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The provided content discusses the importance of using canonical links for articles published on Medium to enhance content marketing strategy and SEO for writers and bloggers.


The article emphasizes the significance of canonical links for writers and bloggers on Medium, explaining how they signal to search engines that a particular version of content is the main one, thus preventing duplicate content issues. It details the process of setting a canonical link on Medium and why it's crucial for directing traffic and achieving business goals. The author also provides insights into Medium's high domain authority and its impact on search engine rankings, as well as practical steps for writers to set canonical links and verify their implementation. Additionally, the piece offers guidance on avoiding plagiarism issues when cross-posting content and suggests strategies for becoming a top writer on Medium.


  • The author believes that Medium's support for canonical links is a significant advantage for writers, as it helps maintain the integrity of their content across the web.
  • The article suggests that using canonical links is not just a technical detail but a vital component of a content marketing strategy, as it can lead to increased visibility and business opportunities.
  • The author is of the opinion that Medium's domain authority gives it an edge over other platforms for content visibility and SEO.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of original content and proper attribution when publishing on multiple platforms to avoid issues with plagiarism and content duplication.
  • The author provides a step-by-step guide to setting canonical links, indicating a belief in the value of practical, actionable advice for writers.
  • The piece encourages writers to join publications and collaborate with others, indicating a community-oriented approach to writing on Medium.
  • The author's inclusion of affiliate links and referrals to various writing and content creation platforms suggests an endorsement of these services for writers looking to expand their reach and monetize their work.

Content Marketing Strategy

Canonical Links: Actually, Medium Favors Writers and Bloggers

What are canonical links? Why do you need canonical links for your articles published on Medium?

New writer inquiries and applications for Illumination Integration Publications are through the registration portal. Please review the onboarding pack before submitting your stories. I look forward to supporting your stories on Medium.

Image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Content marketing strategy is vital for freelance writers and bloggers to grow.

I am inspired to write this article after receiving many inquiries from new writers. The term “canonical link” sounds exotic and seems jargon to some writers.

What is a canonical link?

Here is the latest inquiry from one of our engaging and prolific writers Delilah Brass on my article titled Not Telling You To Quit Medium, Just The Contrary! posted recently to ILLUMINATION.

Image: screen capture by author

Delilah’s question is far from stupid, in fact, it is very smart. Let me introduce the rationale behind using canonical links for your Medium articles.

Search engines automatically review and index billions of links on the Internet. During this process, if a crawler finds multiple copies of the same content, it assigns the copy as the original for the platform that has the highest domain authority.

As you may know, Medium has a very high domain authority (DA).

Here are screen captures comparing three sites giving voice to freelance writers. They are unique sites with different purposes, so our aim is not to compare their approach but compare how search engines perceive them.


Vocal Media

News Break

Image: screen capture by author

Criteria details in these charts are beyond the scope of this article. Thus I plan to create another article explaining them. However, for this article, I want you to pay attention to four criteria items:

DA (Domain Authority), PA (Page Authority), TB (Total Backlinks), IX (Number of Indexed URLs).

When you look at these four essential criteria points, you can understand why Medium content always gets priority over other platforms in search engines. Not many domains have five million backlinks on the Internet.

By the way, these stats reflect the current situation. They may change in the future based on the engagement rates in those platforms.

There are many apps to find these figures. When preparing this article, I used a free search guide websiteseochecker.com.

Purpose of using canonical links on Medium articles

A canonical link aims to signal to search engines that this content has been published on multiple sites, and this particular one is the main link. Adding canonical links to your articles will stop crawling your content by search engines.

Why does using canonical links matter to you?

It matters because you can use the traffic that your article generates for your business goals. These goals may vary based on your content marketing strategy. For example, one use case could be to introduce your newsletters to a new audience, obtain their email address, and convert them to be your potential customers.

As writers of this platform, we are fortunate as Medium allows us to create this vital signal when submitting our stories. Other platforms that I write for do not have this feature. Medium is ahead of the game and shows support to its creators. We should be grateful for this opportunity.

Here is Medium’s official position on canonical links:

“When posting content to multiple platforms at the same time (such as your website and Medium), it’s important to make sure a single source of that content is the ultimate authority. Medium’s official tools for cross-posting add the source it is importing from as the canonical link automatically, but you can also add your canonical link manually to your post. Search engines use canonical links to determine and prioritize the ultimate source of content, removing confusion when there are multiple copies of the same document in different locations. Sites that publish an overabundance of duplicate content without indicating a canonical link may be penalized in search engine rankings”. Source

How can you set a canonical link for your post on Medium?

Here are the steps with screenshots.

Step 1

Click on theon the top right side of the screen on your story. This will take you to the edit mode of your post.

Image: screen capture by author

Step 2

Click on the “More settings” entry in this menu.

Step 3

Scroll down and find the “Advanced Settings” remark.

Image: screen capture by author

Step 4

Click on the “This story was originally published elsewhere” tick box.

Ensure the box is checked.

Image: screen capture by author

Step 5

Copy and paste the URL of your original article.

Step 6

Click on the Save canonical link button.

Step 7

And publish your article.

That is it.

How can you ensure that your Medium article has a canonical link?

When you have published your article, you can right-click on the article page. Then you click on “View page source”.

Image: screen capture by author

You can search for the term “canonical”.

The result will show the link to your original article.

You can also check the DNS-prefetch reflecting your website’s DNS address.

'dns-prefetch' href='//digitalmehmet.wordpress.com' />
Image — screen capture by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Other Essential Considerations

As an additional signal, when I submit previously published material to Medium and Vocal Media, I always add a link pointing out that this story was originally published on another platform. One caveat, currently, News Break does not allow this as stories of some writers who added such links were not approved.

This consideration solved a fundamental problem for me when I started Vocal Media. For example, when I submitted a previous article published on Medium, they rejected my article due to plagiarism. The Vocal team initially did not know I was a writer for Medium. When I added a link saying that this story was published on another platform, I never had an issue with Vocal Media.

I also recommend writers of my publications add this remark as it saves a lot of time for our editors and speeds up the publishing process. Our editors regularly check submitted articles for duplication and plagiarism using various tools such as Duplichecker and Grammarly.

If your original story was published in another blog with a different account name, our editors would wait until you verify the original content belongs to you. This causes a delay in the publishing process. So you can prevent the hold by adding a link pointing out that you published the original content on another platform.


I introduced the purpose of using canonical links for your Medium articles. I also provided practical steps on how to create canonical links for your Medium posts.

This simple action is vital for your content marketing strategy. It takes only a minute or so when you get used to it. You can see the benefits in the long run.

I hope you find this article valuable. Thank you for reading my perspectives.

Do you want to be a top writer soon?

Here are some important articles that can guide you in this process.

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

100-Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Share your concerns and aspirations in a story

Fill in “The Proust Questionnaire” to introduce yourself

Here is my sample.

Create and submit a writer's bio.

Increase your chance of creating viral stories

Use social media meaningfully and productively.

Consider creating your own publication.

Join our Slack group to collaborate and enhance your network

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

As a new reader, please check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and decades of experiments optimizing my hormones and neurotransmitters.

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Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on cellular, mitochondrial, metabolic, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

You might join my publications on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link. 24K+ writers contribute to my publications for readers of this platform. You might find more information about my professional background.

As a content developer and reader, you might join Medium, Vocal Media, NewsBreak, Medium Writing Superstars, Writers League, Writing Paychecks, WordPress, and Thinkers360 with my referral links. This post includes affiliate links.

If you enjoy reading, you may join Medium with my referral link for limitless access to my stories and other writers.

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