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The undefined website provides guidance for ILLUMINATION-Curated contributors on how to create collections of their stories to maximize visibility and cross-pollination among writers, supported by a pilot project with beta readers.


The ILLUMINATION-Curated publication on Medium has initiated a project to help writers increase the visibility of their stories by organizing them into collections. This effort is supported by a pilot project involving around 10,000 beta readers, aiming to facilitate easier access to curated and outstanding stories. The website outlines a structured approach for writers to prepare their collections, including the use of specific syntax and elements such as titles, subtitles, kickers, and abstracts. It also emphasizes the importance of using tags and provides examples of how to present stories within the collection. The initiative is part of a broader goal to motivate writers, support readers, and foster a collaborative environment through the use of collections, which are distributed via newsletters and other promotional tools.


  • The editor of ILLUMINATION-Curated believes that effective organizational and information management skills are crucial for the success of Medium writers.
  • The editor values the role of collections in giving stories maximum visibility and encourages writers to take responsibility for making their stories visible.
  • The initiative aims to create a comprehensive resource to help new writers experience curation on Medium by learning from experienced authors.
  • The editor is committed to assisting writers, as evidenced by the invitation to contact editors via Slack for support and the provision of a contact link for writers to join the publication.
  • The website conveys a positive outlook on the benefits of cross-pollination among writers and the serendipitous encounters that can result from well-curated collections.
  • The editor emphasizes the importance of practical frameworks and tools to help writers deal with issues such as anxiety in difficult times, ethical hacking, and leadership growth, among other topics covered in the collections.
  • The editor promotes the use of Design Thinking principles for writers to improve their storytelling and problem-solving capabilities.
  • The website suggests that the ILLUMINATION-Curated publication is a dynamic and supportive community, with a Slack group of 650 members and a focus on collaboration and mutual success.


How to Create Collections on ILLUMINATION-Curated

A sample and guiding framework to encourage writers to create their collections

Photo by James Resly on Unsplash

I aim to introduce a new initiative for collecting outstanding stories of ILLUMINATION-Curated for our readers. My goal is to provide a sample collection approach to encourage our contributors.

There are millions of stories on Medium. Unless we purposefully make them visible, our stories will be buried, and our readers will not have a chance to review them. Effective organizational and information management skills are essential for the success of Medium writers.

ILLUMINATION-Curated aims to help writers to gain maximum visibility to their readers. As an editor, I lead the way; however, as an author, you need to take responsibility for making your stories visible using the practical tools and techniques that we offer.

Once you submit your stories, I will enter them into a new collection file and distribute them to our readers. Please feel free to tag me so that I can be notified when you submit your collection.

Our pilot project for ILLUMINATION-Curated has the privilege of being supported by around 10,000 beta readers. We want to make it easy for them to access our outstanding stories.

This resource aims to increase cross-pollination among our writers. Outstanding and curated articles can create serendipitous encounters.

Here is an indication of the exposure our stories get on ILLUMINATION-Curated. This is a screen capture of stories trending today.

We also want to create a comprehensive resource to help our new writers experience curation on Medium by learning from the work of our experienced and accomplished writers.

ILLUMINATION will compile your collection in a story similar to the attached one where our daily volumes are collected. It will be easy to distribute them via our newsletters and other promotion tools.

In the following section, I provide you with the syntax to create the collection consist of your stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Here is the proposed structure to prepare your collection for curated stories.

The title of the story

Collection of Curated Stories on ILLUMINATION — in Heading 1 format

The subtitle of the story

Selected stories by [please insert your tagged Medium account name] hosted on ILLUMINATION-Curated


Selected stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated

Presentation of stories

Please consider the following four components.

1. Title of your story to be in heading one format

2. Name of the topics for distribution. E.g. #relationships #self

3. An abstract of the story in italic quotes around 75 words

4. An embedded link to the story.

The following section provides sample stories from my collection hosted on ILLUMINATION.

Here are my sample stories to help you create your collection on ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Anxiety in Difficult Times

Distributed to #Mental Health

We notice that the level of anxiety is growing globally due to current situations caused by public health concerns. As it is on a massive scale, I want to provide a practical framework based on my studies and experience to deal with anxiety in these difficult times.

Innovative Use of Negative Criticism

Distributed to #Psychology #Education #Self #Mindfulness

My central premise in this article is looking at the topic from survival versus thriving point of view. While survival keeps us safe in our comfort zones, thriving requires effort to move out of our comfort zones and challenge our abilities. This significant yet straightforward viewpoint is the major success factor for humans to grow and design their lives based on their desired goals and objectives.

Cross-Pollination at Work

Distributed to #Leadership #Work

In this article, I highlight the value and importance of cross-pollination for high-performance teams in transforming business environment. I share a simple example which helped transform a competitive, rigid, and difficult culture to a pleasant learning environment.

Ethical Hacking

Distributed to #Cybersecurity

In this article, I aim to create awareness on ethical hacking, its purpose, use cases, and a brief introduction to the role of ethical hackers in digital transformation initiatives. My goal is to help security executives and managers choose the best ethical hackers for their business. As a by-product, the information in this article can also guide the aspiring ethical hackers to build their skills and plan their experience.

