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The provided content offers a comprehensive exploration of biohacking, discussing its scientific, ethical, legal, technological, engineering, and business aspects, while advocating for sensible biohacking practices to improve human health and capabilities.


The article "Biohacking: A Holistic View from Multiple Angles" delves into the multifaceted concept of biohacking, explaining its true meaning and dispelling misconceptions. The author, who has studied transhumanism for over two decades, presents a balanced view of biohacking, emphasizing its potential to address significant biological issues and enhance human life. By examining biohacking from legal, ethical, scientific, technological, engineering, and business perspectives, the article aims to inform readers and encourage a positive outlook on its potential benefits. The author highlights the importance of sensible biohacking, which involves safe and scientifically-backed techniques, and distinguishes it from more risky and unregulated practices. The piece also addresses public concerns, the need for regulation, and the economic impact of biohacking, while showcasing the work of pioneering individuals and organizations in the field.


  • The author believes that biohacking has the potential to make the world a better place by addressing issues like hunger, physical pain, and psychological problems.
  • Biohacking is presented as a field that requires collaboration across various disciplines, including science, technology, engineering, business, and government, to ensure its benefits are realized safely and ethically.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of sensible biohacking, which is based on wisdom, prudence, and scientific evidence, as opposed to extreme and potentially dangerous practices.
  • The author expresses that public concerns about biohacking are valid and that legislation and ethical guidance are necessary to prevent harm.
  • The article suggests that biohacking, when approached responsibly, can lead to significant advancements in health, longevity, and quality of life.
  • The author points out that biohacking is rapidly growing and has many potential benefits for humanity, despite the controversies surrounding it.
  • The piece criticizes the notion that biohacking is solely about extreme or unsafe practices, highlighting that many biohacking activities are benign and aimed at self-improvement.
  • The author advocates for the responsible use of biohacking tools and technologies, such as CRISPR, to ensure they contribute positively to society and do not create inequalities.
  • The article acknowledges the economic impact of biohacking and its potential to affect multiple industries, including healthcare, food, drug, and cosmetics.
  • The author encourages an open-minded approach to biohacking, drawing parallels to historical advancements like fire and electricity, which were once controversial but are now essential tools for humanity.


Biohacking: a Holistic View from Multiple Angles

I explain sensible biohacking to eliminate confusion by looking at it from legal, ethical, scientific, technological, engineering, and business angles.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels

Biohacking might sound like a controversial or emotional word, but I explain its true meaning in simple language. I believe this story might change your perceptions.

I am interested in transhumanism and have investigated the concept for over two decades for personal and professional reasons. Biohacking is one of the methods of transhumanism, which means going above and beyond our capabilities. I introduce transhumanism in this article. I also provided a personal perspective from growth and health angles.

In this article, rather than on the broad subject of transhumanism, I focus on biohacking. I aim to broaden our horizons by providing perspectives from multiple angles.

I want to inspire and encourage my readers to have a new mindset by looking at biohacking from a positive outlook rather than the eyes of an enemy. We need to become allies for beneficial, safe, and valuable aspects of biohacking for humanity.

Biohacking is real. There are legitimate scientific institutes, business organizations, health professionals, scientists, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts working on this phenomenon globally.

I am not saying it is good or bad at the moment. I depict both sides looking at the broad spectrum. However, biohacking has the potential to make the world a better place for everyone. It has the potential to bring equality to stop suffering from hunger, physical pain, and psychological issues.

While some people are at the cutting edge to benefit from it in a rush, others are incredibly concerned and want to stop the idea. While some use biohacking for self-improvement, humanitarian, altruistic, and spiritual reasons, others do it for selfish, business, and commercial reasons.

My goal is to inform readers, based on my knowledge and experience of the beneficial aspects of sensible biohacking. I hope to empower my readers by giving them valuable perspectives to better assess this emerging discipline, which can address serious biological issues that we have been experiencing. My aim is to reduce suffering in the world by empowering people.

Purpose of the Article

The purpose of this article is to give valuable perspectives on understanding biohacking. My aim is not to be pro or con of biohacking but to wear my scientific hat and show it “as is” covering both positive and negative aspects of it with implications and impact on individuals and society.

By leveraging our current body of knowledge and assessing the current situation, we can make valuable assumptions for our future. We can generate ideas, experiment with them, take the good parts, and eliminate the bad parts.

