Core Values
Diversity, Synergy, Fusion, Serendipity
ILLUMINATION received valuable feedback from our experienced writers. They believe that some new writers do not understand the core values of our publication. They also assert that some new writers are using the publication for hosting purposes only. The concern is some new writers don’t engage with other writers and not even with their readers.
We acknowledge and understand that new members of Medium may not be aware that the platform was established on collaboration principles. This principle distinguishes Medium from other content sharing platforms.
Medium provides many tools to create collaboration between writers and readers. As following the spirit of Medium, ILLUMINATION publication has a strong focus on collaboration.
The founder Dr Mehmet Yildiz clarified ILLUMINATION’s position in his first invitation to writers. Dr Yildiz shared his vision and strategy to make this publication successful. His first story for inviting writers can be accessed from this link.
In this post, the focus is on values of ILLUMINATION.
Our publication is established on core values which made us distinguished from others. Dr Yildiz shared the core values in story published in March 2020.
Here is a summary of the core values to help new writers.
Summary of core values to thrive ILLUMINATION
According to Dr Yildiz, ILLUMINATION publication is based on four core values supported by several other supplementary values. Here is a summary of the core values extracted from his story mentioned above.
1. Diversity
Diversity empowers the community members by appreciating what makes each member different. We value diversity points such as age, educational background, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, professional background, political views, and more.
2. Synergy
Synergy refers to producing a combined effect, more significant than the sum of the separate effects. By combining our efforts, we can produce more profound results.
3. Fusion
Fusion refers to joining different things with different attributes or functions together to co-create or re-create a single new entity or form. Fusion relates to concepts such as integrating, blending, merging, amalgamating, and bonding. These terms are compelling norms for enabling inclusiveness and creating a diverse work culture in business organizations. Fusion is an enhanced form of collaboration.
4. Serendipity
Serendipity refers to manifestation and development of events by chance joyfully and beneficially. The key to serendipity is initiating and creating it intentionally.
In this story, Dr Mehmet Yildiz provides examples to use these values. This story is an essential read for the new writers of ILLUMINATION to understand the fundamental values of this unique publication.
You can follow interesting, engaging, and insightful stories of ILLUMINATION from this link.
Videos from Illumination YouTube Channel
Here is an introduction to our publications on YouTube