avatarAiden (Illumination Gaming)


The context is an invitation for writers, bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters to join the Illumination Videos and Podcasts publication on Medium, aiming to bridge the gap between the powerful platforms of YouTube and Medium.


The content begins with an invitation from the author to writers, bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters to join their publication on Medium. The publication, called Illumination Videos and Podcasts, was previously known as Illumination on YouTube, but now accepts content from various sources. The main objective is to bring creators from different platforms together and create synergy. The author highlights that Medium writers can benefit from the power of YouTube and vice versa, with the publication acting as a catalyst for collaboration. The author encourages writers to submit their work and offers to promote contributor profiles on YouTube. Additionally, the author shares some examples of top writers and editors who have contributed to the publication and offers further resources for writers and editors interested in joining the publication.


  • The author is passionate about YouTube and Medium and believes in the potential of collaboration between these platforms.
  • The author believes that the publication can serve as a catalyst for collaboration between YouTube and Medium creators.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of collaboration and synergy between different media platforms for growth and success.
  • The author is eager to promote and amplify the work of writers, bloggers, YouTubers, and podcasters who contribute to the publication.
  • The author encourages volunteer editors to join their editorial team and contribute to the growth of the publication.
  • The author is committed to improving their own writing and editing skills while contributing to the community.
  • The author believes that the Illumination Integrated publications offer valuable opportunities for writers to engage with fellow writers, learn, and grow as content creators.

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Invitation to Write for ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts Publication

The previous name of the publication was Illumination on YouTube, but now we accept videos from all other sources and podcasts too.

Photo by Caleb Oquendo from Pexels

Dear Writers, Bloggers, YouTubers, and Podcasters

I am excited to invite you to Illumination Videos and Podcasts publication on Medium as a writer and Youtuber.

I created this publication to bring YouTubers, video creators, podcasters, and Medium writers to one place to collaborate and create synergy. This initiative excites me.

Probably, you are familiar with the Illumination YouTube channel, where writers introduce their profiles and some stories to reach a broader audience. I serve as a volunteer coordinator for this channel.

As you may know, YouTube has millions of viewers. In addition, Medium has thousands of readers. My goal is to create a bridge between these two powerful platforms.

I believe that Medium writers can leverage the power of YouTube. My publication can serve as a catalyst in this unique collaboration.

YouTube is my passion. I also enjoy writing on Medium and blogging. I created my own website hosting my blogs.

The primary purpose of this new publication is to bring all YouTubers, podcasters, and video creators into one place and allow them to collaborate to grow mutually. I aim to connect blogging, video production, and podcasting for creators.

In addition to long stories, this new publication allows writing short-form stories with fewer than 150 words.

For example, you might write one paragraph introducing your YouTube video or podcast and create a link to your channels.

While you earn income from your story on Medium, you can also gain viewing times for your videos and podcasts. In addition, you might acquire new subscribers for your channels. It is a win-win for video creators, podcasters, writers, and bloggers.

As the owner and editor of the publication, I will review and publish your stories and promote contributors’ profiles on YouTube.

In addition to Dr Mehmet Yildiz several other editors like Lawson Wallace, Dr. Preeti Singh, Dr John Frederick Rose, Dr Michael Heng, Gareth Willey, Nuno Campos, Julius Evans, Krishna V Chaudhary, Carrie, Arlo Hennings, Patrick OConnell, ILLUMINATION Amplifier, ILLUMINATION, and ILLUMINATION-Curator help us publish stories timely. With the help of these editors, we publish very quickly.

Some top writers, YouTubers, and podcasters have already posted several stories. Here are a few to mention: John R. Miles, Deon Christie, Javad Luckey, Priyanka Rana, and Indra Raj Pathak.

I am a relatively new writer on Medium. But I already gained 2.4K followers. I became a member and partner as invited by Dr Mehmet Yildiz, owner and chief editor of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium. He mentors me to become a writer, blogger, content marketer, and editor. I am grateful for his support.

Per the advice of my supervisors in college, I offered my support to help the Illumination YouTube channel. It enables me to practice my media skills and add value to the writers of Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium.

I introduced some top writers and editors in various videos on YouTube. You can check my videos from this collection titled Meet Top Writers of Medium on YouTube. I introduced top writers like Joe Luca, Neha Sonney, Author, Carla Woody, Shashi Sastry, and Karen Madej.

I am delighted to see so many inspiring writers on this platform. It gives me pleasure to become part of this global community and contribute to it.

My Medium membership allows me to read a limitless number of stories. This is an excellent opportunity for my education and growth as a writer and editor on this platform.