Years ago, fire, gas, and electricity were as dangerous concepts as biohacking. But, without knowing the nature of fire and the mechanism of electricity and keeping an open mind about their potential value, it wouldn’t be possible to have them as essential tools for humanity.

Imagine how people 500 years ago would have thought about flying people in a box from one country to another. Now, it looks normal, natural, legal, and ethical. And it is desirable for the business and lifestyle needs of people.

We wouldn’t have fire, electricity, gas, and aircraft if we didn’t keep an open mind. They are all radical ideas once upon a time. Then, it is up to the readers to give relevant meaning based on the perspectives provided in this story.

To contribute to the discipline of Transhumanism, I created a publication to share my personal contributions. My goal is to advocate sensible biohacking. Here are some sample stories about my sensible biohacks.

Biohacking has a negative connotation in society. It induces anxiety and fear because the term is associated with negative, unnatural, and illegal practices. Therefore, I want to add clarity by showing its negative, positive, neutral, and futuristic aspects.

As technology progresses, biohacking might switch from a negative to a positive outlook and from unsafe to the safe end of the spectrum.

To give you a better picture of the concept, I classify biohacking into two broad categories. 1 — Natural and safer biohacking practices. 2 — Unnatural and unsafe biohacking practices. Let’s first look at the definition and key concepts.

Definition and Key Concepts

Merriam-Webster defines biohacking as biological experimentation (as by gene editing or the use of drugs or implants) done to improve the qualities or capabilities of living organisms, especially by individuals and groups working outside a traditional medical or scientific research environment such as experimentation done on one’s own body. The word was first used in 1992 when I got started studying transhumanism topic.

This basic definition gives some clues, but it hardly touches the surface of biohacking and hence does not reflect its scope and vitality in society. Thus, I elaborate on the background from my observations, reviews, and personal experience.

The term “hacking” scares people, as in technology, the word means unauthorized access. However, the real meaning of hacking is using effective shortcuts rather than a systematic approach to understand a system and solve a complex problem. So, hacking requires thinking outside the box. This is what biohackers do. They use logic, but they think beyond the box.

When you read biohacking articles and journals, you most likely notice two common terms: DIY biology and Grinders. DIY biology is a biohacking type led by educated people with science degrees. They help and guide beginners in the personal labs. Grinders are extremists, such as those who believe and want to replace all human parts and organs using biotechnology tools. Their ultimate goal is to become cyborgs.

From my experience, biohacking at the personal level is making lifestyle changes to optimize health and fitness. Individuals can learn by trial and error. Some self-improvement techniques include nutrition efficiency, exercise enhancement, sleep quality, and smart stress management techniques. In some literature, this approach is called body hacking.

In my transhumanism studies, I introduce the term “sensible biohacking”. This term means that we use techniques proven by scientific studies and by trial and error to produce desired results using secure and safe practices. What I mean by sensible is chosen and performed per wisdom and prudence, creating possible benefits to go above and beyond our capabilities.

Sensible biohacks may include practices such as fat loss or improving focus and attention using natural methods. So fasting, using a specific diet, going into ketosis, and even meditation using technology can be considered biohacking as these techniques help us change the chemistry of our biology safely and naturally.

For example, sensible biohackers use a scientific technique such as hormesis. Food, exercise, and temperature can create the hermetic effect. Hormetic dietary or other practices can be harmful in large doses but good in low doses.

Excessive exercise causes injuries and even death in extreme cases. However, moderate exercise can have a hormetic effect on the body. After a workout, the body gets stressed a bit, but when it recovers, it gets stronger. Some foods, like bitter herbs, can be good in shallow doses but be very harmful in high doses.

Another example is staying long hours in a hot sauna. It could be hazardous, as it can cause an imbalance in the body by creating complications from excessive perspiration, thus leading to a mineral deficiency. The same applies to extreme cold. Staying too long in the cold may cause freezing, leading to death.

These points are covered by a discipline called Nutrigenomics. This scientific field aims to address the risk of developing a disease, depression symptoms, and losing weight. Related to weight and fat loss, this study mentions that gene expression changes are only a small piece of the large puzzle. Many other factors, like stress levels, exercise, and overall weight, can play a role in the body’s response to nutrition.

However, some extreme biohackers do not use a sensible biohacking approach like hormesis. Instead, they try to hack their biology and anatomy with little knowledge or no skills, such as inserting devices into their organs. This can be very risky and sometimes detrimental.

