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This article introduces a new publication, ILLUMINATION-Curated, established for top writers and advanced readers, and explains how writers can benefit from it.


The article "How Top Writers Benefit from 'ILLUMINATION-Curated' on Medium" introduces a new publication for top writers and advanced readers. The publication aims to give more opportunities to top writers and motivate developing writers to elevate their skills. The article explains the purpose of the new publication, its purpose, and how it works. It also highlights the benefits of joining I

Invitation to Top Writers

How Top Writers Benefit from “ILLUMINATION-Curated” on Medium

An innovative publication for top writers and advanced readers

Photo by Kumpan Electric on Unsplash

Purpose of the Story

Many top writers write for ILLUMINATION. We want to give more opportunities to top writers and motivate our developing writers to elevate.

This article aims to introduce a new publication, ILLUMINATION-Curated, established a week ago.

The demand and contributions from writers to this publication are overwhelming. We are nicely surprised and honored.

The value we add to our writers and readers is quickly recognized.

Purpose of ILLUMINATION-Curated

Two primary reasons encouraged us to design and implement this publication. Both reasons are related to our customers: writers and readers.

Firstly, this publication was designed on the needs and aspirations of our writers.

Secondly, we listened to the feedback of our readers, analyzed them, and considered their expectations of our design.

How does it work?

We offer three ways for articles to be included in the new publication.

The first one is Medium-curated articles published in ILLUMINATION. Our writers can remove them and add them to ILLUMINATION-Curated. We also give the flexibility that in the future, they can bring it back.

The second option is related to articles published in ILLUMINATION but not curated by Medium.

If these non-curated articles meet our submission guidelines and Medium curation guidelines, they are selected by our editors using a set of criteria. They approve the article and inform the writer. Then writers transfer them from ILLUMINATION to ILLUMINATION-Curated. Writers need to request access to the new publication.

The third option is the direct submission by approved writers for ILLUMINATION-Curated, meeting all submission guidelines and being approved by our editors. We have already selected over 100 top writers as part of this pilot implementation and want to extend our offering to more writers.

Why should Top Writers join ILLUMINATION-Curated?

At this pilot stage, we only invite advanced and accomplished writers with a demonstrated curation success rate on Medium.

This is by no means discrimination against other writers. We support all kinds of writers. Far from it! Our aim is to give a meaningful and realistic goal to our writers. This well-thought goal is to elevate the skills of our writers at all levels.

One of our goals is to help our writers to improve their writing skills as part of our pilot project. For example, if you commit to following Medium curation guidelines and improving the quality of your stories, we can promote you to write in this new publication.

Please consider this new publication as a tool to encourage you to grow.

Now, let’s get back to top writers. How can they benefit from this new publication?

The first reason is this publication is home to high-quality and outstanding stories aimed at advanced readers. This means that your stories will find a new audience.

We are promoting this publication to readers who enjoy reading quality articles with important content. We only publish well-written and edited content with a clear purpose.

Another benefit of this publication is bringing all top writers and encouraging collaboration. Writers support writers because they know the challenges of other writers.

Networking with top writers coming from different domains can increase synergy and create serendipity. ILLUMINATION-Curated covers over 100 topics.

We set the benchmark.

Stories submitted to ILLUMINATION-Curated must meet Medium curation guidelines at a minimum to qualify contributors as permanent writers for this publication.

However, we know the challenges of the curation process. Even the most experienced top writers felt the pain of rejection. It is a natural consequence of subjective assessment.

We understand that even if top writers religiously follow the guidelines, their stories sometimes may not be curated by Medium. The Medium curation guideline clearly states that the curation process is subjective.

This is fine as it is the choice of the platform. We cannot argue this fact.

However, we understand this constraint and will not undermine the quality of your story if Medium does not curate it.

I came across remarkable stories that Medium did not distribute to topics.

With this insight, our editors are determined to evaluate well-written and outstanding stories by using our rigorous and objective process leveraging Medium curation guidelines.

If these important stories match the set of criteria, even if we disagree with the content for some reason, we still qualify them for ILLUMINATION-Curated. We know that readers are unique. We respect their choice and do our best to meet their expectations. One person’s trash can be another person’s treasure in terms of content.

Impartiality for content is one of our core values.

Our primary goal is to provide high-quality and high-impact content to our esteemed readers, representing a wide variety of domains.

The primary goal of ILLUMINATION-Curated is to generate a new audience different from what generic publications offer. Our main publication, ILLUMINATION, appeals to a broad audience.

For example, some readers of ILLUMINATION prefer only content written in simple language. In comparison, the audience for ILLUMINATION-Curated may prefer sophisticated language and complex topics.

We add exceptional value to the top writers. For example, we not only select high-quality articles, but we also edit them to meet the requirements of our readers.

Editing is an added value we provide to our writers and readers. As you know, editing is an expensive process. Our experienced editors are willing to perform this duty free of charge, as a giveback activity.

These editors are not paid by writers, the publication, or Medium. These editors only do this for charitable and intellectual purposes. Therefore, I feel the privilege to have a team of volunteers to perform editing tasks for the success of our writers, offering edited content to our valuable readers.

ILLUMINATION has about 35 registered editors who can read and vote for stories to curate them for a wider audience looking for a quality reading experience. Our plan is to increase the number of editors to 100. These editors are also willing to undertake the role of curator for the new publication.

In this economic climate, providing edited and curated stories to our readers is an innovative solution and can be considered a paradigm shift for publication services on Medium.

The approach we take is to select high-quality and high-impact content. Then, we create a poll in our secure and private Slack channel using a voting application.

