

This context is about the announcement of the second edition of the Illumination Reading Club, featuring a collection of curated articles from writers of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium, along with guidelines and resources for new writers.


The Illumination Reading Club has announced its second edition, featuring a collection of curated articles from writers of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. The initiative aims to increase views and reading times for contributors and provide a platform for collaboration and cross-pollination of writers and readers. The club encourages writers to engage with each other's stories and nominate their favorite stories in the #featured channel on Slack workspace. The announcement also includes resources and guidelines for new writers, such as the Master Copy: Onboarding New Writers, and conduct policies.


  • The Illumination Reading Club aims to increase views and reading times for contributors by curating articles from writers of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium.
  • The club encourages collaboration and cross-pollination of writers and readers by providing a platform for engagement and nomination of favorite stories.
  • The announcement includes resources and guidelines for new writers, such as the Master Copy: Onboarding New Writers, and conduct policies.
  • The club aims to promote diversity and inclusivity by supporting 19K+ writers and providing curated reading options for valued readers.
  • The club emphasizes the importance of following Medium's distribution guidelines and has zero tolerance for plagiarism, defamation, discrimination, and hate speech.
  • The club encourages writers to create visibility for their profiles and stories by engaging with each other's stories and nominating their favorite stories in the #featured channel on Slack workspace.
  • The announcement includes a list of helpful references and guides for new writers, such as the Essential Checklist for Writers and Bloggers, How to Write Content Guaranteed to Get Views and Reads, and 8 Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience.


ILLUMINATION Reading Club #2

Curated articles from writers of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium for avid readers

Photo by Nicole Berro from Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

In 2022 we created an initiative called Reading Club for Members, but due to our hectic workload, we couldn’t promote it as much as we desired. Considering the dropping views informed by writers, we want to re-activate this initiative and create more views and reading times for our contributors.

Today, we selected some engaging and educative stories from our unique publication Illumination-Curated, supporting experienced writers to give a quick taste to our new readers.

If you have published several posts on Illumination or our other publications and follow Medium’s distribution guidelines, you can join Illumination-Curated as a writer. Details are in the attached story.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications are diverse and inclusive, supporting 19K+ writers. Our goal is to give curated reading options to valued readers and to help the writers build their audience by creating visibility for their profiles and stories. We also blog our curated lists.

We encourage collaboration via our Slack Workspace by cross-pollinating all levels of writers with readers of many topics. You can share the links of your stories in a channel titled:

Please engage with the stories of other writers and nominate your favorite stories of other writers in the channel called #featured on Slack workspace with a brief explanation for nomination.

Our editors compile collections regularly. For example, ILLUMINATION editors recently posted a new collection titled Curated Collection #139, and the ILLUMINATION Amplifier team posted Hand-Picked Articles — 2023 #25. Here are other curated collections from our publications

Featured Stories from SYNERGY

Curated Book Chapters of Illumination #01

Tech Stories on Technology Hits #5

Outstanding Stories — Volume 89 from Illumination-Curated

Curated Video Stories on Medium from Illumination Videos and Podcasts

10 Inspiring Stories Published on Illumination Gaming Publication Recently

New writers, please review Master Copy: Onboarding New Writers before submitting your stories. We look forward to them. Please also review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but these are non-negotiable rules.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Please explore and enjoy these chosen stories from our vast collection.

Chosen Stories for ILLUMINATION Reading Club

Here’s How Mastering Procedural Memory Can Take Your Writing to the Next Level. Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Why Hope Isn’t All It’s Cracked Up to be David Gerken

Most Unromantic Things About America, According To My Danish Husband Anastasia Frugaard

The Red State Murder Problem Hoax Brian E. Wish, PhD

My Journey into The Past Dr Michael Heng

A Periodic Vision Statement Revision Is The Guiding Light Of Successful Medical Practice In 2023 Dr. ADAM TABRIZ

Creating an Innovative Culture Dr. David Martin

Flying Wing Aircraft Trends. Dr John Frederick Rose

Signs That Someone No Longer Cares About You Dr. Deborah M. Vereen

Why You Shouldn’t Rely Solely on Chat GPT for Your Scientific Papers Dr Prashanth Panta

The Broken Plate Teaches Life’s Lessons: Learnings From Alexander The Great Dr. Preeti Singh

Business Opportunities in the Golden Age of Mass Shootings Michael Burg, MD (Satire Sommelier)

Make Up Your Damn Mind! Martha Manning, Ph.D.

You’re shelving your books wrong wrong wrong! Britni Pepper

How to Be an Influential Writer — 33 Insights from a Pro Desiree Driesenaar

Top 20 Movies Gamers Might Love Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

The Last Swim I Had With My Sister Rebecca Romanelli

Apparently I died on July 17, 2016 Peter Ling

My Brother Loved Morocco, I Couldn’t Bring Myself To Visit It After He Died Rebecca Stevens A.

