
Writer Interviews

An Interview with Mike Zillo on Medium

An engaging and informative top writer in #cryptocurrencies.

Dear Writers and Readers,

In this post, we share an interview that we conducted with Mike Zillo.

He is a top writer, Cryptocurrency professional, and Tokenomics expert, contributing to Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium.

We hope you will enjoy this engaging interview and follow Michele to benefit insights from his specialized and valuable content on Medium and other platforms.

Tell us a bit about your background, Michele.

I am a chemical engineer by education and a cryptocurrency professional by inspiration. I started working in the cryptocurrency field in 2017 with small trades in the market.

In 2018 I decided to move forward towards Cryptocurrency integration into companies, going deep into applications for traditional companies and building up businesses natively growing in the cryptocurrency space in the forms of Web3, Metaverses, and Exchanges.

I am a man, advisor, entrepreneur, husband, free thinker, yoga student, and evolving soul.

Why did you join Medium?

I joined Medium in 2018 with a paid membership because I felt good about staying updated on several aspects through Medium, reading merged news with the interpretation of experts.

I always considered Medium an elite place where real experts could emerge. And that is why in the first quarter of 2022, I decided to join

Medium as a Writer as well, to start sharing my perspectives and building awareness of my professionalism and working expertise.

What are your core values as a writer?

I do not define myself as a journalist. I like writing about things I like, enjoy, and know deeply.

Anyway, when I write, I try not to simply copy-paste happenings, but I try to give my perspective and food for thought to the readers.

My approach to writing and teamwork as well is always to induce the other people/readers to make their ideas using my inputs, which are often not aimed to influence people’s opinions.

How do you connect with your readers?

Readers can reach me on Linkedin and Twitter. I usually revert within a few hours. I also respond to comments on my stories and ask for clarification when required.

What are three books affecting your life?

Zero Limits, Joe Vitale.

This is the story of Ihaleakala Hew Len, with the Ho’oponopono method to treat diseases and other life problems just by taking full responsibility for what is happening.

From a holistic perspective, assuming responsibility is like accepting even bad things and using them as a tool to improve ourselves and grow as human beings.

Proof of heaven, Eben Alexander.

This book inspired me to be with a deep After-death experience. Thinking of such an experience makes me still wonder about the sense of our presence on Earth and if our life is just a matter of birth, growth, work, die. This makes me think of life from a whole new perspective, as a progressive evolution of humankind, but spiritually and energetically.

Never Split the Difference. Negotiating as if your life depended on it, Chris Voss.

This book was the first one I read about negotiation, and it inspired me about how a 50–50 solution is often not satisfactory for both parties. Beyond strategy, I understood the importance of listening to understand the real objection or preconception of the counter-party, making me a more listening person.

Tell us about your hobbies.

I like reading books about business development and spiritual and personal growth in my spare time. I usually do it in the early morning, just after breakfast.

In 2009 I started playing wheelchair basketball even though I am able-bodied, thanks to the inspiration from one roommate from College. I have been playing since then, and now I am also coaching a wheelchair basketball team from the city I live in.

Last but not least, I am actively practicing Yoga, which is a great tool to keep the body fit, and flexible and the mind relaxed!

Why did you join ILLUMINATION, and how did you find it so far?

I noticed from the very beginning that the Illumination Editorial team was focused on the quality of content for their readers.

The Editorial Team is active in first person as writers on Medium, meaning that they are involved in writing, and each of them has a specific niche.

I then noticed that my approach to the cryptocurrency space could be something valuable to Illumination and that is why I decided to apply to become a writer for Illumination.

I enjoy my experience and look forward to growing my audience.

Who are the writers you follow on ILLUMINATION?

I like a lot the content from Dr Mehmet Yildiz and Jussi Luukkonen, MBA. From what they write, it’s crystal clear to me that they have a huge background, and they write simply on their experience. I appreciate how easy it is for them to transmit concepts, knowledge, and points of view with no conflicts. I discover new writers each day.

What are the top 10 article tags that you use?

