Sample Stories from Euphoria
Selected articles from health, mental health, fitness, lifestyle, and self-improvement topics

Dear Subscribers.
I have written around 2,000 articles on Medium since 2019, hosting only around 10% of the selected articles on Euphoria for my regular subscribers interested in health and self-improvement topics.
I strive to provide carefully curated content for my audience. I host my editorial articles on my blog publication. I also contribute to several other publications.
My goal is to inform and delight my loyal readers by penning and posting well-researched and valuable content. Feedback from readers helped me improve my research and writing. Therefore, I embrace constructive criticism of my work. I am grateful to have a significant number of readers on this platform interacting with my content and providing valuable feedback. Making a minor influence in the lives of my readers means a lot to me. Every piece of feedback inspires and motivates me to contribute to this platform better.
I posted around 30 health-related articles in January, one piece each day. While informing my readers, daily writing practice is also therapeutic to me. This practice helps me create cognitive reserves for my aging brain. I aim to prevent dementia by working out my cognitive faculties. In addition, mental health is a vital topic to me, as reflected in my articles on Euphoria.
In this second newsletter, I’d like to highlight only ten of my recent articles as they cover critical messages for public health. These articles reflect my experience, observations, insights from medical literature, and personal perspectives.
Summary of Top 10 articles on Euphoria
1. How I Healed Abdominal Bloating and Distension: A personal experience with a sustainable solution empowered by multiple healthcare professionals
Bloating is not fun. It affects our physical and mental health. This relatively harmless condition can be caused by many digestive, metabolic, and genetic factors. Abdominal bloating and distension are common problems affecting millions of people and causing physical and emotional stress.
2. How to Address Critical Risks of Metabolic Syndrome: Besides heart disease and type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk of common cancers too.
Metabolic syndrome is not a simple condition. On the contrary, it is so complex that it brings many risks to our physical and mental health. As a result, this condition significantly impacts our health, quality of life, productivity, and longevity. Thousands of people die from these diseases. Metabolic syndrome includes a cluster of risk factors mainly for cardiovascular disease and type II diabetes. In addition, I observed an emerging hypothesis related to risk factors for the development and progression of some cancers.
3. Is Cancer Preventable? It is a complex and challenging condition but reducing risks with lifestyle changes looks promising.
Cancer is a complex condition that has bewildered scientists and medical researchers for decades and even centuries. The number of cancers significantly increased in this century. There might be some links to root causes and symptoms. I have been asking the question of whether cancer is preventable for decades. When I conducted a literature review to gain perspectives, my findings boiled down to the point that not all cancers are preventable. However, we can reduce the risks of developing some cancers.
4. How to Reduce Side-Effects of Fasting with Seven Proven Tips: The side effects of fasting are real and can be challenging for beginners. However, there are viable solutions.
My purpose in this article is to introduce a few practical tips that helped me address the side effects of fasting and eliminate symptoms successfully. I acknowledge that these terrible symptoms were not fun and initially concerned me a lot. However, I am glad my mentors provided me with valuable insights and encouraged me to continue in the beginning. Their support made me transform my health to an optimal state.
5. Vital Life Lessons from 25 Stories: A summary of valuable perspectives I gained from people whose paths crossed with mine via serendipitous encounters
Some people leave remarkable impressions on our lives. Friends, relatives, colleagues, professionals, mentors, community members, and even strangers can play a role in our decision-making. Beautiful relationships remain in fond memories whether they bring joy or grief. I met many people who appeared in my life, especially at crossroads, and gave me valuable insights. Most of them were serendipitous encounters. I see them as angels appearing during challenging times. I explained why I believe in angels in this story. I hope you find some engaging and valuable stories from this special collection including 25 personal stories. Some of these friends now rest in peace.
6. Shocking Stats About Non-Communicable Diseases: NCDs kill 41 million people each year. So, what do we do wrong in the 21st century?
Reading stats about non-communicable diseases (NCDs) has concerned me deeply. When I checked the website of the World Health Organization (WHO), I noticed that NCDs kill 41 million people each year, equivalent to 71% of all deaths globally. The Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) also highlights that chronic non-communicable diseases are the number one cause of death and disability in the world.