3 Unexpected Lessons from My (Failed) High-Carbohydrate Diet Experiment Nicole Linke

To Every Leader Around The World Paul Myers MBA

Happy Kwanzaa — Nia EP McKnight, MEd

Want To Be Super Healthy And Super Chill? Erin King

100 Genuine Ways to Live a Better Life This Year. Genuinely. Emily Wilcox

Death is a Reminder That Time is Finite AJ Krow

Four types of people in the world Bill Abbate

Luxury Lives in Washington, D.C. Douglas Pilarski

I Make Resolutions Every Day. I Don’t Wait for the New Year. A Nkeonye Judith Izuka-Aguocha

The ‘Glass Onion’ Knows More about Your Inadequacies Than You Think Andrew Jazprose Hill

A List of My Most Read Stories in 2022 Anne Bonfert

How to Put Profits First Anthony Signorelli

What We Lose If We Lose The Colorado River: A Travelogue Arthur Keith

If You Knew How Fast You Can Heal, Lose the Body Fat, and Feel Great, You’d Be Banging Your Head… Rob Hourmont

Three Effective Ways to Control Your Hunger Hormones Maria Cross

Getting Yet Another Last Minute Invite Aza Y. Alam

How Microsoft Tried to Lock Out Web Browser Competitors Barry Silverstein

Verified Charities for Earthquake Relief Bashar Salame, D.C

Why doing the “boring stuff” works in business Ben Copy

MSN Comment Rejected — Why? Bill Myers

How to Avoid Self-Sabotage in Your Writing Jennifer Geer

Was it a Miracle? Bob Jasper

Insider Advice From An Editor Tree Langdon

Everything You Experience Can Have a Positive Impact On You Borut

Almost Killed and Nobody Cared Brian Dickens Barrabee

Hippies, Wisdom, Springsteen, Dylan, and You. Brooklyn Muse (editor)

Blog Posts Do Nothing To Solve Any of the World’s Problems George J. Ziogas

Shocking News — CEO of South Africa’s Electricity Utility Survives Murder Attempt Caroline de Braganza


17 Subtle Signs You’re a Starseed Crystal Jackson

Saying Goodbye to the Year 2022 and Ringing in the New Year Debbie's Reflection

We Are All Born Right-Handed Deborah Barchi

The Good Soul Waits America Zed⚡

Boomers Have a Message For You Before We Kick the Bucket Debra Groves Harman, MEd

How To Exercise Corporate Savvy-ness in a Remote Work Setting Dennis De Silva

The Owl and the Pussycat Duncan Klein

I Quit Medium for 18 Months; This is What I Learned Ella

The Message Is To NOT Give Up Floyd Mori

Waiting for the Night Frank Moone

Light & Consciousness [3] Frank Ontario

Uninstalling This App Turned Out to Be Detrimental to My Health Gareth Willey

Why ChatGPT is Dumb and Fooled by Easy Patterns Isaiah McCall

Why Do Airlines Get Away With This? Harlan Brothers

Why We All Lose in the Culture War James Jordan

Clap up to and Including 50 Times per Story. Jarrett Wilson

Let’s Decolonize our Brain Jean Carfantan

How to Convert Your Article into a Profitable Course Jeff the Content Profit Coach

A Millennial Korean Upbringing Jess Eunse

4 Encouraging Strategies I Used After a Break Jessie Vee

Expanding My Footprint Jill Ebstein

Life “Ain’t” Fair -Learning to Turn “Why Me?” into a Positive Experience Joan Gershman

The Slow Creep of Inflation or The Allegory of the Frog in Boiling Water Joe Luca

Becoming a Travel Writer is an Adventure John M Dabbs

Stuck ~ In Limbo, Out Of Work, & In A Slump Judy Musgrove

Goodbye, Redux Julia E Hubbel

Short Cuts for New Medium Writers Julius Evans

“The Power of Deep Work: How to Achieve Laser-Like Focus and Boost Your Productivity” Karthick Nambi

Begin, Began, Be done, Crushing Procrastination Kevin Farran

Has Black Lives Matter Movement Changed Anything? Krishna V Chaudhary

The Third Front in Russia’s War to Erase Ukraine: You Lester Golden

Not Just a Trifle Linda Osipow ~ Crazy, Almost Old Farm Wife

Remembering My Senior Cat Spot Lucia Siochi

The Beginnings of Grief: Getting Through Martha Manning, Ph.D.

