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Business and Leadership

Here’s How Manifestation Starts with Uncertainty and Ambiguity.

The more tolerant we are of uncertainty, the more successful we become.

Photo by Davide Foti on Unsplash

Life is full of uncertainties. We don’t know what will happen next minute, hour, day, week, month, and year. But successful people plan for a decade.

Their secret is understanding, accepting, embracing, and managing uncertainties bravely.

Our success depends on our tolerance of ambiguity and uncertainties. Business ventures are created by taking risks.

In this article, I look at uncertainty from six essential points.

· Leadership

· Future focus

· Risk management

· Innovation

· Transformation

· Opportunity


Visionary leaders create successful ventures.

The leadership aspect of uncertainty is well-researched. We know that successful leaders tolerate ambiguity and uncertainty. It is a core skill for leaders.

Tolerance of uncertainty and ambiguity is a core attribute in leadership discipline.

Leaders have to deal with future outcomes. They influence the future through their brave actions.

Successful leaders erase ambiguity magically.

Future focus

Uncertainty is a reality necessarily involved in dealing with future events.

However, the future is unknown to us.

The future outcomes can be affected by a myriad of causes and effects beyond the control of people.

Staying open-minded and having a growth mindset are critical skills for us to deal with future events.

Risk management aspect

Uncertainty is a closely related term to risk management. Taking risks is one of the necessities and most fundamental characteristics of successful people.

Risk and opportunity are like the inseparable yin and yang.

We can even simplify at the most basic level that, with no risk, comes no opportunity. Successful people like entrepreneurs know that chances are created by taking risks.

Successful entrepreneurs take calculated risks using their logic and intuition.

They systematically mitigate risks to be able to deal with uncertainty. They learn from past failures and use these learnings to reduce and manage risks effectively.

When not appropriately managed, risks can turn into issues and threats.

Mitigating risks can help us to prevent the issues from happening.

Opportunity creation

Opportunities seldom come by themselves. We need to create them deliberately. This deliberation is called risk-taking.

By tolerating ambiguity and uncertainty, we can take calculated risks. With the help of chances, we create new ideas, test them quickly, and produce minimum viable solutions. These small solutions can be increased iteratively to create unique and more significant opportunities. In other words, prospects are hidden in uncertainties and risky situations.

To this end, successful people strive to tolerate uncertainty and ambiguity in their ventures. Taking calculated risks is a form of tolerating uncertainty and ambiguity. Risk-taking is vital to create opportunities.

Opportunities must be planned. Without a plan, we cannot create opportunities. A plan makes a mind shift to achieve something new. Plans stimulate our brains.

A plan is a bridge to the future. We need to develop detailed plans to create opportunities and achieve our goals.

Successfully implemented plans can turn into strategies, methods, and techniques. We need strategies, methods, and techniques to create innovation.

Innovation aspect

Innovation doesn’t happen by itself. We need to create many options for innovation to take place. Dealing with uncertainties and ambiguities allows us to create new options.

The more options we create, the more choices we have for problem-solving. Systematic problem-solving is a requirement of the innovation management process.

The more options we create to choose from, the more creative solutions we can produce. Innovation requires making options and choices.

Some options can be ambiguous and uncertain in the beginning. But this initial phase is the critical component of innovation.

When we have more options, we can link them in creative, intelligent, and integrated ways. Innovation can help us create new transformational solutions.

Transformation aspect

Transformation is moving from a current position to a more desirable position.

We need a planned pathway to transformation.

The pathway comprises risks, uncertainties, opportunities, plans, and creative solutions.


Uncertainty relates to key concepts such as leadership, future, risks, opportunities, innovation, and transformation. These concepts are interrelated. Uncertainty is the core fabric of this integrated framework.

Dealing with uncertainty is a vital leadership characteristic and a required skill.

Planning the future require dealing with uncertainties and ambiguities.

Uncertainties constitute risks.

Risks help us create opportunities and contribute to more options for problem-solving.

By tolerating uncertainty, we can turn opportunities turn into creative and innovative solutions.

We can transform these innovative solutions into a better state.

When we link these interrelated concepts and approach our goals by tolerating uncertainty, we can create more options, better chances, and desirable outcomes.

Successful manifestation starts with tolerating uncertainty, taking risks, creating solutions iteratively, and innovating and transforming innovations into better solutions.

Thank you for reading my perspectives.

Reference: A Technical Excellence Framework for Innovative Digital Transformation Leadership. More stories like this are in my leadership collection.

Sample Health Improvement Articles for New Readers

Let’s take this information and use it to make a meaningful difference in our lives and those we care about. Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

Besides aiming to increase the hormonal intelligence of my readers and writing about neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin, GABA, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine, one of my goals as a writer is to raise awareness about the causes and risk factors of prevalent diseases that can lead to suffering and death for a large portion of the population.

I aim to educate, create awareness, and empower my readers to take control of their health and well-being.

To raise awareness about health issues, I have written several articles that present my holistic health findings from research, personal observations, and unique experiences. Below are links to these articles for easy access.

Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, and Major Diseases.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, and other nutrients to improve metabolism and mental health.

Disclaimer: Please note that my posts do not include professional or health advice. I document my reviews, observations, experience, and perspectives only to provide information and create awareness.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. My focus is on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

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