
Featured Writers and Editors

Meet Rob Hourmont on Medium

A top writer in health and fitness topics and a new editor of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium.

Image Courtesy of Rob Hourmont

Purpose of the Story

Dear Readers and Writers,

This post introduces a top writer Rob Hourmont who recently joined the editorial team of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications as a senior editor. Rob is a published author with many years of writing, editing, and consulting skills, which we briefly introduce in this post.

Health and Fitness Experience

Let’s start with his remarkable achievements as an elite athlete. Rob Hourmont, as documented in Wikipedia, is a former World Cup and Olympic Ski Racer from the United Kingdom. He was the youngest ever British Senior Slalom Champion in 1985 at age 15.

Rob went on to win several Junior and Senior British Ski Championships. He qualified to compete in the 1988 Winter Olympics at 18 — he finished 21st in Slalom from a field of 120 competitors.

Rob was ranked in the world’s top 30 in 1990 as his skiing career ended abruptly due to a training accident, causing severe knee damage. Despite his injury, Rob continued to work on his athletic performance. He rebuilt his knee and leg strength and could ski recreationally again.

Rob’s many years as a professional athlete and recovery from injury have equipped him with in-depth knowledge of sports, fitness training, nutrition, movement, and recovery therapy.

In 2016, Rob’s right knee finally gave in and had to be replaced with a full-titanium prosthesis. At this time, Rob discovered the “Keto Lifestyle,” to which he adjusted his path immediately.

He began to study the subject intensively and completed the Primal Health Coach Institute course in record time.

He experimented on his body to see what exercises would work best using his body as his gym. He began to experiment with food, sourced his food locally and organically, and cooked for himself instead of eating out.

The results were dramatic. Within three months, Rob lost 60 lbs of excess weight, built lean muscle, and became overall healthy, full of energy and positivity.

Travel, Education, and Work Experience

During 2018 and 2019, Rob traveled to Bali, Indonesia, where he continued experimenting with food and exercise and created his unique movement routines.

Using his methods, Rob has personally coached over 300 clients to lose weight, gain lean muscle, and re-build confidence and a positive mindset.

During this time, Rob studied and completed his online MBA (Master of Business Administration) from The University of Cumbria, UK.

Writing Experience

Rob’s passion is health, nutrition, fitness, and, above all, today, writing. Rob has been writing professionally about his passions since 2019.

He’s a Top Writer on Medium in Food, Health, Life, Life Lessons, and Self-Improvement topics.

Rob dismantles the food industry for what it is, making people unhealthy and overweight. He talks about the no-nonsense truth on health, food, fitness, lifestyle, and wellness.

Working out, losing weight, and becoming fit are something everyone can do. So, Rob shows how easy it is with his simplistic yet highly efficient and effective nutritional plans and workout methods.

Rob authored two books. The first one is titled The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health. The second one is The Ultimate Bodyweight Workout Bible.

In addition, you can find all of Rob’s workouts in his articles on his website.

Rob is a prolific writer on Medium. He posted many stories to Illumination Integrated Publications and many other publications on Medium.

I selected a few as listed below to give you a quick taste of his stories. We hope you enjoy reading them on Medium.

Selected Stories

Here Is My Secret To Why I Don’t Have To Work Out Much To Maintain a Lean and Fit Body

Your Body Is No Different To Mine — Everyone’s Body Has The Same Biological Make-Up

Fifteen Thousand Steps A Day Keeps The Doctor Away!

This One 45-Minute Easy-Going Daily Exercise Routine Will Keep You Lean And Fit For Life

Eggs Are a Superfood — They Only Make Your Body Stronger and Your Mind Sharper

The Alarming Rise Of Anger, Narcissism, And Shocking Decline In People’s Mental Health

Being In Ketosis Does Not Make You Lose The Belly Fat — Fat Does!

Working Out Different Muscle Groups Daily Is a Waste of Time and Bad For Your Health

What’s Your Take On Old Men Marrying Young Women?

Here’s The Truth About The Keto-Carnivore Diet — Why It’s Best For Your Body, Mind, And The Planet

30-Minutes of Exercise a Day Will Shred You In No Time

The Old-School Nutritionist is Dead — Don’t Listen to Their Advice

Why Is Dating So Bloody Hard These Days?

Do You Want To Look Young, Fresh, and Have a Slim, Lean Body Again?

Do You Have A Fat and Bloated Beer Belly?

Are You Trying to Live Healthy, Lose Fat, and Build Muscle, But Your Body and Mind Are Failing?

Leaving The USA To Live in a Tropical Country Was The Best Decision I Made

The Best Diet in the World For You to Become Lean and Muscular

Long Live Meat and Alcohol

Here’s How I Mix Up My Body Movements To Keep Me Lean, Focused, And Sharp

Thank you for reading Rob’s inspiring stories.

Selected Photos

Rob generously shares his photos on Medium and social media to inspire his followers and readers. We selected a few photos to introduce him to readers on Medium.

Standing posture

Image Courtesy of Rob Hourmont

Before and after his physical transformation

Image Courtesy of Rob Hourmont

Showing and inspiring headstand, which is his favorite position

Image Courtesy of Rob Hourmont

An artistic photo depicting his jumping skills.

Image Courtesy of Rob Hourmont

Contact Details

Rob Hourmont on Medium.com

Rob Hourmont on NewsBreak

Rob Hourmonts on Twitter

Website: www.RobsHealthCrunch.com

E-Book: The Ultimate Guide to Weight Loss, Fitness, and Health

Update on Featuring Contributors of ILLUMINATION

Collaboration and cross-pollination is our goal to bring writers and readers to one place. We are a diverse and inclusive reading and writing community on Medium. Our publications support 15,500 writers.

We offer additional support to our writers via Illumination Slack Workspace where writers communicate and share story links safely. Currently, our Slack group has around 12,800 members.

In addition, ILLUMINATION editors feature our writers and their content in the story and interview format.

Featured Writers

We recently featured the following writers. We will continue this initiative.

Meet Don Martin: A businessman and a writer on Medium Don Martin

Meet Dr. Gabriella Kőrösi on Medium: Biography and an introduction to her book Darkness and Light Lady Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Meet Melinda Blau: A published author of 15 books and a prolific writer on Medium Melinda Blau

Meet Joan Gershman: Retired educator, speech therapist, English teacher, and writer Joan Gershman

Congratulations Alex Philippe for Completing 100 Day Challenge: Illumination’s 100-day challenge can increase visibility and might make you a top writer on Medium Alex Philippe

Interviews with Writers

We interviewed Lawson Wallace. You can check his interview script at this link. Dr Mehmet Yildiz, our chief editor, also interviews published authors and many writers contributing to our publications. For example, he recently interviewed a published author Keri Mangis. You might check out interviewed writers in this collection. Interviews with Writers of Medium: Featuring inspiring writers of ILLUMINATION

Writer and Editor Profiles

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Curated Writer Bios

Collection of Editor Bios

Links to Curated Collections

You may also check our curated collections posted by ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION-Curator, and ILLUMINATION Amplifier.

Meta Collection of Featured Stories

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Collection of Hand Picked Articles

Illumination Reading Club

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications created a reading club. All Medium members are invited. If you are not a writer for our publications yet, you may request via this weblink. We will be delighted to include you in this club.

ILLUMINATION Reading Club: Curated articles from writers of Illumination Integrated Publication for avid readers — Volume #01

Critical Documents for All Writers

Every writer of our publications needs to review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but these are non-negotiable rules.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Helpful Resources for Writers and Readers

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

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Invitation to New Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link.

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If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers can monetize self-published content.

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