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#Health #Lifestyle #Fitness

Our Muscles Love Epsom Salts

The healing power of magnesium sulfate based on experience

Image by StockSnap from Pixabay

Epsom salt is a form of magnesium known as magnesium sulfate.

Humanity has reaped the health benefits of Epsom salts since the 17th century. English people named this powerful substance after the town it was first found. It is also known as Epsomite in England.

The scientific name for this natural substance is magnesium sulfate heptahydrate. For those scientific minds, the formula is MgSO47(H2O). Let’s beware that the terms “sulfate” and “sulphate” are used interchangeably in the literature. Both terms refer to the same thing.

I want to share my personal experience, especially about improving my immunity, muscle health, and stress reduction. Discovering the use of Epsom salts to use in my baths made a positive difference in my physical sensations. Epsom salts helped relax my muscles, especially after a workout or a stressful situation.

Adding a few cups of Epsom salts to warm bath water can yield several benefits. The main benefit I experienced was reducing muscle pain substantially. Having a bath with Epsom salts also helped me improve my sleep quality by reducing stress.

Magnesium is critical in our lives because our bodies use it for over 300 metabolic and biochemical processes. A deficiency in magnesium can cause complications and trigger a strong stress response.

Nutritionists assert that leafy green vegetables are a good source of magnesium, but due to current soil conditions, having enough magnesium from plants is deemed to be questionable.

Considering the nutritional concerns and its criticality for our health, especially for immunity, the best option for me was to supplement magnesium. However, the problem with magnesium supplementation is our bodies can tolerate only a minimal amount via the digestive system.

Magnesium in tablet or powder format, usually more than 600 mg, may cause diarrhea. To supplement magnesium in an oral form, I only take 400 mg before going to bed so that I don’t have any digestive problems.

The reason I take it before bed is it helps me sleep better. Based on a review of the literature on magnesium, I believe that my body needed more magnesium to perform better.

In this case, my investigation was on how to consume magnesium optimally using other methods. I found out that the best option for an adequate amount of magnesium without digestive discomfort was taking magnesium via the skin.

Skin intake of magnesium is where the magic of Epsom salts plays a crucial role. By using this ingredient in our bath or using it as a spray or cream, we can meet our daily magnesium requirements.

Having an Epsom salt bath can be enjoyable for kids. One of my neighbors has several hyperactive kids who don’t want to go to bed on time. After I introduced the kids to having a bath with Epsom salts, they stopped resisting going to bed.

As a by-product, I also use Epsom salts to wash my clothes. Many people are using it. You can find several cleaning recipes on the Internet.

Apart from peace of mind from getting my minimum amount of magnesium daily, I also experience several noticeable benefits.

Having a bath with Epsom salts an hour before going to bed or applying Epsom salt cream, or spraying water Epsom saltwater provided distinctive benefits to me.

I felt relaxed and had a great sense of peace with reduced muscle soreness after exercise. My recovery time was shortened. Quality of sleep dramatically increased.

Epsom salts are also affordable. For example, a kilo costs less than $10, and you can find them in grocery stores, pharmacists, and online shops.

One precaution I take related to overall magnesium consumption is the rare case of severe hypermagnesemia. It’s relatively safe to ingest magnesium via the skin; however, ingesting magnesium orally in large amounts may cause this complicated health situation.

The usual culprit for hypermagnesemia is considered to be kidney failure. 2.6 mg/dL or above the amount of magnesium in the bloodstream is considered hypermagnesemia.

Overdose of magnesium is a rare case, but deficiency is widespread. Nowadays, functional medicine doctors first check about magnesium deficiency. Addressing shortfalls can reduce many symptoms.

As confirmed by NIH:

“Magnesium is a co-factor in more than 300 enzyme systems that regulate diverse biochemical reactions in the body, including protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation”.

My personal testimonial on this magical substance for my immunity is that since I started the regime of using Epsom salts in different ways, I have had no flu or cold symptoms over many years.

Due to the mentioned benefits of Epsom salts manifested in my life, I not only keep them at home but also carry the spray and cream forms in my emergency bag as my essential immune-boosting and stress-management tool.

To conclude, magnesium is a critical mineral for our health.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

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As a new reader, please check my holistic health and well-being stories reflecting my reviews, observations, and decades of experiments optimizing my hormones and neurotransmitters.

ALS, Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Anemia, Dysautonomia, cardiac output, and urinary track disorders.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, and other nutrients.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experience, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

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