Worst of all, some try to use very complex genetic techniques such as CRISPR (genome editing tool) or hazardous drugs to improve performance. Unfortunately, these risky behaviors cause harm rather than good to careless and irresponsible biohackers.

At an organizational level, biohacking includes scientific methods such as bioengineering and genetic engineering. These two disciplines have made substantial progress.

As you might have heard, the Nobel 2020 Chemistry Prize was given to Emmanuelle Charpentier and Jennifer Doudna, who discovered the CRISPR and Cas9 genetic scissors. This biotechnology is used as a biohacking tool in science.

This technology is for advanced genetic researchers who can change the DNA of people, animals, plants, and microorganisms. It is believed to contribute to new cancer therapies and curing genetic diseases.

I introduced biotechnology innovation excellence and business leadership in California in an article on this platform. In addition, I recommend watching this short TED Education video explaining the concept and function of biohacking, giving a new and helpful perspective to it with an entertaining tone.

Individual and Public Concerns

The main reason biohacking is so controversial is the harm it may cause to individuals and the public. Self-biohacking, also known as DIY-biohacking, is the primary concern of many people. Parents are concerned about their children and teenagers who might have access to risky tools and techniques. Those cheap and illegally sold tools can harm them.

Some teenagers are influenced by recent scientific breakthroughs such as CRISPR and Cas9 genetic scissors. Unfortunately, some opportunists try to sell homemade products to teenagers who want to enhance their senses and act like heroic characters in science fiction movies and books.

Parents don’t want their children to be harmed. So, the concerns are valid. Some irresponsible adults also try these techniques and cause problems to themselves and the public. Therefore, governments are now taking action.

There are some other public concerns. For example, this report challenges “seven widely held beliefs about DIYbio practitioners, particularly that anonymous scientists are cooking up deadly epidemics in their basements.

In fact, the survey finds most lab work being done in the community is benign and that the vast majority of those surveyed perform their experiments in group workspaces with other enthusiasts. The report also includes six policy recommendations based on the survey results.” You may enjoy the survey results at this link.

Some public concerns started around 2012, as reflected in this TED Talk.

Legal, Ethical, and Governance Aspects

The reason for legislating the biohacking process and tools is to protect individuals and the public from the harmful effects of biohacking.

Considering the bad news in the press and social media globally, regulating biohacking practices looks essential. We witnessed online biohacking videos on YouTube showing how people can self-administer CRISPR therapies. These videos raised a lot of concerns.

Discussions are taking place in many states in the US and other countries, too. The first state in the US to recognize this need and take action is California. California passed the nation’s first law to prevent genetic biohacking in 2019. The practice of do-it-yourself gene editing is illegal to sell CRISPR gene therapy kits without warnings that they are not safe to self-administer.

Some broader issues globally have both legal and ethical issues. For example, while cloning vegetables and even animals is considered legal and ethical, cloning human beings has legal and ethical implications globally.

For example, according to this article on NPR, leaders of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy sent a letter to Alex Azar, the secretary of Health and Human Services, adding their voices to the call for a moratorium on experiments that could alter the genes passed down to future generations. This move follows a widely criticized experiment in China that apparently produced children with edited genomes.

In a nutshell, legal and ethical issues revolve around harming oneself, harming others, harming nature, and potential inequalities created by public demands. Legislation and moral guidance can address these concerns. We still need a lot of analysis and planning time. Now, let’s look at biohacking from another larger perspective.

Here is an interesting and informative conversation about the ethics of biohacking from a scientist's perspective.

Scientific, Technological, And Engineering Aspects

Despite legal, ethical, philosophical, and religious implications, science needs to find answers to complex questions and find solutions for significant human problems.

Research does not mean practice. The purpose of research is to enhance the body of knowledge. So, science is a valuable tool to learn about harmful things so that we can protect ourselves from harm. My point is studying the detrimental effects of biohacking cannot be illegal or unethical as long as the studies meet legal research requirements and ethical guidelines of the institutions that perform the analysis.

Pharmacologists have been studying various aspects of drugs, but they don’t create a drug just by using a single study. It takes months, years, or even decades to release a drug. There are governance organizations such as FDA in the USA, and many countries have their own version of the FDA performing a similar function.

