
Editor Profiles

Meet Lanu Pitan

Senior editor of Illumination Integrated Publications

Photo Courtesy of Lanu Pitan

This post introduces Lanu Pitan, senior and consulting editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. Lanu is an avid reader and top writer in multiple categories.

Although Lanu was married, she preferred to retain her maiden name simply because, at a time, she did not have the time to normalize the legal process for a change of name. And the marriage did not last, so she continues to bear her maiden name, which she loves so much. Her name means ‘God is merciful’.

She is a twin, and her other twin died at birth. She was almost at the point of death, too but was saved, hence her name.

Lanu believes that there is no reason to doubt anyone has been her principle until the person proved himself wrong. She does not believe people deliberately tell lies, and she gets upset when she discovers they do. However, she still trusts people and continues to do so because that is how she wants to live her life. She wants to believe in the goodness and positivity of all.

She is an introvert, exceptionally loving her own company. She hardly watches TV, or films, although she loves documentaries and real-life programs. She is very curious and reads widely, but mainly non-fiction. Her love of reading brought her to Medium. She reads for a while before deciding to start writing. She has already authored a book before joining Medium.

Lanu was the first reader who left constructive feedback on articles of Dr Mehmet Yildiz. They connected via that serendipitous encounter. Since then, they have collaborated. Lanu joined Illumination as a writer and editor. She reviews articles, publishes them promptly, and always leaves positive feedback to writers. She is an ideal editor aligning the values of Illumination.

Lanu loves her life of challenges. There is no other way to learn in her belief. Hence, she plans to write her life story as fiction but doesn’t know whether to use a ghostwriter to quicken it. She will love feedback regarding this point.

She feels blessed to have discovered the platform because it reinforces her belief in the goodness of people. She made so many friends across the globe, although few have been rude and nasty in their comments. Overall there’s love and learning on the platform, and that is what she wants to focus upon.

She always tries to add KICKER in her editing job because she believes it will aid distribution and get more exposure.

Some people emphasize the evil of social media, but it depends on what you use it for. Her experience has been positive.

“Trust The Person Who is Leading” has always been her mantra

In addition to being an avid reader, Lanu is also a prolific writer. We want to share a few of her stories to give you a quick taste.

Six Mindset Tools That Can Transform Your Life

Is Your New Year Resolution To Find True Love?

Start Saving Early For A Comfortable Retirement

Essential Foods & Nutrients For A Healthy Brain

The Mistake Of Holding On When It Is Time To Let Go

The Laboratory Of Your Experience Is Pivotal

Get Over Your Victim Mentality

Let’s Start The New Year Strong

What Will 2022 Offer You?

The Intuitive Sensing

Love Came Down At Christmas

Are Dark Chocolate Good As People Say?

Bring Men Back To The Home

Beware Of The Trap Of A Bargain

Six Essential Benefits Of Regular Check-ups

A Holistic Approach To Pest Control

The Biggest Waste Of Time Is In Any Argument.

Top 10 Lifestyle Habits that Are Worth Cultivating

We hope you enjoy these engaging stories of Lanu Pitan. You can find more stories from her on ILLUMINATION and many other publications on Medium. You can contact Lanu on Illumination Slack workspace.

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