avatarAmy Marley


Hi! This is Me

Attempting to introduce myself in the simplest possible way.

My daughters and I

Prompted by Vision, Discovery, Strategy, & Promotion here I am. Attempting to introduce myself in the simplest possible way.

The person I see myself as today will be different from who I am tomorrow. My life is an ever-evolving scene. It wasn’t a year ago. I was stagnant, not moving, not growing. Depressed, anxious and basically a mess.

I even managed to walk away, ungraciously, from a 20-year career after burning out. The proverbial kick in the butt from the universe if you like. I had been stubborn. Missing the signs I needed to slow down and look within.

This past year has been filled with healing. Writing has helped.

My words take me time to share.

I have many scattered ideas that need to be given clarity and focus. My daughters 5 and 3 keep me distracted. I love them dearly and at this time in my life, they take priority. I still have the guilts for how I turned up as their mum before I crashed.

When I get a free moment, I seek shelter and joy in the form of reading, in all forms including Medium. I respond as much as I can. I practice, I learn, my confidence grows. I become more comfortable sharing who I am.

I am learning to draw again in hopes to illustrate children’s books. I have written and am writing a few at the moment. One has been rejected thrice, although the last time it came accompanied with a beautiful letter, which is normally absent. It is then you imagine your manuscript sitting unread on a slush pile (I have renamed this a lush pile!!). Self-publishing is on the self-directed study list as a result, along with Psychology, Energy Healing and Herbal Medicine.

Writing is also on the list, with the hopes to write a memoir. I have the name — Intoxicated. My life has been so far heavily influenced by alcohol. Mainly drunk from the bottles held by others.

Don’t get me wrong, it hasn’t been all doom and gloom. I have had a blessed life. I am grateful for every single bit of it.

What was, what is and what’s to come.

The memoir is primarily for my daughters when they are old enough and I sense a big part of my healing.

I am discovering my “voice”. My articles to date have been around my life specifically anxiety, energy, healing and allergies —sparked from my eldest daughter being anaphylactic to eggs and nuts.

My words have made appearances in ILLUMINATION, Know thyself, heal thyself and The Intoxicating Unhinged Mind

Here are six — hopefully one of em sparks your interest to read.

Thanks to Dr. Mehmet Yildiz, for all the energy, motivation and drive he gives to ILLUMINATION. Thanks to you all for writing and teaching me golden nuggets of wisdom. Thanks to you all for reading. Thanks to each of you for being who you are and making me enjoy and embrace the journey.

Personal Development
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