
Writing Challenges for Writers

Why & How to Join Three Writing Competitions on Vocal

Reasons to join writing competitions on Vocal Media and a step by step guide to participating in these specific challenges

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels


As a therapeutic activity, writing can rewire our brains at a personal level. Writing gives us to find our voice, share important messages with our readers, and help us earn money.

Considering these three compelling benefits of writing, in this post, we’d like to introduce you to three new writing challenges offered by Vocal Media to its members. The next section includes prerequisites for entering these challenges.

Please keep in mind that participating in these challenges helps you improve your writing skills, bring you new readers, and increase your chance to earn prizes, including thousands of dollars. You have nothing to lose in joining these challenges but a lot to gain.

We also provide tips to promote your Vocal Media stories and attract readers to your stories from the Internet, at the end of this post. If you are not a Vocal Member yet, you can join by using this link.

1 — Prerequisites for Challenges

Three writing contests are available on Vocal Media now. You can submit your pieces at various dates we provide below. The official rules for these contents are stated in the weblinks we provide in the subsequent section.

You need to be at least 13 years old to be eligible for these competitions. Besides, your Vocal account needs to be linked to Stripe to receive the payment incurred from the contests. You may check countries participating in Stripe at this link.

These challenges are for Vocal+ members only. You may check the challenge details and join the program at this link. You may monetize your content per views and reading times when you enter the Vocal+program.

You own the copyright of your content for Vocal stories. However, when you enter challenges, you must agree that Vocal might repurpose your story for publication if you are selected as a winner.

2 — Specific Details on Challenges

Challenge 1: The Vocal+ Fiction Awards

You need to hurry this one as you have only three days left to submit your work to this challenge.

This competition offers $5,000 prize.

Challenge 2: Sleep Resolution

You have 23 days to join this challenge.

First Place: $2,500

Second Place: $1,000

Third Place: $500

Vocal also offers a Lull Mattress of your choosing if you win the the first place.

Challenge 3: Life Unleashed

You have 33 days to join this challenge.

First Place: $5,000

Second Place: $2,500

Third Place:$1,000

If you win the first place, you may also win a free Halo Collar for your dog.

3 — Tips to Promote Your Vocal Stories

Since Vocal Media stories generate income from all Internet users, promoting your content on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Quora and LinkedIn plays a significant role for finding readers whose reading times bring you revenue. You may learn how to use social media creatively and effectively from this article.

Please check the top seven social medial tools for freelance writers to create visibility as described in the attached article.

You may consider to create a Flipboard Magazine as Dr Mehmet Yildiz for his Vocal Media stories. He is willing to help each writer to create such a magazine so you may contact him on Slack for assistance.

You may also blog your Vocal stories on your websites or writing platforms.

Another alternative is to post your Vocal stories to your subcribers in Substack, Patreon, Revue, ConvertKit or other mailing platforms.

Many thanks to Dr Yildiz for guiding writers to gain visibility and providing these valuable links as samples.


Writing contests have numerous tangible and intangible benefits to creators. Apart from personal satisfaction from writing, these competitions can bring additional revenue. In addition, these challenges offered by Vocal+ membership can get significant prizes.

Writing contests can energize writers. Besides, repurposing your content published on Medium can bring additional benefits. Publishing on two different platforms can increase the chance of finding more readers and getting more revenue.

Vocal now offers monetization to both paid and non-paid members. This means that your readers can read your content, and you can earn income. Here is the link to join the monetization program.

We hope you find these contests valuable, so you might consider participating in them. We wish you good luck with these challenges.

Disclaimer: this article includes affiliate links.

Invitation to Potential Contributors

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. We’d appreciate your generosity to share this post with your friends who might be interested in our publications. We are an open and supportive group of writers and readers. New members welcome to join Medium using this link.

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Writing Challenge
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