How to Spark Innovative Collaboration

Distributed to #Leadership #Business

In this article, I share my thoughts stemming from my experience on how to ignite collaboration leading innovation in the workplace, particularly in the digital transformation initiatives where innovation truly matter. We know that the term collaboration is overused and loses its significance nowadays, especially with the emergence of Internet technologies and digital transformation initiatives.

Power of Design Thinking for Writers

Distributed to #Writing #Design

Design Thinking can be useful for writers too. This is my main premise in this short article. Writers can use Design Thinking principles for quality, simplicity, and agility purposes. Design Thinking can be considered as an innovative problem-solving technique with close interactions of the actual users of the solutions. As writers, one of our fundamental roles is to solve problems for our readers and delight them.

Prominent Adult Learning Theories

Distributed to #Leadership #Education #Psychology

In this article, I share the summary of the literature review which I conducted to underpin learning characteristics of technical leaders. In this review, my aim is to introduce major adult learning theories and models as well as their major principles. These principles are used to recognize cognitive patterns of technical leaders whom I surveyed and interviewed both qualitatively and quantitatively for validation of findings. These theories and models were used to support key ideas and discussions included in the major themes of the research study.

Inventor’s Perspective to Leadership Growth

Distributed to #Leadership

One of the best lessons I learnt in my childhood from my parents was taking full responsibility for everything I did in my life; whether good or bad. This well-rounded principle has been an important transformational success factor in every aspect of my life, including my leadership pursuits in later years. This life lesson helped me explore and discover the leadership capabilities hidden in my DNA. I enjoy experimenting and learning from trial and errors.

How to be an excellent technical leader

Distributed to #Leadership

In this article, I provide an overview of the 26 key characteristics of excellent technical and technology leaders who can survive and thrive even in the most critical situations to deliver outstanding business results, keep their team members sane, make their stakeholders happy, and delight their customers. My goal is to provide practical guidance to aspiring digital transformation entrepreneurs for startup companies or intrapreneurs working in large business organisations. The context of the leadership in this article is related to new technology business, transformational environments, and enterprise modernisation initiatives. However, these traits might also apply to leaders in other domains.

Business Value and Architectural Overview of Robotics Process Automation

Distributed to #Artificial Intelligence

In this article, my aim is to briefly introduce what Robotics Process Automation (RPA) is, it’s business value, the major use cases, how it works, how we can enhance it, and my experience on architecting solutions to meet the customer requirements. If you are tired of performing tedious and repetitive tasks and witnessing too many errors upsetting your clients, your business may need the use of Robotics Process Automation empowered by software robots and the capabilities artificial intelligence.

Cognitive Transformation

Distributed to #Artificial Intelligence

The purpose of this article is to briefly introduce to you what cognitive computing entails, its current progress in the industry, the value proposition for its necessity, and my personal observations and thoughts on trends and future plans. Most of us in the IT industry most likely heard, read about, or already started working with the cognitive systems for various practical use cases. Would you like to have a quick taste? Then, keep reading! I simplified this complex topic as much as possible in this article.

Business Architecture Framework for Digital Transformation

Distributed to #Software Engineering #Leadership #Programming

In order to create effective business architecture for complex digital transformation programs, we must follow an established yet innovative framework. A framework is a basic structure underlying a business and technology system. Our framework can start with understanding the organizational structure of the business. This framework can include multiple considerations and business viewpoints. Business organizations are made up of stakeholders with different roles focusing on common goals.

Please contact our editors, who are willing to help you succeed. They are accessible via our Slack channel. Please request an invitation to our Slack group if you are not a member yet. We have 650 members collaborating.

Screen capture showing the followers of ILLUMINATION Slack Group


Thank you for reading my stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated. I look forward to reading your outstanding stories. Our focus is to motivate our writers and support our readers. By using collections, our readers can easily access curated stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated shared each day.

Here is an invitation to top writers to join ILLUMINATION-Curated.

To join our growing, joyful, and supportive publication as a writer, please leave a message via this link. Remember to add your Medium ID to your request. We help you become a successful writer on Medium.

Sample Health Improvement Articles for New Readers

Why 442 Million People Live Diabetic and What We Can Do About it

Defeat Fatty Liver Disease with Three Doable Tips

Reduce Liver Cancer Risks with Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Defeat Metabolic Syndrome and Slim Down Waistline with Three Tips

Lower the Risks of Heart Disease and Strokes in Five Steps

Make Your Lungs Healthier via Lifestyle Approaches

Make Your Pancreas Healthier via Lifestyle Choices

Make Your Kidneys Healthier via Lifestyle Choices

Make Your Brain Healthier with Ten Lifestyle Approaches

Six Tips to Prevent Brain Atrophy and Lower the Risks of Mental Disorders

What Can We Do About NCDs Killing 41 Million People Yearly?.

Five Tips to Prevent Infectious Diseases.

Three Tips to Improve Cardiovascular Health.

Three Lifestyle Habits to Lower Dementia Risks

Reduce the Risks of Neonatal Disorders to Prevent Infant Mortality.

Reduce the Risks of Major Diseases with Healthy Lifestyle Habits

I also write about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and other nutrients that might help to improve metabolism and mental health.

I publish my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. I wrote several articles on major diseases and valuable nutrients for health. My focus is on metabolic, cellular, mitochondrial, and mental health. Here is my collection of Insightful Life Lessons from Personal Stories.

You might join my seven publications on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link.

You might find more information about my professional background.

Life Lessons
Self Improvement
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