The Most Unforgettable Character I Ever Met Martin D. Hirsch

How to Deal With a Broken Heart Martin Vidal

I Began To Fall: Always Look Before You Leap May More 💜 Tales

Celebrating One Year Sober Melissa Raise

Confessions of a Recovering Christian Nationalist (Part 2) Michael Hollifield

Are Medium Followers Important? Molly Freytag

Love in the Age of Dating Apps Can Be Fatal in India Napoleon

“Justice” and Kavanaugh Penofgold

Where did ChatGPT get its knowledge? René Junge

How Plants Say Ouch! Rich Sobel

InCubation Robert Trakofler

(12 of 12): ‘10,000 Instructors in Christ’ vs. Very Few ‘Fathers of the Gospel’ Called by God Roger Himes Esquire

Guard Your Heart, But Don’t Isolate It Rosennab

Kissing the Frog Ruth Smith

Neuroplasticity: The Secret to a New You Segun Ojediran, MSc

In Session (22) Shadowgnosis

Can’t Find your Motivation Sherrie Hurd Hyatt

Top 5 TV Series from Netflix in 2022 Stephen Dalton

The Weak Shall Inherit The Earth Steve QJ

IFF Research Sumera Rizwan

Old Photo Revival Project: Street Photographs in Bangladesh, Part III Suntonu Bhadra

Had a Negative Covid Test? Nose Swabs Are Unreliable — Try a Throat Swab Susie Kearley

Watch Your Anxiety! tarun bhatt

Keeping His Name TDO Timothy

Worthy Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.

Russ and the Magic Bus Tim Ebl

The Hard Truth Why You Need to be Like Tom Brady as a Writer Tom Handy

My Brush With Greatness Tom Hanratty

My Leadership Challenge In 2022 Prepared Me for 2023 Toni Crowe

Love Thy Neighbor, But Don’t Judge Them! Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh

What Kind of an Actor Are You in Your Own Film? Ugur Akinci

Guilt and Fear are Utilized by Others to Put You Down Utpal Kumar

AI is Not the Enemy Vanessa Robinson

Revolutionizing Note-Taking — How ‘Craft’ is Changing the Game Over Evernote and Notion wordsmithwriter

How Writers and Bloggers Transition to Become Published Authors ILLUMINATION-Curator

Thank you for reviewing these selected stories.

We hope you find some valuable pieces. Please leave a comment with your feedback on this initiative. Please also remember to join Slack and share your stories to create visibility.

Helpful References for New Writers

Essential Checklist for Writers and Bloggers

How to Write Content Guaranteed to Get Views and Reads

8 Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience

6 Easy & Proven Tips to Increase Followers

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

Improve the Quality of Writing Using an Editorial Checklist

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

7 Tips for Freelance Writers Dealing with Chronic Stress Effectively

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

What I Learned After Publishing 1,010 And Reading 100,000 Stories

The Joy of Selling 1,000+ Books In A Month With Minimal Investment

Introduce Your Newsletters and Grow Your Mailing Lists

Five Questions To Increase Curation Chance and Reading Fans

A Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers

Science-Based Therapeutic Value of Expressive Writing for Mental Health

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

Storybooks and Indexing Publications

How to Survive and Thrive on Medium

Use of Affiliate Links On Medium

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

Short-Form Stories Not For Income But For Visibility.

How to Turn Cold Calls to Warm Outcomes


How Writers Can Use YouTube Creatively and Productively

Yes, We Accept Short-Form Stories

What Readers Want to Hear vs What They Really Need to Know

New Year Updates from Illumination Editorial Team

Helpful Guides for All Contributors

Master Copy: Onboarding New Writers

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Collection of Editor Bios

Introducing Writers Bios

Curated Writer Bios

Invitation to ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Invitation: Join ILLUMINATION Gaming Publication as a Writer

Invitation to Write for ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts Publication

Updates from Euphoria by Dr Yildiz, owner of our publications

I Write about Health as It Matters.

Updates and Highlights from Euphoria Publication on Medium

Invitation to ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Invitation to ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Invitation to Write for ILLUMINATION on YouTube Publication

Invitation to Write for ILLUMINATION on YouTube Publication

Invitation: Join ILLUMINATION Gaming Publication as a Writer

Invitation: Join ILLUMINATION Gaming Publication as a Writer

Publications by Our Writers on Medium

Why Writers Need Personal Publications


Invitation to Potential Writers and Members

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories, and writers can monetize self-published content.

You can subscribe to our editorial team to receive newsletters and curated lists. Here is the link https://medium.com/subscribe/@illumination

Thank you for your support and contributions. We look forward to reading, publishing, and promoting your stories.

Writers can directly contact Dr. Yildiz and other editors on the ILLUMINATION Slack workspace when they need help or if their stories get delayed for more than 48 hours.

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications include:

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming ILLUMINATION’s Blog EUPHORIA by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

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