Core Values for Growth
Synergy, fusion, diversity, serendipity values: for excellent content strategy, development, & marketing

Values are critical success factors for our personal development and growth. Business organizations also survive and thrive with their core values. Consumers are attracted to organizations implementing core values in their product and services.
In this article, my focus is on the core values of our community and provide you with useful ideas and actions to improve our values.
Why are values important to our community?
There are many reasons to be a value-driven community. Here are seven compelling reasons for the importance of values for our community.
1- Values support our vision, strategy, tactics, goals, and objectives.
2- By using our values, we stay focused, make informed decisions, take relevant actions, and achieve our goals effectively and effortlessly.
3- Values help us connect, collaborate, and support each other.
4- Values provide guidance and serve as drivers and motivators for community members.
5- Values add clarity to our content and help us communicate effectively and engage appropriately.
6- Values show our readers who we are and help our consumers to understand our goals and objectives.
7- Values attract new readers who have similar values to our community.
What are the core values of ILLUMINATION?
Our core values are mentioned on our publication page, as shown in this illustration.

Under the umbrella of these four core values, we also have other supplemental and supportive values which are crucial to our growth and sustainability.
Some of the supplemental values we consider, adhere to, and act upon are:
courage, honesty, integrity, reliability, transparency, fairness, responsibility, accountability, ownership, leadership, entrepreneurship, passion, discipline, joy, modesty, humility, confidence, improvement, quality, excellence, simplicity, impact, respect.
Please feel free to comment by adding other supportive values as feedback to this article, stemming from your personal and professional experience.
Practical points and actions to execute our values
Diversity empowers the community members by appreciating what makes each member different. We value diversity points such as age, educational background, gender, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation, national origin, professional background, political views, and more. You may check attached article reflecting one of my research studies on diversity.
How to Improve Diversity for ILLUMINATION
Action: Introduce ILLUMINATION to your followers in your next articles. Add meaningful message referring to how our diversity values align with their content. To achieve this goal, you can select ten followers from your list who write about ten different topics such as business, leadership, personal growth, poetry, fiction, education, travel, inspiration, motivation, fitness. There may be many more topics. Use your creativity.
Don’t be afraid of tagging your fans in your articles. When you build good relationship your fans, they might want their names to be mentioned as long as relevant, courteous, and in the right context and without being spammy.
Use the @ sign meaningfully without causing spams. Don’t be shy but be cautious not to overdo it. For example, check articles from Paul Myers MBA on how intelligently, creatively, and appropriately Paul uses tagging to create diversity on his fascinating articles. I point out Paul as an inspiring role model writer for our publication values.
One of my intentions is to debunk myths on content platforms and remove unnecessary anxiety and fear related to diversity. We are a group of writers consisting of mature adults with a passion for communicating, sharing, and adding value to the readers from diverse backgrounds. As mentioned before, don’t be afraid of promoting yourself and your friends intelligently and appropriately. Promotion is essential for diversity and growth.
Synergy refers to producing a combined effect, more significant than the sum of the separate effects. By combining our efforts, we can produce more profound results.
How to create synergy for ILLUMINATION?
Here is an idea and action to implement synergy on ILLUMINATION for your consideration.
Action: Respond to at least ten articles in the next ten days, by extending and expanding the views of our writers. Rather than contradicting and conflicting, you may add your ideas to the equation and take the topic to a different dimension. A synergistic approach can improve our mental capacity and contribute to the recognition of our fellow writers. As a by-product, synergistic content can add value to our readers too.
Fusion refers to joining different things with different attributes or functions together to co-create or re-create a single new entity or form. Fusion relates to concepts such as integrating, blending, merging, amalgamating, and bonding. These terms are compelling norms for enabling inclusiveness and creating a diverse work culture in business organizations. Fusion is an enhanced form of collaboration. I elaborated upon fusion in the attached article.
How to implement fusion principles on ILLUMINATION?
I recommend an activity to implement fusion in the next ten days.
Your action is to invite one of your favorite authors to co-author two articles in common interest topics. By using your ideas, you can submit two articles, one with your name and one with your co-authors’ name. Use each other’s network to promote the two articles. If you have time, capability, and capacity, you may try this with multiple writers.
Let’s see how fusion principles work for you.
Serendipity refers to manifestation and development of events by chance joyfully and beneficially. The key to serendipity is initiating and creating it intentionally.
From my experience, one of the effective ways to implement serendipity in our lives is practicing a random act of kindness daily. By practicing a random act of kindness daily, we may taste a fortunate stroke of serendipity. I pointed out my views on serendipity in the attached article.
How to implement serendipity on ILLUMINATION?
My suggestion is in the next ten days is to select several articles from the Medium main page randomly. Leave a meaningful comment on the article, highlight a few key points, and follow the writer of the article. And forget about what you did. If you do this daily, in a few months, you will start experiencing serendipity on Medium. I tried it, and it worked for me. You, too, may taste a fortunate stroke of serendipity in your writing practice.
Our values are important to us. Instead of sweating on trivial stuff, let’s focus on the big picture and make a meaningful difference with our powerful message for our readers. I invite our community members to rise above mediocrity by implementing our core values: Synergy, Fusion, Diversity, Serendipity
We are a value-driven community. We proved it in our 10-day history. Thank you all for your contributions for implementing our core values which are now evident in the unique outcomes of our publication.
Introductions to ILLUMINATION writers
The following four fascinating writers introduced themselves in the last 24 hours. What a wonderful diversity in their background! Let’s read their inspiring background, connect with them, and support their content.
Administrative updates
I reassigned several editors and writers as their profiles do not show ILLUMINATION. We need to find workarounds for system glitches. Some writers and editors are removed for unknown reasons.
Please don’t take any personal offense if your editor or writer privileges are lost. I do not and did not remove any writer from the publication.
If your access is cancelled or you have difficulty in submitting your articles, please contact me from this link. I will fix it. Feedback is essential for effective communication.