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Health, Fitness, and Longevity

Use of Dry Saunas for Health and Leisure

Dry saunas might reduce stress, improve sleep quality, speed up recovery from exercise, increase energy, and reduce inflammation.

Image by Efes Kitap from Pixabay

Sauna has been an innovative tool to support my leadership challenges, even amidst critical situations.

In this story, I highlight how I used a dry sauna to reduce stress, improve sleep quality, speed up recovery from exercise, increase energy, reduce inflammation, enhance productivity, improve skin conditions, lighten up my mood, and optimize overall blood markers for better health.

A dry sauna has been one of my best stress management tools by adding extra pleasure and joy to my challenging life. It has been a lifesaver for me when leading critical situations in large business organizations.

Stressed inflamed my body. My cortisol level was over three times normal when I discovered the sauna. Apart from addressing my past inflammation issues, which made me miserable, there are a few compelling reasons that I practice and enjoy a dry sauna so much.

It is a known fact that the heat in a dry sauna induces quickly noticeable physiological effects in our bodies.

More specifically, the heat can increase skin and core body temperature quickly. This quick increase in body temperature can also increase heart rate and skin blood flow and cause perspiration rapidly. This simple yet powerful physical phenomenon can have tremendous health benefits.

The way I enjoy a sauna is by taking it in a few small sessions between 15 to 20 minutes, depending on the temperature of the sauna. After 10 minutes, I can experience a lot of perspiration in many parts of my body, the heaviest on the face.

Then, I have a quick break, like five minutes outside of the sauna. Then I try another 15-minute session, and after that, I have a cold shower.

Having a cold shower after an intense sauna session feels great. After the third or fourth session, depending on my time, I keep cooling down with constant cold showers.

I can check from my smartwatch that most of the time, my pulse fluctuates up and down. For example, it reaches 150 beats per minute when inside the sauna after 15 minutes and drops back to 60 beats per second after having cold showers for five minutes outside the sauna.

An hour after the last sauna session, most of my stress magically disappears. I feel more productive, both physically and mentally.

The physical manifestation becomes evident in relaxed muscles, joints, and ligaments. Any exercise-induced pain quickly melts away. More importantly, even my anxieties and worries go away.

There is a growing body of literature documenting many more benefits of dry saunas, such as improving cardiovascular health, removing toxins from our organs, improving the immune system, inducing deep-quality sleep, reducing Alzheimer’s risks, and even improving longevity by activating the SIRT2 genes.

I haven’t fully proven all these benefits empirically yet, and I am open-minded about the potential. However, I have certainly enjoyed the stress and pain management aspects of the sauna, and it has become a pleasant hobby and a regular transformational tool for my challenging life.

I am further stretching this to the point that maybe large innovative organizations such as Google, Apple, IBM, Medium, and Pixar should add a dry sauna and accompanying cold shower facilities to their offices to empower their entrepreneurs.

This unusual investment in people can provide exceptional positive returns with improved employee health and well-being.

Here is a more comprehensive article on the health benefits of saunas.

I documented my sauna experience in a more comprehensive story recently for interested readers. Here is the link:

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

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I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

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