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Here’s What Writers and Readers Can Learn From Lady Gaga.

Resilience and confidence prevent petty critics from ruining creative dreams.

Image by Klaus P. Rausch from Pixabay


I want to start this uplifting message with a disclaimer.

This article is by no means a call or reference for arrogance and superiority but a suggestion for authentic self-confidence. I dearly value humility, wisdom, altruism, compassion, and empathy. So does Lady Gaga.

A few private emails from our writers motivated me to write this article. My views stemming from my experience may apply to many writers or even other professionals, especially aspiring entrepreneurs.

I don’t want to go into details about the emails, but in a nutshell, some writers are afraid of online bullying and even criticism on Medium. Some readers are so cautious that they are afraid of leaving comments on articles, following profiles, or even clapping more than once for fear of criticism.

I acknowledge the online anxiety and fear. Medium, even social media, is new to some of us. There is always the fear of unknowns. Unfortunately, some online bullies hiding behind their keyboards intensify this fear for beginners. But nothing to be feared! Let’s take a look at Lady Gaga’s approach.

What is Lady Gaga to do with writers and readers?

Image for courtesy of The World Health Organization and Global Citizen

The matter may sound trivial, but the psychological implications of anxiety coming from criticism is non-trivial. This fear ruined the performance of many creative artists, writers, and other professionals.

From the very early days, I knew Lady Gaga would be a superstar. In my leadership classes and mentoring sessions, she is one of the legends I frequently use as a role model professional. Why Lady Gaga?

Lady Gaga is a bold and authentic artist, perhaps a few decades ahead of her time. She is an imperfect human being with extraordinary character and talent.

Lady Gaga is not only a brilliant and talented artist but also a leader, an entrepreneur, and a generous person who participates in many charitable, philanthropic, and altruistic events.

What can writers learn from Lady Gaga?

The key lesson we can learn from Lady Gaga is her focus on performance and resilience towards criticism.

She is laser-sharp and focused on her work and performance, and she does not give a damn about the critics.

Her awards are mind-blowing, inspirational, and motivational. Yet, she is criticized a lot. For example, I was checking her master's art on YouTube.

Wearing my data science hat, I was monitoring the metrics for this piece which brings tears to my eyes each time when I hear her voice coming from her higher self.

This piece had 827,094,836 views and was liked by 5.1 million people. However, the same piece was disliked by 162 thousand of people. Would Lady Gaga focus on 5.1M or 162K? My guess is on the 5.1M.

My point is criticism is inevitable. There will always be some people who may dislike our content. For example, a Medium writer infers that my ideas on innovation and design thinking stink like armpits.

In contrast, my Design Thinking thought leadership, and contribution to the industry have been recognized and rated at the highest possible rank.

I am not telling this to brag or show superiority. In fact, I am humbled and honored by the recognition.

However, my point is: did that person’s criticism of my Medium article upset me and stop me from writing about my expertise? Not at all! It was the skin of my nose. In fact, I smiled at it and enjoyed the criticism.

The higher we go in any profession, the more we can be criticized. However, the good news is that there will always be people who can appreciate good work. The metrics from the Lady Gaga clip on YouTube are a good example of it.

As writers, we need to be confident to connect with others. Writers are creative, productive, and passionate people. We must be proud of our creative and original ideas.

Our ideas may not sound right to some people, but that is fine. Their thoughts shouldn’t affect our performance and intimidate us from daring to create, express our thoughts, and find our voice.

We shouldn’t give much weight to the critics. Critics are critics. I have yet to witness any critic winning a Nobel Prize or being recognized for a substantial award. We shouldn’t give any power to critics, especially to the point of killing our dreams. No critics deserve it.

Let’s keep our laser-sharp focus on our creativity and performance and shine, just like Lady Gaga. Our resilience, growth mindset, and uplifting attitude towards criticism are the best success strategies for our writing career.

Why should you be shy to leave a comment on an article you enjoy? Why should you be shy to show your claps for the articles you admire? Why should you be shy to reach out to a new contact and connect with the person? Is it because you can be criticized?

If your answer is yes to the last question, I recommend you think about Lady Gaga and many more highly criticized high achievers, superstars, brilliant leaders, and wealthy entrepreneurs.


Each of us is unique. We have unique messages to share with others. We need to focus on passing our unique message to as many people as interested in this world. This growth mindset will pave the way toward success.

No one is perfect. I mean, not a single person on this globe. We need to strive for excellence.

However, excellence is not the destination; it is the journey. There will always be an improvement in our products. We always need to renew and reinvent ourselves. Evolution is the universal rule.

Life is based on evolution and transformation. Therefore, I love progressing iteratively and highly recommend this to fellow writers.

We can’t control the thoughts of other people. But we can control our response and attitude. Like Lady Gaga, my secret to my performance is seeing my critics as my energizer rather than scary bullies.

When you are hesitant about sharing your creative ideas, think about this secret. In the big schema of things, criticism does not matter. As creative writers, you will always win, not the critics. The world needs innovators, not critics.

Thank you for reading my perspective.

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