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How Can We Enhance Emotional Maturity for Better Relationships?

A lack of emotional maturity can destroy wonderful feelings

Photo by Taylor Heery on Unsplash

A balanced quality and quantity of our emotions determine the success of our relationships. Therefore, relationships revolve around emotions.

Positive, uplifting, and supportive emotions feed our relationships. Negative, destructive, diminishing emotions sabotage them. Emotional maturity can rescue risky relationships. Let me explain.

Studies show that emotionally intelligent people have better relationships with partners, kids, parents, other family members, colleagues, community members, and even strangers.

Emotional intelligence creates the foundation but is not enough to build sustainable relationships. Emotional experience, skills, and capacity allow relationships to flourish.

To convey my message, I use the term emotional maturity covering emotional intelligence, emotion handling skills, tolerance to the intensity of emotions, and reasoning.

Emotional maturity requires both emotional intelligence and reasoning. Integrating emotions with logic might create the best outcome for relationship building and maintenance.

Emotions and logic play critical roles in decision-making. The quality of our decisions is determined by our emotional maturity, coupled with reasoning.

Maturity happens after considerable time and effort. Hence it refers to experience. The common perception equates experience with age. However, young people can also possess emotional maturity.

Emotions make us human and play the most critical role in our relationships. Therefore, emotional maturity is an inevitable requirement for sustainable relations.

Some relations start with attraction, infatuation, and even authentic love. However, a lack of emotional maturity can destroy these wonderful feelings very quickly.

Emotionally mature people have strong hands-on emotion-handling skills, emotional hygiene, and reasoning skills. Emotional hygiene is essential because our conflicting emotions may create a lot of residues.

Emotionally mature people can deal with their own emotions and also understand the emotions and feelings of others. They practice diligent emotional hygiene at home, in communities, and in workplaces.

People have all sorts of relationships — not just those between partners and lovers. We have an association with our kids, parents, family members, colleagues, and other people. Even simple transactions like shopping, commuting, and dealing with tradespeople require relationship-building.

Emotions, behavior, and interpersonal skills are tightly related. Emotions are reflected in our behavior. Our behavior is the determining factor for the success of relationships. Our behavior affects our interpersonal skills.

Emotionally mature people can handle interpersonal relationships more effectively. Well-known traits of emotionally mature people are demonstrating empathy, kindness, compassion, and reciprocity.

Dealing with people using these may have a magical impact on our relationships. People with empathy, kindness, compassion, and reciprocity can build and nurture relationships more effectively. Empaths are typical examples of having these traits.

Empathy and compassion are genuine human needs in all social settings. No one enjoys being told off or kicked out of places.

Whether we relate with our partners, peers, superiors, or subordinates, we can always communicate better by using empathy, kindness, compassion, and reciprocity.

This point brings us to the significance of effective communication. Effective communication requires emotional maturity. Emotionally mature people can communicate better; thus, they can build better relationships. In communications, empathy is the golden rule. Putting ourselves in others’ shoes always opens communication channels.

Mindful consideration of others’ unique circumstances with kindness, empathy, and compassion can be a foundational relationship-building skill.

Self-awareness and self-regulation establish the necessary ingredients in relationships. Without knowing and understanding our own conditions, we cannot relate to others. Without regulating our urges, we cannot build successful relationships. No one likes needy and grumpy people.

Emotionally mature people depict strong self-awareness and self-regulation. They become self-aware of their fluctuating moods, changing feelings, mental drives, and overall urges.

Self-awareness also helps with self-regulation. Self-regulation is essential for sustainable relationships.

Mentioning urges related to self-regulation and delaying gratification also helps to build better relationships.

Emotionally mature people can make better decisions by delaying their self-gratifying urges for immediate reactions, which may not necessarily serve their best interests when experiencing low moods and debilitating negative emotions.

We all have urges. They never stop. But by improving our emotional maturity, we can manage these urges better. By practicing self-awareness and regulation, we can increase our muscles of self-discipline. We respond rather than react.

Our self-discipline can transform into authentic behavior. Emotionally mature people behave genuinely and authentically. Their behavior and attitudes reflect their authentic self in their communications and interactions with others. They align with their principles based on authenticity. Genuine behavior and attitudes are noticeable by partners.

As human beings, we are vulnerable creatures, both emotionally and physically. Every human has a flaw. Therefore, emotional maturity requires demonstrating vulnerability without fear from partners and other relations. Authentic people do not fear showing their vulnerabilities and even failures.

Emotionally mature people are not afraid of criticism. They see criticism as useful and essential feedback for improvement. Relationships cannot survive without feedback.

By showing our vulnerability, we also offer our imperfections. None of us is perfect. Emotionally mature people do not strive for perfection. They focus energy on becoming a better version by refraining from being and showing themselves as perfect.

When we find our better versions gradually, and when our partners do the same, there may be a big possibility of finding more commonalities as human virtues are universal.

Paradoxically, people showing vulnerabilities not only empower themselves but also relate with other people better. Ironically, authentic people who do not disguise their vulnerabilities are perceived and even accepted as more robust and resilient by others.

By improving our emotional maturity, we can transform our lives and the lives of beloved ones. The more mature we get emotionally, the better relationships we can build.

Emotional maturity is about knowing and managing one’s own emotions and understanding and managing other people’s emotions simultaneously.

Emotional maturity can also contribute to our mental health. Healthier minds can build more sustainable relationships because they are emotionally and mentally balanced.

We can develop our emotional maturity by being authentic, approaching people with empathy and compassion, accepting our imperfections, and depicting vulnerability. The best hygiene for emotional maturity is a mindful life, being aware of every moment, and seeing things as they are without judging them as good or bad.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

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