Therapeutic Value of Expressive Writing for Mental Health

Storybooks and Indexing Publications

How to Survive and Thrive on Medium

Use of Affiliate Links On Medium

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

Short-Form Stories Not For Income But For Visibility.

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Invitation To A Writing Challenge


How Writers Can Use YouTube Creatively and Productively

Yes, We Accept Short-Form Stories

What Readers Want to Hear vs What They Really Need to Know

Invitation to New Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link.

We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers can monetize self-published content.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications include:

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming ILLUMINATION’s Blog EUPHORIA by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Self Improvement
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