The top tags I use are: Finance, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, Education, Play2Earn, Learn2Earn. Maybe they are not ten, but they are the TOP Tags I use 😊

Please introduce a few of the stories you want to share with your audience.

The first one is from Illumination, and it is about a nice Learn2Earn project I am currently working on as a Strategy Advisor. Incentives for Learners and meritocratic plans for Creators as well!

The second is this about Tokenomics: a brief explanation about what kind of evaluation I usually do when performing Tokenomics analysis and design. Feel free to use it to evaluate other Projects’ Tokenomics

The third is about freedom of speech which is something I truly care about. Information is not always free, and it is often censored when someone tries to express thoughts that are not aligned with the mass media’s perspectives.

What are the success factors for you as a writer on Medium?

I write to transmit experience, knowledge, and point of view.

My key Success Factor is getting to know that people really appreciate, understand, and improve themselves with my content.

“Write to share your experience bag, not to brag” Mike Zillo

Any recommendations for new writers contributing to ILLUMINATION?

Do not join Publications just to get exposure. Join Publications when you feel you have something worth sharing and publishing in a Publications.

Illumination has professional Editors willing to help new writers and monitor the quality of content. So we should help them avoid time losses and share insightful content.

Besides, Illumination will provide you the space to share alternative contents and alternative points of view. So make sure you will deserve it!

How do you see your future as a writer?

I started at Elementary school, where my writing (Italian) teacher told me that writing was not for me.

This ended up a few years ago, starting blogging and writing as a passion and building my brand. I have already done some paid writing for crypto companies.

In the future, I would love for this passion would be even more profitable thanks to new customers AND reach a broader audience to share my day-by-day growing experience. Many thanks to Illumination team for amplifying my stories.

Many thanks for sharing your thoughts and experience, Mike Zillo. We are grateful for your contributions to this platform, readers, writers, editors, and our publications. We wish you the best in your journey.

More interviews are coming soon. Stay tuned! We interviewed many writers. You might read them in the following collection.

If you are a writer on ILLUMINATION and would like to be interviewed, please get in touch with our chief editor Dr. Mehmet Yildiz on Slack workspace or send a request via this link with the title of “Interview Request.”

Writer Bios from Their Pen

You might check the bios of our writers from the attached collections. Our readers enjoy meeting new writers, so please introduce yourself in a story.

Curated Writer Bios: Learn about contributing writers of ILLUMINATION written by their pen

Discover ILLUMINATION Writers: BIOs of writers from their pen

Individual Publications by Writers

Our goal is to help writers grow their audience by introducing them to avid readers on Medium and other platforms while offering enjoyable stories to our readers. We believe you will find valuable content in these featured writer collections.

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Meet Editors of Illumination Integrated Publications

You may meet our editors compiled in this collection.

Amplifying Invisible Stories

As part of this series titled Let’s Make Invisible Stories Visible, ILLUMINATION-Curator also introduces stories of our writers. Here are recent samples.

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Featured Writers

We recently featured the following writers. We will continue this initiative. Please nominate yourself to our editors on the Slack workspace.

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Meet Rob Hourmont on Medium: A top writer in health and fitness topics and a new editor of ILLUMINATION on Medium. Rob Hourmont

Meet Don Martin: A businessman and a writer on Medium Don Martin

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Meet Melinda Blau: A published author of 15 books and a prolific writer on Medium Melinda Blau

Meet Joan Gershman: Retired educator, speech therapist, English teacher, and writer Joan Gershman

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Links to Curated Collections

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Meta Collection of Featured Stories

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Collection of Hand Picked Articles

Illumination Reading Club

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We will be delighted to include you in this club.

ILLUMINATION Reading Club: Curated articles from writers of Illumination Integrated Publication for avid readers — Volume #01

Critical Documents for All Writers

Every writer of our publications needs to review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but these are non-negotiable rules.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Use of Affiliate Links On Medium

Writing Challenges and Prompts

Invitation to aWriting Challenge

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Helpful Resources for Writers and Readers

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

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How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

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Five Tips to Become a Prolific Writer Despite Full-Time Work

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