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Editor’s Choice

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #05

Photo by Vic B on Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

We review and feature stories from Illumination daily. We posted over 140 collections.

Each day, we discover outstanding stories from experienced writers. I believe you enjoy these impressive stories too.

Many thanks to our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, ILLUMINATION-Curator, and ILLUMINATION editors for leading and supporting this unique publication giving voice to our accomplished writers delighting our readers.

If you missed my previous collections, you might access them from the following links:

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #01

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #02

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #03

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated #04

Stories from Writers of ILLUMINATION-Curated

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

What We Know about Nootropics & Why They Matter

How to Write Content Guaranteed to Get Views and Reads

Edward Robson, PhD

Amy and the Shrink

Sebastian Purcell, PhD

Why The Buddhists and Aztecs Insist That Happiness Follows The Words You Say

Steve Beller, PhD

A Definition of MINDSET

Dr Michael Heng

How I Empower Organisational Transformation

Dr. Deborah M. Vereen

It’s Time to Capture Holiday Magic

Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.

The Absolute Power of Storytelling

Jeffrey Keefer, Ph.D.

Why is doing something new so tricky?

Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.

Work in a Profession Leading to Your Dream Career — and Meet the People Who Can Get You There

Roger A. Reid, Ph.D.

Your Career Success May Depend on What You Don’t Say

Dr. Manishi Pallavi

Happy Diwali

Michael Burg, MD (AKA Medium Michael Burg)

How to Avoid ALL Disappointments

Rebecca Romanelli

Dreams are Our Allies, Even if We Don’t Remember Them

Crystal Jackson

The Things We Learned This Year We May Too Soon Forget

Victoria Ichizli-Bartels,

How the “Playing Alone Together” Phenomenon Keeps You Writing on Medium

Rebecca Stevens A.

Why 2020 End Of Year Performance Reviews Should Be Canceled

Rich Sobel

When is the Last Time You Talked About Axolotls?

Remington Write

There’s No Winning!

Jason Ward

Why You Should Try Slow Reading

Julia E Hubbel

Crashing the Tree Langdon Proust Party

Bebe Nicholson

How We Can Change the World

Jennifer Geer

My First Day of My 30 Day Yoga Self Challenge

Kenneth Silvestri

Changing the noun “ time” into a verb:

Dew Langrial

November’s Best — Editor’s Picks: Seek Rejection to Be a Better Writer

Keith R Wilson

Blood Stirred

Steve QJ

Yes, Biden’s All-Female Press Team Is Clearly Virtue Signalling

Paul Thomas Zenki

No, Your Mind Can’t Be Uploaded to a Computer

Tom Handy

How You Can Turn Getting Fired into Millions Like Pat Flynn

Illumination YouTube Coordinator

Why Is Magnesium Not Just Another Mineral?

Ryan Porter

Sometimes I Feel Useless When I’m Unproductive

Tom Hanratty

Master Bao and the Poisoned Boy

Jeff Herring

Get Started Building Your Highly Responsive List of Gold

Richa Khare

I Never Thought Writing Is A Talent

Agnes Louis

Maybe We Should Stop Glorifying War

Desiree Driesenaar

Can talent management change the workplace?

J.D. Harms


Randy Wolken

Can Everyone Be A Change Leader?

Floyd Mori

Why Japanese Americans Want People To Know Their History

Emmanuel A. Anderson

It Is Time to Turn Your Life Around When You Get to This Point

Mathias Barra

6 Relaxing Life Lessons a Japanese Movie About Tea Reminded Me Of

Dayton Parks

What a Caged Lion Can Teach You About Freedom

Drama Llama

Katherine Dunham’s Rite of Passage

Zachary Minott

If You’re Serious About Transforming Your Life, Ditch Self-Improvement and Focus on…

Erin M. Singh

3 Good Reasons Why Online Course Creators Should Not Heavily Discount Their ‘Package’

Jan M Flynn

Brace Yourself for Vaccine Madness


Action Steps To Strengthen Your E.I. Emotional Intelligence

Rob Cyrier

5 Actions You Can Take To Add New Positive Influences Into Your Life

Floyd Mori

The Trump Inner Circle And COVID

Carol Price

Maintaining Your Sanctuary. Thoughts on Private Space.