There are additional benefits as a byproduct of our services.

For example, if our writers submit curated articles to ILLUMINATION-Curated, their curated stories by Medium will also be curated by ILLUMINATION. This notion manifests as dual curation.

Our flexibility also plays an important role in the success of our writers.

Even though we usually accept only draft submissions, as a bonus, we created an exception for your curated articles in both publications.

If our writers have published articles, curated by Medium before, even if they are old; these writers can still submit those old articles. We value articles chosen by the Medium curation process.

Our purpose is to give a second life to curated stories.

During this pilot process, we have already experienced the value of giving a second life to old curated stories.

Why is dual curation important for top writers?

Dual curation can bring two significant benefits visibility and readability.

As you may know, Medium supports curated stories by several means.

ILLUMINATION will use the same model but plans to extend the model with targeted distribution and innovative means.

In addition to Medium curation, how does ILLUMINATION curation help the top writers?

There are three reasons for this.

The first reason is our curation process does not depend on algorithms. Our human editors perform selection activities.

Secondly, our curation process is based on the agreed criteria. We use the level of rigor that peer-reviewed journals perform.

Thirdly, and most importantly, our curation process is 100% objective.

Our editors do not curate based on subjective taste. They use the Medium curation guidelines and use a set of criteria to determine whether a piece can be curated or not.

Our objective approach aims to address the root causes of the suffering that top writers experience now and then. I experienced the suffering and read many stories shared by top writers on this issue. With empathy and compassion for accomplished writers, our goal is to reduce the potential pain as much as possible. We designed an innovative process, procedures, and tools to achieve this goal.

We believe that writers need objectivity in the selection of their content for distribution to a broader audience. Our core values, such as diversity, inclusiveness, and fairness, require us to remain objective. ILLUMINATION is a value-driven publication. We don’t compromise our values.

Strategies, tactics, and techniques can change, but our values will not change. They are permanent and designed to survive and thrive on this journey.

Our innovative processes also have several other benefits.

For example, if ILLUMINATION editors/curators choose stories of our top writers and publish them on our new platform, these stories are more likely curated by Medium due to the editing rigor that we invest in these stories.

We experienced this in the last seven days.

There is also a consolation for rejected stories due to subjectivity.

If Medium does not curate outstanding stories, we know that subjectivity affects the outcome. But, as a top writer of the ILLUMINATION-Curated, at least your high quality and high impact article will be curated and distributed to a target group. The consolation is to relieve the rejection pain by at least half.

We are working hard to increase the curation rate of our writers.

Many tools and refined processes are helping our writers increase the number of curated stories. As you know, Medium distributes curated stories to readers on-topic pages, in an app, in the Daily Digest newsletter, in emails, and sometimes on the front page. ILLUMINATION will follow a similar model. We extend the current model to amplify messages to a broader target audience at the same time.

As writers, we must be reader-focused.

ILLUMINATION is a reader-focused publication. Since establishing this publication, we communicate with the readers daily using various methods, including Slack groups, Social Media, Email, newsletters, and voice communication tools such as Skype, Zoom, and Webex.

We distribute our stories every day to serve our readers as a daily digest. Readers enjoy our distribution lists as they can access many stories from a single story. In addition, we archived over 50,000 stories easily accessible from a single story.

Based on our daily interactions with thousands of readers, we know that advanced readers prefer edited and curated stories by experienced editors.

We have experienced editors and utilize their capability as curators. Based on elicited reader feedback, we know the expectations and requirements of our audience. We accumulated rich and supportive data for our business strategies and tactics.

ILLUMINATION-Curated is designed to serve a special reader group.

When we say special, we refer to their expectations. We know that the audience of this new publication is not after simple tricks on Medium. They don’t want to read stories about how many cents Medium writers are earning. They don’t care about the petty issue on Medium, Facebook, or other social media platforms.

These readers want to enjoy the quality and high-impact materials which matter to society.

The audience for this new publication includes professionals in business, science, technology, philosophy, arts, self-improvement, and other domains.

ILLUMINATION-Curated is operating in pilot mode and ready to review.

Over 100 top writers joined and submitted their materials.

We even had trending articles.

Our beta readers are providing feedback daily.

We already have useful feedback from our small group of beta readers.

We shared helpful resources to guide our top writers and encourage our other writers who are working hard to elevate their skills.

Here is an articulated story by our editor, writer, and reader Britni Pepper for the value we add to ILLUMINATION-Curated.


Top writers with a good curation track record can join both publications.

If you are a new writer and learning Medium curation guidelines, we recommend joining ILLUMINATION initially. As you progress and elevate to the next level, we can allow you to submit drafts to the new publication.

If you are an accomplished writer with a reasonable curation rate on ILLUMINATION, you can request access to ILLUMINATION-Curated.

ILLUMINATION is an innovative serendipity platform with optimistic writers, editors, and readers collaborating to create synergy. You can join, engage, and make your dreams real. Our writers and readers are diverse, inclusive, and supportive.

Like 19,000 other writers, you can confidently share your content without worrying about rejection and censorship.

We can improve your content for higher quality and increase the chance of curation, and you can collaborate with our top writers and model their success. We also love supporting writers and amplifying success stories with facts.

If you want to join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you succeed!

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I enjoy giving visibility to writers by featuring and interviewing them. Here is the collection of interviewed writers. Please feel free to contact me if you want to be interviewed. I’d be delighted to help.

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You might join my six publications on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link. 19K+ writers contribute to my publications. You might find more information about my professional background.

If you enjoy reading, you may join Medium with my referral link for limitless access to my stories and other writers.

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