I curate stories from this publication and amplify them. Here are some samples.

The editorial role in Illumination allows me to explore the stories of many top writers. Every day, I meet a new writer.

If you want to be a volunteer editor and join our editorial team, please contact Dr Mehmet Yildiz on his Slack workspace. He documented prerequisites in a story titled ILLUMINATION and SYNERGY Need More Volunteer Editors.

My goal on Medium and other writing platforms is to engage meaningfully with fellow writers and bloggers to improve my writing and blogging skills while contributing to the community with my media skills.

Creating two new publications on Medium motivates me to give better service to this community and extend it to YouTube and other platforms.

I invite all video creators, podcasters, writers, and bloggers to create writer profiles introducing their backgrounds and channels and submit them to my publication.

You may also submit collections such as a list of your videos and podcasts from your channels or your favorite channels of other creators. We allow affiliate marketing as long as you declare them in your stories as instructed in a story titled The Use of Affiliate Links for Writers on Medium.

I feature your stories on Medium and my social circles. Here is a sample curated collection that I posted on Medium recently. Curated Video Stories on Medium. This is my first editorial bulletin of ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts publication on Medium.

To recap, you may use my publication to inspire your viewers, listeners, and readers. I’d be delighted to obtain your feedback and support to make this publication useful for writers and valuable for readers and viewers.

All writers who write articles about videos and podcasts are welcome to join. I believe we can create synergy by collaborating and using the power of these large and synergistic media platforms.

If you are not part of the Illumination Integrated publications on Medium, you may send a request via this web link. We will give you access to various publications. We now have ten publications. Illumination is the largest one, with 62K+ followers contributed by 16K+ writers.

Invitation YouTubers to Join this Publication

I believe YouTubers can afford to become Medium members. It is affordable as the membership fee is only $5 per month, the equivalent of one bottle of Red Bull in Australia, where I live.

You may join using my affiliate link or links of other writers whom you follow. It will not cost you extra. Writers gain some commission, but subscribers are charged only the set price of $5 a month.

When you become a member, you can read thousands of articles, connect with thousands of readers, and earn money from your stories when you gain 100 followers. I haven’t seen a better platform for writers so far.

I would appreciate it if you could subscribe to Illumination’s YouTube channel. If you want to contribute, please drop me a line on the Slack workspace so I can give you manager access. More info about our channel is in this post sent by Dr. Yildiz. Invitation to ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel.

Many thanks to ILLUMINATION-Curator for introducing this publication to our experienced authors in a story titled Illumination-Curated on YouTube.

I also own a publication for gamers. It is called Illumination Gaming. If you are a gamer or write about video games, you are most welcome to join. Here is the invitation.

I write about gaming and social media topics. You might check out some of my stories that might be interesting to you. I compiled my November stories in a collection titled I Completed Monthly Writing Challenge for November.

I also joined Vocal Media recently and enjoyed the experience very much. I documented my first impression in a story titled I Finally Joined Vocal+ and Reaped Immediate Benefits.

If you are new to Vocal Media and would like to join as a member, you might use my referral. It will not cost you extra, similar to Medium membership.

In addition, I created a new website for the Illumination Gaming publication. I also plan to blog videos and podcast stories on my website.

If you haven’t seen it before, I Attempt to Solve a Problem of the New Writers with a Bit of Humor on YouTube and TikTok. I like both YouTube and TikTok as it is easy to convey messages with short videos.

When I created this publication, I posted a video introducing my publication. I hope you enjoy it. I will soon post an updated video. Here is my video introducing the original version of our publication.

Thank you for watching this video, and please feel free to comment. By subscribing to our channel, you can be notified of the informative videos we post here.

2023 Plan for My Publication and our Community YouTube channel.

I also created a new video introducing my growth plan for our publication and YouTube channel. I hope you can join this project as a creator and find ways to amplify your videos and stories. Thank you for subscribing to our community channel.

Thank you for reading my posts. Stay safe, and have a good one.

Here is a collection from this publication.

Screen capture from Illumination Videos and Podcasts publication on YouTube

Many thanks to Gareth Willey for creating our banner and logo.

Sample Social Media Stories

I also write about other social media tools like Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, TikTok, and Discord.

Have you tried Cliqly yet?

About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I also created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace. Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID.

If you are new to Medium, you may join via my referral link. You may also consider being a Vocal+ member to monetize your content. I write for both platforms and repurpose my content to reach a larger audience. Here is more information about Vocal Media.

This post includes my Medium and Vocal Media referral links.

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