7. Five Tips to Prevent Infectious Diseases: “Infectious diseases kill around 17 million people a year.”
According to World Health Organization (WHO), since 1996, around 17 million people have died from infectious diseases each year. More importantly, infectious diseases are in the top ten list of WHO causing death. These diseases affect our health and life span. According to government stats, in Australia, where I live, between the years 2000 and 2018, around 99,000 deaths were attributed to “communicable diseases”. The vast majority of infectious diseases, approximately 89% of the deaths, caused by infections were attributed to non-notifiable diseases. The most common ones were lower respiratory infections caused by various bacteria and viruses.
8. Hormonal Effects of Covid-19 Virus: Perspectives from endocrinologists based on preliminary scientific studies
Hormones and neurotransmitters play a critical role in our health, affecting our responses to internal and external threats. I touched on the neurological effects of the Covid virus in a previous article. Therefore, my focus in this article is hormones within the pandemic context. Like several other factors I touched on in my previous articles, the Covid virus also relates to our hormones. However, our endocrine system is very complex. Furthermore, each person, based on their age, genetics, and other factors, has a different hormonal profiles, whether male or female.
9. Three Tips to Improve Cardiovascular Health: Cardiovascular diseases cause one in every four deaths. But the risks can be significantly reduced with healthy lifestyle habit.
Cardiovascular diseases are prevalent. For instance, according to CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) “one person dies every 36 seconds in the United States from cardiovascular disease. About 659,000 people in the United States die from heart disease each year — that’s 1 in every 4 deaths.” According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), “cardiovascular disease is the term for all types of diseases that affect the heart or blood vessels, including coronary heart disease (clogged arteries), which can cause heart attacks, stroke, congenital heart defects, and peripheral artery disease.”
10. Six Valuable Health Lessons Learned from Centenarians: Lifestyle habits play a crucial role in health span and lifespan
Centenarians have always attracted my attention and captured my interest from health, fitness, and longevity angles. I had several friends who lived over 100 years. They gave me unique perspectives on my health, fitness, and well-being. I shared stories of a few centenarian friends before. In addition, I penned several articles about longevity touching on topics such as autophagy, balanced nutrition, caloric deficit, hormonal balance, moderate exercise, cellular detoxification, chronic stress, inflammation, structural damage, neuro-degenerative decline, and effects of metabolic syndrome, including diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and cancers.
I hope you find these articles valuable. Based on your feedback, I can introduce new health topics based on my research and experience.
Top Five Trending articles
About Valuable Supplements
I also write about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:
Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and other nutrients that might help to improve metabolism and mental health.
Index of Selected Articles from Euphoria
Here are my other selected articles on Euphoria. I sorted them based on major topics to find relevant pieces easily. I hope you find some valuable pieces from this special collection that I created for my subscribed readers.

Most Recent Stories
Three Tips to Eliminate Insulin Resistance and Shrink Waistline
Scientific Links Between Covid-19 and Alzheimer’s-Like Brain Impairment
Dementia: Perspectives on Korsakoff’s Syndrome & Vitamin B1 Deficiency
Saving 1465 Hours to Write Several Books a Year While Working Full Time
1 — Physical Health
Fixing Allergies And Autoimmune Conditions With Elimination Diet
Consideration of Intermittent Fasting & Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Prevention & Treatment
Three Tips to Eliminate Insulin Resistance and Shrink Waistline
Potential Dangers and Unspoken Truth about Lectins: A cause of leaky gut and several other ailments
How a Single-Mum Reversed Her Obesity and Built up a Unicorn Business
What I Learned about Longevity from a 105-Year-Old Centenarian
The Importance of Biological Rhythms & Psychological Aspects in Fat Loss Journey
2 — Mental Health and Psychology
Emotional Stress As Larger Part Of The Iceberg In Energy Deficiency
How Not to Be Cracked by Toxic Emotions and Chronic Stress at Work
The Importance of Self-Compassion for Physical & Mental Health
The Role of Sex & Emotional Intimacy In Reducing Chronic Stress
Unbearable Feeling of Anhedonia: How Can We Enjoy Life Again?
3 — Lifestyle and Diet
July is the “Disability Pride Month” in the US. 2021 is the 31st Anniversary of the ADA.