Engineers and technologists need to help to transform ideas into products and services. Genetic engineering and particularly research on stem cells have made substantial progress. It is now a legal business in several states of the US

According to Mayo Clinic,stem cells are the body’s raw materials cells from which all other cells with specialized functions are generated. Under the right conditions in the body or a laboratory, stem cells divide to form more cells called daughter cells. These daughter cells either become new stem cells (self-renewal) or become specialized cells (differentiation) with a more specific function, such as blood cells, brain cells, heart muscle cells or bone cells. No other cell in the body has the natural ability to generate new cell types”.

While medical scientists use stem cells to understand the root causes of diseases and regenerate non-functional organs, and pharmacologists use them to test new drugs for safety, efficiency, and effectiveness, some biohackers use them for cosmetic reasons and body improvement.

The science and technology of stem cells are still at a nascent stage. New breakthrough technologies are emerging, but they may take several years to mature. You can learn about the mechanism and potential of CRISPR technology from this TED video on YouTube.

Now, let’s take a look at another broader perspective.

Business and Innovation Perspectives

Biohacking can have a substantial impact on the economy. But, like science and technology disciplines, the business world also needs regulations to use proven, legalized, and ethically cleared products and services.

According to a Market Watch report, “Biohacking market size is projected to reach $18170 million by 2027, from $6244.7 million in 2020, at a CAGR of 16.0% during 2021–2027. Global Biohacking market delivers a statistical overview on growth factors, market size (value & volume) by company, size and share with respect to regions”.

The biohacking business has the potential to affect multiple industries. For example, imagine using sensible biohacking techniques can reduce the pain and suffering of millions of people. Imagine we improve quality of life and increase longevity.

Many biotechnology startups are interested in creating biohacking products and services. Looking at the interest of entrepreneurs, the impact on the healthcare, food, drug, and cosmetics industries can be massive.

Anti-aging is a multi-billion-dollar industry using some biohacking methods and techniques already. Bioidentical hormone (e.g. Testosterone Replacement — TRT) therapy for longevity and vitality of men is an example of biohacking products and services in this industry.

Informed biotechnologists can be reasonably capable biohackers within legal and ethical standards, especially if they wear entrepreneurial hats. Many prominent entrepreneurs think, plan, and create products and services related to biohacking methods and techniques.

Entrepreneur Dave Asprey, known as the “Father of Biohacking”, has devoted his life to elevating human performance using the latest scientific research combined with ancient healing traditions. Mr Asprey pioneered the biohacking movement in the US, with many followers globally. His latest New York Times Best Seller book, Super Human, depicts many sensible biohacking techniques for the public. His focus is on longevity using biohacking.

Famous athlete, bodybuilder, and fitness expert Ben Greenfield is a popular biohacker. New York Times featured him in an article titled Biohacker Ben Greenfield: the alpha male’s alpha male. “He’s 40 but has a biological age of 9, he’s the world’s most-followed biohacker, and his top tip is to get a penis gym. Ben Greenfield’s extreme lifestyle regime has won over CEOs and princes searching for eternal youth and extra testosterone. Stefanie Marsh meets him at home for an ice bath”.

I found Mr. Greenfield a sensible biohacker. For example, he shares his good intentions for humanity in an interview with Tom Bilyeu titled “5 Best Biohacks for Living Better” on the Health Theory channel of YouTube. Mr. Greenfield makes remarkable points related to stem cells, giving examples of how he and his partner used stem cell technology to improve their sex life. He is open and transparent to the public. Therefore, he is one of the most followed biohacking leaders globally.

Famous Elon Musk revealed his plan to link our brains to our smartphones using his startup venture called Neuralink. Mr. Musk believes that computers will eventually become more competent than all of us, so we might as well be hyper-connected to them through our brains. However, the plans of Mr. Musk are widely criticized as these types of expensive services may create inequality in society.

Entrepreneur and self-help guru Tony Robbins is also into biohacking. In an article titled Tony’s top 8 biohacks that actually work, he talks about the sensible biohacking concept that I mentioned earlier:

“You’ve heard of hacking computers, hacking smartphones, and hacking email. You’ve even heard of hacking elections. But what about hacking your body? The concept is called biohacking. While it may sound like something out of Brave New World, it’s really all about self-improvement, and there are numerous ways to incorporate methods of biohacking the body and mind into your daily routine.”