Marcus aka Gregory Maidman

Abortion Is Murder

Lindsay Brown

6 Reasons For Thanks, I’ve Encountered From 2020

Casi Mclean

Attitude Isn’t Anything~It’s Everything!

Phil Rossi

Pistol Pete

Phil Truman

2020 has plenty of infamous days, but none like December 7, 1941.

Martine Weber

Gaia’s Heart

Jennifer Friebely

For glioblastoma patients and spouses — ten key things to consider

Anita Durairaj

5 Most Entertaining Books I Read in 2020

Mark C Watney

Under a Tree during Apartheid

Dayton Parks

The 3 Rules of Writing Engaging Articles That Attract an Audience

Liam Ireland

The Beginning Of A New Dawn

Andrew Jazprose Hill

Why the Girl with the Grammy-winning Vagina Is Dangerous


How To Reclaim The Joy Of The Holidays

John Teehan

Further Observations On My First Year On Medium

Øivind H. Solheim

Magic Summit Trip — Thoughts, Ideas and Feelings

Denise Scholander


Mac Daniels

VMF 422 — Lost in a Typhoon

Suntonu Bhadra


Rich Sobel

How Did Amazing Tiny Structures Called Plastids Help Make Plants and People Possible?

EP McKnight, MEd

Three Simple Tips on How to Live Longer with Vitamin K

Ria Tagulinao

Don’t Forget That Your Idol is Human, Too

Eugenio Cibruscola

The 10 Things I Would Tell My 19-Year-Old Self

Bill Abbate

The 4 Types of People in the World

Myriam Ben Salem🦋

Shall We Be Completely Transparent About The Real Racism Problem?

Neha Sandhir S

The Smile

Douglas Pilarski

Namibia Sending 170 Wild Elephants to Auction

Lynda Coker

Make Better Decisions in life Using This Three-Way Conversation Method

Tim Ebl

6 Reasons Why Hiking is So Good For You That You’re Crazy Not To Hike More

Jamie Golob

Activating The Solar Plexus Chakra to Harness Inner Strength

Bill Nicholov

“Human Rights Day” is a Celebration of Hypocrisy

Luke Beling

What I Learned From a Year Dedicated to Writing a Novel

Nihan Kucukural

7 Ways to Protect Yourself from Scammers

Katherine G. MacRae

World of One

Tom Handy

5 Ways to Say How Can I Afford it, Instead of it’s Too Expensive

Isaiah McCall

Alexander McQueen Inspired Millions With This One Epic Show

Zul Bal

A Japanese Mother Hires a Father for Her Daughter

Leo Guinan

Do You Use Data To Understand Your User Or To Control Them?

Christian Soschner

Perfectionism Is an Excuse for Hiding in the Shade

James G Brennan

Warehouse Party Degradation

Kris Franklin

College Football Bets for 12/5

John Emmerling

Anatomy of a Political Cartoon

Jill Reid

6 Plain and Simple Reasons Why I Choose to be “Not Fancy”


Those employed in essential services put on a brave face but are fearful of what it will mean for…

janny’s heart

Touch Starved

Dr. Deborah M. Vereen-Family Engagement Influencer

Parent Engagement In Education During the Pandemic

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Introduction to Technology Hits

Nicole Linke

Amidst The Chaos

Florian Hoffmann

Just Be More Relaxed!?

Alice Floris

What Lockdown Teaches us

Tina Viju

To Tag Or Not To Tag Other Writers In Your Story?

Dr. Preeti Singh

Patience is a virtue

Anita Durairaj

5 Most Entertaining Books I Read in 2020

Helen Cassidy Page

The Flaw In The Pandemic

Ahsan Chaudhry

Why You Will Never Become a Legend

Liz Porter

Merry Christmas — Hope You’re Not Offended!