4 — Fitness, Fat Loss, and Weight Loss
Joyful Exercises for Contributing to Low-Fat, Lean Muscles, and Dense Bones
The More Nutritious Fat Consumed the More Belly Fat Got Burned
What If Workouts Give You No Joy And Don’t Melt Your Belly Fat?
5 — Important Supplements
What If There’s Hope to Improve Immunity: Why NAC is a Critical Molecule for Health
6 — Science, Research, and Investigation
Consideration of Intermittent Fasting & Ketogenic Diet for Cancer Prevention & Treatment
Scientific Links Between Covid-19 and Alzheimer’s-Like Brain Impairment
Why Is Activated Charcoal in My Emergency Bag? Is It Hype or Hope?
7 — Technology and Technical Articles
Digital Scent Technology And AI Machines Can Smell Now. So What!
Business Value and Architectural Overview of Robotics Process Automation
The Internet of Bodies (IoB) — Who Wants Their Body on the Internet
8 — Design Thinking Leadership
The Importance of Design Thinking Practice & Thought Leadership
9 — Writing and Productivity Tips
Saving 1465 Hours to Write Several Books a Year While Working Full Time
10 — Freelancing Tips
The Joy of Selling 1,000+ Books In A Month With Minimal Investment
Subscribers Can Produce 50 Times Better Results Than Followers for Freelance Writers
11 — Education, Work, and Career
Convenient Learning: Inconvenience and stress of reading materials
12 — Self Development and Self-Improvement
13 — Leadership and Education
How to Recognize Distinguished Leaders: Prominent traits that attract us to exceptional leaders
Convenient Learning: Inconvenience and stress of reading materials
14 — Spirituality, Mindfulness, and Ethics
My Stolen Car with Laptop and Passport Taught Me Valuable Lessons about Spirituality
How to Improve Intuition Despite Persistent Noise & Information Overload
Imagine How It Feels To Be Black Or Brown In A White Country
The Importance of Self-Compassion for Physical & Mental Health
What I Learned About Cognitive Flexibility & Emotional Intelligence
15 — Investing, Business, and Financial Tips
10 Timeless Investment Quotes from Top 10 Stock Market Investors
22 Curated Work & Life “Principles” from Ray Dalio, Billionaire Investor
Five Astounding Investment Ideas from Warren Buffett to Beginners
The 2030 Technology Revolution: Why to Focus on 6G Terahertz Technologies
16 — Social Media Tools
Top Seven Social Media Tools for Freelance Writers to Amplify Content
How to Get Started with Quora and Amplify Your Medium Stories
How to Get Started with Pinterest and Amplify Your Medium Stories
Detrimental Effects of Immature AI Systems on Content Platforms
17 — Life Lessons from Friends and Colleagues
What I Learned about Longevity from a 105-Year-Old Centenarian
How Alberto Melted His Potbelly & Doubled Testosterone in a Year
How a Single-Mum Reversed Her Obesity and Built up a Unicorn Business
18 — Sample Book Chapters
More chapters from my published books can be found on Illumination Book Chapters on Medium.
On the Cusp of the Artificial Intelligence Revolution — Preface
Summary of “Digital Intelligence”: Links to all chapters
Chapter : Powerful Life-Changing Hacks That Truly Transformed My Life
19 — Stories that I Compiled from Other Writers
As an avid reader, I also review stories of other writers and create curated collections for my readers.
NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications
A summary of collections is covered in this story.
Sample Health Improvement Articles for New Readers
Brain Health, Brain Atrophy, Anxiety, Dementia, Depression, Bipolar, Schizophrenia, Heart Disease, Strokes, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Metabolic Syndrome, Liver Cancer, Immunotherapy, Dysautonomia, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Cardiovascular Health, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Nervous Breakdown, Autoimmune Conditions, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, and Major Diseases.
I also write about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:
Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and other nutrients that might help to improve metabolism and mental health.
Thank you for reading these stories. I’d appreciate your feedback.
About the Author
Thank you for subscribing to my content. I share my health and well-being stories in my publication, Euphoria. If you are new to Medium, you may join by following this link. You can join my publications as a writer requesting access via this weblink.