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Writing Challenge

I Couldn’t Resist More and Finally Took the Plunge

My attempt to answer a writing challenge called “The Proust Questionnaire.”

Photo by Tommaso Fornoni on Unsplash

Introduction and Context

I love writing prompts and challenges.

This post is about a writing challenge I participated. As it is fun, several writers took the challenge and invited me to answer these questions. I read those stories and enjoyed the responses. It is great to know more about other writers.

Writing challenges are popular among writers contributing to ILLUMINATION. The challenges help us get to know each other better and open paths to collaboration and synergy. I enjoy participating in writing challenges. I created a few myself, which were enjoyed by many writers and readers. Here are the last three:

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

Participating in these challenges and prompts makes us a joyful writing community. Never dull moments! This writing prompt can be ideal for the writers of Readers Hope who has just started writing small pieces.

Without further ado, here are my responses to the Proust challenge.

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

I always stay in the flow state, even when I face challenges.

What is your greatest fear?

Losing my health status is a considerable fear; therefore, I focus on sustaining my health as a priority life goal. Maintaining health is not optional.

Here is my sad story.

What is the trait you most deplore in yourself?

There are several traits that I want to transform into my desired traits. Being a workaholic and productive at all times are the worst traits. It is a love-hate relationship between letting go and sustaining focused productivity.

I used to be a perfectionist, but fortunately, I got rid of this deplorable attitude.

I also don’t want to sound normal anymore. I am happy to be a maverick.

Which living person do you most admire?

There is not a single person whom I admire. A well-known figure, Lady Gaga impresses me a lot as writers can learn from her combined artistic and entrepreneurial traits.

I have many heroes who come from different backgrounds and play impactful roles in society.

I shared the stories of some of my heroes in this collection.

What do you consider the most overrated virtue?

Being rich, a politician, and a celebrity, even though some may consider these positions as high moral standards, I have a different viewpoint on status.

On what occasion do you lie?

Only when I need to prevent a tragic event or recover from a traumatic situation.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

Amazing! Fascinating! Marvelous! Wonderful! Terrific!

What or who is the greatest love of your life?

There are many people in this category. I cannot measure love.

When and where were you happiest?

I experienced many euphoric moments. I usually witness them when I achieve deliberately set and tangible goals, e.g., earning a new patent.

Which talent would you most like to have?

Being a conductor for a world-class symphony orchestra is still a childhood dream for me.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I don’t want to change anything about my physical appearance. I want to change my cognitive capabilities, e.g., to have more enhanced polymathic abilities. I desire to have artistic capabilities such as painting, playing several musical instruments, and understanding and speaking many more languages.

What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Learning to live with confidence and independence and thriving by taking personal responsibility are my critical life achievements.

Where would you most like to live?

I love living in Australia the most as I plan and intend to continue living here, even though the city I live in is in a miserable state due to the pandemic. My second preference would be to live in Switzerland.

What do you most value in your friends?

Reliability, loyalty, transparency, appreciation, gratitude, and an uplifting attitude

Which historical figure do you most identify with?

Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, and Benoit Mandelbrot

I covered some of them in the attached story.

Who are your heroes in real life?

Inventors, innovators, scientists, and successful entrepreneurs

What is your greatest regret?

Not learning to play more musical instruments and several other languages at earlier ages was a regret for me. But it is never too late. So when I retire from my full-time job, I plan to re-visit these goals.

What is your motto?

Life is life; the rest is the meaning we add to it.

I listed them in a story.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

Sample Health Improvement Articles for New Readers

As a new reader, you might check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting on my reviews, observations, and decades of sensible experiments. I write about health as it matters. I believe health is all about homeostasis.

I enjoy informing my readers about hormonal intelligence by writing about neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, adrenaline, glutamate, and histamine.

One of my goals as a writer is to raise awareness about the causes and risk factors of prevalent diseases that can lead to suffering and death for a large portion of the population.

To raise awareness about health issues, I have written several articles that present my holistic health findings from research, personal observations, and unique experiences. Below are links to these articles for easy access.

Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, and Major Diseases.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, and other nutrients to improve metabolism and mental health.

Disclaimer: Please note that my posts do not include professional or health advice. I document my reviews, observations, experience, and perspectives only to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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You may also check my blog posts about my articles and articles of other writers contributing to my publications on Medium. I share them on my website digitalmehmet.com. Here is my professional bio. You can contact me via weblink.

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Self Improvement
Mental Health
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