
Vocal Media is hosting four writing contests with substantial cash prizes, encouraging freelance writers to repurpose their content and reach a broader audience.


Vocal Media has announced four new writing challenges with grand prizes totaling over $30,000, aiming to inspire writers to rework their existing content for a chance to win and gain exposure. The contests, open to writers aged 13 and above with a Vocal+ membership and a Stripe-linked account, offer opportunities for writers to monetize their work and potentially have their stories republished by Vocal. The article provides practical tips for promoting Vocal stories, such as repurposing content across platforms, leveraging social media, creating Flipboard magazines, blogging, using mailing lists, establishing personal Medium publications, and participating in the Illumination Slack workspace. It also emphasizes the benefits of writing contests, including personal satisfaction, extra revenue, and increased readership.


  • The article suggests that repurposing content for Vocal Media challenges is an efficient way for writers to gain more readers and income.
  • It is implied that joining the Vocal+ membership and participating in these contests can lead to significant opportunities for writers, including monetization and visibility.
  • The author believes that social media and personal publications are valuable tools for writers to increase their followers and reading times, thereby enhancing their earnings.
  • The creation of a Flipboard Magazine and sharing content on various platforms are recommended strategies for content promotion.
  • The Illumination Slack workspace is highlighted as a beneficial community for writers to collaborate and gain access to editorial support.
  • The article conveys that writing contests not only provide financial incentives but also motivate writers to produce more content and improve their craft.
  • It is suggested that writers should think like entrepreneurs, focusing on marketing and entrepreneurial skills to increase their passive income.
  • The author encourages writers to share their Vocal stories within the Illumination community to foster collaboration and support among peers.

Writing Contests for Creators

Four New Writing Challenges on Vocal

An invitation to freelance writers who need to repurpose content and reach out a broader audience using writing contests

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Why & How to Join Four Writing Competitions on Vocal Media

Dear Writers and Published Authors,

The purpose of this post is to inform you of the four exciting writing contents provided by Vocal Media. Joining these challenges can bring many benefits to writers. One of the easiest ways to participate in these challenges is to re-purpose your Medium stories by slightly modifying them to meet the contest’s requirements.

We want to inform our writers of the availability of four writing contests offered by Vocal Media now. You may submit your pieces at various dates, as mentioned in the links below. The official rules for these contents are stated in the weblinks.

This post also gives you several tips on gaining more readers on Vocal Media based on instructive materials of Dr Mehmet Yildiz for freelance writers. There is also a video at the end created by Illumination YouTube Coordinator to guide you on writing viral articles and blogs. We hope you find this information valuable.

Fundamental Rules for Participation in Contests

Here are the prerequisites to join these challenges

1 — Participants must be at least 13 years old to join these competitions.

2 — Your Vocal account must be linked to Stripe to receive the payment incurred from the contests. Please check countries participating in Stripe at this link.

3 — You must be a Vocal+ member. This membership allows you to monetize your content per views and reading times when you enter the Vocal+program.

4 — Writers own the copyright of content for Vocal stories. However, when you enter challenges, you may need to agree that Vocal might repurpose your story for publication if you are selected as a winner.

You may check the challenge details and join the program at this link.

Links to Specific Challenges on Vocal Media

These contests offer over $30,000 value of prizes to creators.

Here are the links to four challenges. Each link provides guiding details.

1 — Return of the Night Owl challenge. Grand prize: $20,000


2 — Life Unleashed challenge. Supported By Halo Collar. Grand prize: $5,000


3 — We Have a Dream challenge. Supported By I Have a Dream. Grand prize: $5,000


4 — Hometown Heroes challenge. Supported By Be a Mentor. Grand prize: $2,500


Practical Tips to Promote Your Vocal Stories

By using these seven methods, you can significantly increase your followers and reading times on Vocal Media. These are proven techniques by some of our contributors.

1 — Repurpose Your Content on Multiple Sites

Local allows you to repurpose your content in other platforms as you own the copyright. We highly recommend you share your Vocal stories on Medium and vice versa. You may check this article to learn more about repurposing your content on multiple platforms.

2 — Use Social Media Meaningfully

Vocal Media stories generate income from all Internet users. Thus, promoting your content on social media such as Twitter, Facebook, Quora, Reddit, and LinkedIn can be helpful for finding readers whose reading times bring you revenue. Here is an article guiding you on how to use social media creatively and effectively from this article.

You may find the top seven social medial tools for freelance writers to create visibility as described in the attached article.

3 — Create a Flipboard Magazine

Please consider to create a Flipboard Magazine as Dr Mehmet Yildiz for his Vocal Media stories. He can help each writer to create such a magazine so you may contact him on Slack for assistance.

4 — Create Blog Posts on Your Websites or Other Sites as a Guest Blogger

You may consider blogging your Vocal stories on your websites or writing platforms. You can contact Dr Mehmet Yildiz who can post your Vocal collection on his website as free. He enjoys supporting our writers and giving back to the writing communities.

5 — Use Your Mailing Lists to Reach a Broader Audience

Another alternative is to post your Vocal stories to your subcribers in Substack, Patreon, Revue, ConvertKit or other mailing platforms.

You can learn more about the importance of subscribers in this article.

6 — Create your Personal Publications on Medium

Freelance writers need various tools to create visibility to their content for various reasons. Publications on Medium is one of those tools. Freelance writers need to think like entrepreneurs to survive and thrive in their writing business. In addition to creativity and productivity, by focusing on your marketing and entrepreneurial skills, writers can triple their passive income.

Besides, by using your personal publications, you can also advertise your affiliate marketing business and create further passive income from your content and affiliate links by following the rules of platforms. Affiliate marketing is a Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers.

7 — Share Your Vocal Stories on Illumination Slack Workspace

Participation in the Illumination Slack workspace is free and optional. We highly recommend writers join our Slack workspace as it is a valuable tool for maintaining communication and collaboration. Many writers enjoy this free service. More than 10,500 members have joined to have meaningful interactions. You can easily access publications resources and editors using the Slack workspace. We have 85 volunteer editors who can help with your inquiries. You can learn more about Slack in this article: An Introduction to ILLUMINATION Slack Workspace. Dr Mehmet Yildiz created a special channel for Vocal Writers to share their story links and collaborate with others.

ILLUMINATION Slack Workspace

Final Words

Writing contests can bring numerous tangible and intangible benefits to freelance creators. In addition to personal satisfaction from writing, these contests can bring extra revenue. besides, these challenges offered by Vocal+ membership can introduce your content to a new audience.

Writing contests can energize freelance writers to create more content. In addition, repurposing your content published on Medium can bring extra income and other benefits. Publishing on multiple platforms can increase the chance of finding more readers, more subscribers, and earning more revenue.

Vocal Media offers monetization to both paid and non-paid members. Your readers can read your content and help you earn passive income. You can use this link to join the monetization program on Vocal Media.

We wish you the best luck in winning these contests.

Disclaimer: this article includes affiliate links.

How to Write Viral Articles on Vocal Media

You can check this video to give you guidance on writing viral articles, blog posts and other content. If your stories go viral Vocal Media, you can earn substantial income as every readers on the Internet generate revenue.

You can read the transcript of this vide on this article.

Informative Articles about Vocal Media


Many thanks to Dr Mehmet Yildiz for guiding writers to gain more visibility and providing these valuable links as samples.

Invitation to Potential Contributors

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. We’d appreciate your generosity to share this post with your friends who might be interested in our publications. We are an open and supportive group of writers and readers. New members welcome to join Medium using this link.

Writing Challenge
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