Daniel Hopper

10 Ways to Market Your Business Online for Free (or Very Low Cost)

Shweta L

7 Critical Mistakes To Avoid As a Small Business Owner

Debbie’s Reflection

Enjoy the Free Gifts Life Has to Offer


How Wisdom & Compassion Can Help You With Marketing Your Services

Payal Koul

Power of Breath

Betsy Ramser Jaime

A Day in the Life of an Editor

Eira Braun-Labossiere 🌻

How to Cancel Christmas Without Feeling Scrooged

The Secret Aspirant

Front-line Nurses Deserve A Lot More

Britni Pepper

The Poison of Conspiracy

Emily Kingsley

I Traded My Car for A Plane Ticket To Alaska

Vanessa Robinson

I Want My Shot

Boateng Sekyere

Way Too Many Writers Make It Too Easy for Readers to Click Out of Their Articles

Jordan Mendiola

Why Gary Vaynerchuk is Impacting Every 17 to 24-Year-Old

Jean Carfantan

A Card Deck Landscape Triggers Stories

Harry Seitz

What is Freedom?

Mukundarajan V N

Find Your Passion Through Self-Exploration

Harry Hogg

A Dark Comedy

Jessica Lynn

The More a Person Practices Self-awareness the More Attractive They Are

Daniel Hövermann

9 Quotes You Can Use in Team Meetings for Bullshit Bingo

David Mokotoff

The Problem With How We Identify the True Covid-19 Death Rate

Vishnu Aravindhan

Complexities Of Cyclone Forecasting In India

Jason Ward

OneCoin — The $4 Billion Scam

Gayle Kurtzer-Meyers

What’s Next for the Tourist Industry? Is This the End of Mickey Mouse?

Teresa D Hawkes, Ph.D.

The Bombed Out Ivory Towers of our Minds

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

My Belated Writer Bio for ILLUMINATION

Pene Hodge

A Mother — A Nurse

Petr Swedock

A Quixotic Stalemate of Their Own Devising.

Jake Mura

The Buddha Answer: Why Not Everyone Is Enlightened

Lev Janashvili

New Religions at War

Rebecca Sealfon

Lessons from NaNoWriMo

Sean Zhai


Karen Madej

Why Are We So Willing to Make the 1% Richer?

Sean Zhai


Lester Golden

Lady Liberty’s Me Too Moment: the Trump Dump

Alexandra Forsyth

To That One Guy:

Jamie Golob

Activating the Power of the Root Chakra

Deborah Barchi

Lament For a Meadow

Daniella Mini

Dear President-elect and Vice President-elect: The Bar Has Been Set High

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

I Published Six Articles on Vocal

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh

Fish-bone in Her Gums

Sean Zhai

10 Haiku in October

Douglas Pilarski

Can’t Buy a Hat

Charles Roast

I Had A Great Day Saturday

Regina Clarke

Apartheid In America: The Demon of White Privilege

Julie Nyhus MSN, FNP-BC


Bhavna Narula

My Heart Is Bleeding

Lawson Wallace

Signing on the Corner

Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Imagine Sheldon On Medium

Henery X


CR Mandler MAT

The Day I Screened My Calls

Helen Cassidy Page

Where Did All My Average Reading Time Go?

Robert Trakofler

Blood Reign

Stuart Englander

Is it any wonder that I smell like this?

Yve Laran

Voluntary Confinement


What Is Happening in Ukraine and Why It Matters for the World

Thank you for reading these remarkable stories and for supporting our top writers. They are delighted to serve you.

Recent Featured Stories from ILLUMINATION-Curated

Many thanks to ILLUMINATION-Curator for leading this unique publication giving voice to our accomplished writers.

As Dr Mehmet Yildiz, owner and chief editor of Illumination Integrated Publications, confirmed You Can Directly Write For ILLUMINATION-Curated. However, your stories must meet Medium curation guidelines. Many thanks to ILLUMINATION-Curator for leading and supporting this unique publication.

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join Illumination Integrated publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a top writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link.

Readers can read thousands of stories and writers may monetize self-published content. As our chief editor, Dr Mehmet Yildiz says “opportunities are endless on this platform”. I agree with his point.

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