Global organizations and institutes are pioneering biohacking activities. One of the leading organizations is Singularity University. It is a global learning and innovation community using exponential technologies to confront the world’s biggest challenges, aiming to build a better future for us.

Including over 5,000 impact initiatives in emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, robotics, and digital biology, the institution collaborates with entrepreneurs, corporations, non-profit organizations, governments, investors, and academic institutions in more than 127 countries.

This university collaborates with Bionyfiken, a non-profit organization bringing biohackers, biologists, grinders, and self-enthusiasts to Sweden. The objective of the organization is to be a driving force in developing the dynamic and creative tech-activist movement in Sweden. They arrange workshops, talks, and experiments to educate and inspire the public to improve their understanding of modern biotechnology, synthetic biology, biohacking, and body hacking.

Biohacking Summits, Conferences, and Events

Many people are interested in learning activities and exhibitions related to biohacking. In addition, there are many conferences and events organized by biohackers who focus on preventative medicine, health optimization, and peak fitness. Biohacking communities also offer podcasts, webinars, YouTube videos, books, and newsletters.

I want to introduce a few samples from popular summits, conferences, and events taking place in 2021 and planned for 2022.

Biohackers Conference will be held in Helsinki, Finland, in October 2021 and Amsterdam, the Netherlands, in August 2022. This is one of the most significant biohacking summits globally. The theme is hacking ego.

The conference attracts 35+ top international experts in hacking health, performance, and the ego. They are medical doctors, health science experts, and biologists. In addition, many biohacking companies join as exhibitors. As it is in Finland, they also include an iconic thermogenic spa. Thus, they recommend that attendees bring their swimsuits.

Biohacking Conference Miami will be held in October 2021. This conference offers a learning experience from 30+ top speakers on biohacking, health optimization, and longevity. It includes 20+ selected Health companies bringing ecological products and digital health technologies. The focus is on achieving a harmonious combination of technology and the capabilities of the human body.

Biohacker Thomas Lancer organized the Superhuman Health Summit. This virtual event brings biohacking experts working hard and conducting relentless experimentation. They share their biohacking journeys, personal routines for peak performance, and health transformation secrets.

Health Optimisation Summit is planned to take place in London, the UK, in May 2022. The keynote speakers include entrepreneurs, health experts, and medical doctors. Dr. Satchin Panda, Dr. Paul Saladino, Vishen Lakhiani, Jim Kwik, Max Lugavere, Sergey Young, Patrol Mc Keown, and Jolene Brighten.

Primal Hacker is an event organized for January 2022 at Camp Icaghowan focusing on cold adaptation in a safe and fun environment, Shamanic Ascension Breath by Waxela, bio-hacked food, sauna, art tribe, adventure expert classes in light and cold.

The New York Biohacking community has several groups and activities. Some popular ones are Biohack the World, HACKD Fitness, Biotech Without Borders, and medical practices such as Biohacking Dr. Neil Paulvin offers services of neurohacking, peptides, and NAD patches.


Biohacking is a controversial topic. However, despite concerns, it is rapidly growing and has many potential benefits for humanity. Science, technology, engineering, business, government, and other professionals must collaborate to benefit from the potential benefits of biohacking.

We must support scientists, technologists, and engineers to find answers and formulate the concepts. We need entrepreneurs and business organizations to identify use cases and design legal and ethical products to maintain societal equality.

We also need the government to regulate the field so that professionals can do their jobs and the public is not affected by undesirable aspects of biohacking practices.

As the public, rather than cursing and stopping this promising field, we need to use this innovative tool to benefit humanity by leveraging the power of science, law, ethics, business, and governance to get the best out of it.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I hope this article provides you with valuable perspectives on this controversial topic. I’d be interested in your views and understand your concerns about biohacking.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

As a new reader, you might check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting on my reviews, observations, and decades of sensible experiments. I write about health as it matters. I believe health is all about homeostasis.

I enjoy informing my readers about hormonal intelligence by writing about neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, adrenaline, glutamate, and histamine.

One of my goals as a writer is to raise awareness about the causes and risk factors of prevalent diseases that can lead to suffering and death for a large portion of the population.

To raise awareness about health issues, I have written several articles that present my holistic health findings from research, personal observations, and unique experiences. Below are links to these articles for easy access.

Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, and Major Diseases.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, and other nutrients to improve metabolism and mental health.

Disclaimer: Please note that my posts do not include professional or health advice. I document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives only to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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