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Curated Video and Podcasts Stories on Medium #2

Selected stories from ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts publication on Medium

Photo by Brett Sayles from Pexels

Dear Writers and Readers,

I am the owner of ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts. This new publication supports YouTubers and podcasters, allowing them to share their videos in short stories.

I support Illumination publications as an editor and YouTube as a coordinator of publishing videos.

I believe this publication will grow rapidly as we add many new writers daily. If you want to join us, please send your Medium ID via our writer registration link

Many thanks to Dr Mehmet Yildiz and other editors of Illumination Integrated Publications for supporting this project.

Today, I selected some interesting stories from this new publication. I believe you will enjoy them too.

Sample Stories from ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts

How Do You Manifest the Love of Your Life?

John R. Miles

Celebrate A Positive And Joyful Life

Dr. Preeti Singh

I have written a lot about my experience of being homeless.

Lawson Wallace

The One Where Patricia Converts Her Press Release into a New Digital Empire

Jeff the Content Profit Coach

The World is Full of Mediocrity

Harry Hogg

Zero to ChatGPT

Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)

Becoming a Team Player at Home and Work [VIDEO]

Melva Johnson - Couples & Relationship Coach

February YouTube Collection

Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Leveraging YouTube Through Motivation!

Deon Christie

Neuroplasticity: Unleash The Brain’s Superpower To Master Life Changing Skills

Segun Ojediran, MSc

Best AI Tools For Content Creation

Priyanka Rana

1K Subscribers and 1 Month of YouTube Monetization = $$$?


Meet Terry Pottinger on Illumination YouTube Channel

Patrick OConnell

Visualize Yourself Meeting Your Ideal Mate And Feeling The Joy That Comes With It

Indra Raj Pathak

Thank you for reading these great stories.

If you missed the previous collection here is the link.

Here is my video introducing this publication.

As YouTube has millions of viewers and Medium has thousands of readers, I’d like to create a bridge between these platforms, merging YouTubers and writers. This publication is ideal for sharing your videos and podcasts in story format on Medium.

Blogging, writing, and video productions are my passion. I aim to grow this publication and support writers, video creators, and podcasters. If you have a YouTube channel or Podcast, I’d be glad to promote them on Medium and social media.

I recently created a personal website on WordPress. I aim to promote video and podcast stories published in this publication on my own website and blogs as compliments to contributors. Here is the link to my new website and blog

I enjoy introducing writers on YouTube and creating visibility for their profiles and stories. I created some videos and posted transcripts on Medium. Here is the link to my collection.

I also plan to introduce videos and podcasts on Vocal Media. I joined Vocal and shared my first impression in a story.

If you are new to Vocal Media and would like to join as a member, you might use my referral. It will not cost you extra, similar to Medium membership.

Video Introductions by ILLUMINATION

Sinem Günel

Shashi Sastry

Dr. Preeti Singh

Bill Abbate

Carla Woody

Julius Evans

Karen Madej

Dr Michael Heng

Arlo Hennings

Lawson Wallace

Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Video Introductions by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Watch a Curated Poem on YouTube

Deborah Barchi.

Meet Michele Thill on YouTube

Michele Thill

Meet Jacquelyn Lynn on ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Jacquelyn Lynn

Meet Stacy Belinsky on ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Stacy J. Belinsky

Meet John Walter on ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

John Walter 📣

Meet Misa Ferreira de Rezende on ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Misa Ferreira de Rezende

Meet Tim Maudlin on ILLUMINATION YouTube Channel

Tim Maudlin

I couldn’t find Kaz on Medium anymore, but I loved his high-quality commercial.

Meet Kaz Matsune on YouTube. His Video Attracted 365 Million Views

Thank you for reading these stories and watching the attached videos. I look forward to your feedback and contributions to ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts.

On Medium, I recently posted my first curated collection for writers contributing to Illumination Gaming Publication. I hope you find some valuable pieces in this collection. I appreciate your support of these writers.

If you are interested in filmmaking, I posted an article for beginners.

How to Create a Short Film with a Minimal Budget

I updated my writing progress in March. You may check my collection if you are into gaming, virtual reality, or movies.

Here is my viral story this month, which got now has over 19,600 views which only earned $2.35. as 99% of readers and external. I hope some of your stories go viral. It is a great pleasure for our stories to find some readers.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

About Me

I write articles in my field covering gaming, film-making, social media, and design. I am also a YouTuber. Thank you for subscribing to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium. I also created a new website to share my content for free and promote stories of writers contributing to my publications on Medium. Let’s connect on Twitter and LinkedIn.

I own two publications on Medium. One for video gamers and another for YouTubers and Podcasters. I also support Illumination Integrated Publications as a volunteer editor and participate in collaborative activities in the Slack Workspace. Writer applications for my publications can be sent via this weblink. Please add your Medium ID.

If you are new to Medium, you may join via my referral link. You may also consider being a Vocal+ member to monetize your content. I write for both platforms and repurpose my content to reach a larger audience. Here is more information about Vocal Media.

This post includes my Medium and Vocal Media referral links.

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