
The website content introduces Joan Gershman, a retired educator and writer known for her diverse storytelling on Medium, with a particular focus on topics like love, inspiration, mental health, and personal experiences.


Joan Gershman is a seasoned writer who has recently gained visibility on Medium, contributing stories on a wide range of subjects including love, nature, and her experiences as a widow. With a background as an educator, speech therapist, and English teacher, Joan has also developed websites such as "The Alzheimers Spouse" and "Talk Time with Joan," where she shares insights and personal stories. Her work has been recognized on various platforms, and she has been featured in interviews and collections within the Medium community. The content also highlights the collaborative and supportive environment fostered by ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications, which includes a reading club and resources for writers and readers.


  • Joan Gershman is recognized for her extensive writing experience, particularly in the realm of mental health and Alzheimer's disease.
  • The writer's personal stories, such as those about her late husband and her journey through grief, are highlighted as engaging and emotionally resonant.

Featured Writers on Medium

Meet Joan Gershman

Retired educator, speech therapist, English teacher, and writer

Photo courtesy of Joan Gershman

Dear Readers and Writers,

In this post, we introduce Joan Gershman, a retired educator, speech therapist, English teacher, and writer with many years of experience. Our goal is to introduce engaging stories of this experienced writer.

Joan is a new writer on Medium but she is not new to writing. She covers numerous topics in her stories.

For example, she writes long and short stories about love, inspiration, dogs, nature, customer service, how-to articles, fitness, health, mental health, and life as a widow.

Her mental health stories have a specific focus on Alzheimer’s disease. She has a website called The Alzheimers Spouse.

Joan has started writing in Providence Journal (Providence, Rhode Island) columnist. It was weekly high school news.

Then she worked as a developer and writer for her award-winning website, The Alzheimers Spouse.

This site is for support and information unique to spouses of Alzheimer’s patients. It was active during her husband’s battle with Alzheimer’s Disease. She wrote over 800 blog posts on this site.

Joan also developed another website called Talk Time with Joan. On this site, she writes whimsical stories about her everyday life.

She also contributed to various sites and forums like DC Alzheimer’s Forum, NBC News, Newswire, and the Caregivers Voice.

Here are sample stories Joan posted to these sites.

4 Time Florida Delegate to Washington, DC Alzheimer’s Forum

NBC News — Faces of Caregivers — Scroll to 2nd story



Joan joined Vocal Media as a writer. Her stories gained significant visibility. She became a finalist in the fiction writing challenge.

Serendipitously, Joan found Medium in February 2022. She joined Illumination Integrated publications as a new writer. We loved her stories in Illumination, Illumination-Curated, and Illumination’s Mirror.

In this post, we selected some of her interesting stories to give the readers a quick taste. We hope you enjoy them as much as we do.

Selected Stories of Joan Gershman

The Fog of Grief — Writing My Husband’s Eulogy

Every Girl Needs A Johnny Castle Once in Her Life — My Dirty Dancing Summer

Freshman Hickie Course 101

The Life Lessons I Learned From My Quadriplegic Cousin -Inspired by a Life of Tragedy and Triumph

Guilt is the Price Tag of My Success

The Life That Led Me to Bariatric Surgery — Part 1 -Too Fat to Fit

The Road to Bariatric Surgery — Full of Potholes

My Senior Online Dating Saga- Avoiding a Serial Killer

How an Idea of Buying a $500 Couch Snowballed into a $4000 Remodeling Adventure — A Widow’s…

The Treasure in the Attic — A Priceless Find


Thank you for reading stories of Joan Gershman and following her account.

You can contact Joan on Illumination’s Slack Workspace for collaboration.

Joan is also on Twitter. So, you can follow her tweets.

Update on Featuring Contributors of ILLUMINATION

Collaboration and cross-pollination is our goal to bring writers and readers to one place. We are a diverse and inclusive reading and writing community on Medium. Our publications support 15,000 writers.

We offer additional support to our writers via Illumination Slack Workspace where writers communicate and share story links safely. Currently, our Slack group has around 12,000 members.

In addition, ILLUMINATION editors feature our writers and their content in story and interview format.

Featured Writers

We recently featured the following writers. We will continue this initiative.

Meet Don Martin: A businessman and a writer on Medium Don Martin

Meet Cliff Hightower: A journalist, novelist, writer, blogger, and poet on Medium Cliff Hightower

Meet Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi on Medium: Biography and an introduction to her book Darkness and Light Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Meet Melinda Blau: A published author of 15 books and a prolific writer on Medium Melinda Blau

Interviews with Writers

We interviewed Lawson Wallace. You can check his interview script at this link

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, our chief editor also interviews published authors and many writers contributing to our publications. For example, he recently interviewed a published author Keri Mangis.

You might check out interviewed writers in this collection.

Writer and Editor Profiles

You may enjoy bios of writers written by their pens. We encourage all writers to post a bio introducing themselves to our readers.

You might also check out out profiles of editor compiled by ILLUMINATION-Curator

Links to Curated Collections

You may also check our curated collections posted by ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curator, and ILLUMINATION Amplifier.

Illumination Reading Club

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications created a reading club. All Medium members are invited. If you are not a writer for our publications yet, you may request via this weblink. We will be delighted to include you in this club.

Helpful Resources for Writers and Readers

Master Copy: Onboarding New Writers

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Curated Writer Bios

Meta Collection of Featured Stories

Featured Stories by Editors on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Collection of Hand Picked Articles


Why Writers Need Personal Publications

Invitation to New Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories and writers can monetize self-published content.

Mental Health
Self Improvement
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