
Featured Stories

Curated Collection #12

Selected stories from experienced writers for avid readers of Illumination on Medium

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Dear Readers,

We selected some engaging and informative stories from Illumination to give you a quick taste today. These stories cover various topics.

We now compile all featured stories in a single post so you can find them from this link: Meta Collection of Featured Stories: Easy access to daily selected stories from engaging writers of ILLUMINATION — Volume 3–2022.

Many new writers joined Illumination today so we expect more interesting stories soon. You can meet them from the following link.

If you missed the other curated lists, you may access them from the following links:

Curated Collection #1, Curated Collection #2, Curated Collection #3, Curated Collection #4, Curated Collection #5, Curated Collection #6, Curated Collection #7, Curated Collection #8, Curated Collection #9, a collection from SYNERGY, Curated Collection #10, Curated Collection #11, Curated Collection #12, Curated Collection #13, Curated Collection #14, Curated Collection #15, Curated Collection #16, Curated Collection #17, Curated Collection #18, Curated Collection #19, Curated Collection #20, Curated Collection #21, Curated Collection #22, Curated Collection #23, Curated Collection #24, Curated Collection #25, Curated Collection #26, Curated Collection #27, Curated Collection #28, Curated Collection #29, Curated Collection #30, Curated Collection #31, Curated Collection #32, Curated Collection #33, Curated Collection #34, Curated Collection #35, Curated Collection #36, Curated Collection #37, Curated Collection #38, Curated Collection #39, Curated Collection #40, Curated Collection #41, Curated Collection #42, Curated Collection #43, Curated Collection #44, Curated Collection #45, Curated Collection #46, Curated Collection #47

New writers please check the onboarding pack before submitting your stories to our publications. Quality and style of your content matter to our readers.

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Featured Stories from ILLUMINATION

Why I Choose to Live in Australia Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Five Tips to Melt Visceral Fat and Have a Defined Belly Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Meet Sinem Günel by ILLUMINATION


The Decentraland Effect: Virtual Millionaires or an Anomaly? Nick Sokol, PhD

New Year Survival Tips for Food Addicts Joan Kent, PhD

For This New Year, Just Practice Dr. Alex Krejci

What the ‘McDonald’s Career Track’ Means for Our Collective Financial Future Richelle Délia, PhD

Words of Wisdom from the Realm of Spirituality Tara Desai PhD

How To Drive Traffic To Your Medium Stories Ahmed Tarek

“The Law of Attraction” & “Radical Nonduality” Are Powerful Opposite Truths Alan Lew

Great Stories From 2021 That Are Worth Revisiting Carol Price

When It Comes To Social Support Michael Patanella

God Loves Us Unconditionally Marcus

Many Good, Innocent People Languish In Our Prison Systems. This Is So Wrong. Maria Rattray

The Dark Side Of Self-Aware Robots That Can Reproduce Themselves : Hello! I'm Patrick OConnell

Kim K Unfollows Miley Cyrus Over Pete Pics!? ⭐ Wee Justy ⭐

Venture Capital: A Messed Up Keynesian Beauty Contest Adi

Stop Treating Healthcare Providers Badly Alexandra Duncan

Guilt tripping is disgusting, icky Amelie Bauer

How Can Technical Writers Triple Writing Income? Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Back to Work Scaries — Here are 4 Ways to Transition Fearlessly Into the New Year Ange Dim

Forgetting You! Annelise Lords

5 simple habits to put in place for a more productive & less stressful 2022 Annika Lindberg

Midnight Mass Broke The Penguin Argumentative Penguin

My First Month Earnings Are Out And I’m Shocked! Atheeb Azeem

An Engagement at Galaxyland Athena Milios

How to Finally Get To That Dream Bill Abbate

An Art Odyssey in NYC Bridget Stella Ruxton Wilson

What I Learned After I Ate the Last Sugar Cookie Brooke Ramey Nelson

My 100th Article on Medium Calum James

Cash Not Best Option For 2022 Carlos Pascual

My Toxic Parents Sabotaged My Relationships Carol Chea

Are You Guilty of Christmas Shaming? Would You Break the 7 Holy Commandments of Christmas? Caryn Leach-Smith

Why Keep A Diary In 2022? Clarisse Cornejo

The Top 8 Chinese Teas For Health and Healing Crystal Mathews

5 Aspects of Mindfulness That I Have Found to Be Most Helpful Damian Clark

3 Reminders for Introverts During World Introvert Day David Matthew Bristow

Elon Musk: Have More Kids or Our Civilization Crumbles DC Crawford

Fierce Females DMTakeshi

Why It’s Okay Not To Have New Year Resolutions Don Johnson

An Ancient and Long-forgotten Practice Is Coming Back. Eduardo Remolins

What We Need to Understand as People trying to be Entrepreneurs Emmanuel A. Anderson

10 Ways to Exercise Your Mind for Mental Fitness Fahim chughtai

It’s Not A Good Time To Visit Washington, D.C.

Floyd Mori

America, Trump, Dictatorship, and the Big Lie Gadwall Jackson

7 Important Things To Stop Your Skin Aging Gokhan Yalcuk

Orange juice — Please Haimish Mead

Paranoia Haji

Lessons learned fromTechnology — by a dense woman trying to learn the ropes Jackie Madden Haugh

Introverts vs. Extroverts on writing Jay aware

Customer Service Come Home Jennifer Pierce

A Tribute to Joanne Jesse Bramani

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout When You Don’t Want To Jessey Anthony

New Year’s Resolutions Suck Joe Merkle

30 Freelance Business Ideas You Can Start Now Johnathan Reeper

Boom! Why I’ll Leave Medium And Start My Own Newsletter Kristina God

The Biggest Lie I Once Believed Was True. Kunaal b


Employees Don’t Want to Return to the Office, Why Not? Lawson Wallace

New Year, Same Me Leanne Mullan

10 Powerful Quotes To Calm Your Mind Letters from E.K.

You Don’t Need to Be Perfect to Be Loved Lilian Poon

The Five Problems with Joyful Movement Lorrae G.

Why Do You Need A Successful Hero To Identify With A Character? Lucia Landini

Black Life-If It Happened Then It’s a Fact Maryam Ismail

More Insomniatic Ramblings Misty Rae

5 Ways My Faith Has Changed During the Pandemic Nahid Husain-Habib

How To Get Over Chronic Writer’s Block — 5 Strategies From Famous Author’s Nathan Siler

Is There Anything to be Happy About These Days? Nia RoMi

The Price Of Not Pursuing Your Passions Nico Sifiso

Broken Thoughts NIDAA

5 Top Limitations of A Sustainable Supply Chain Nora

Is Self-Acceptance Antithetical to the Self-Improvement Industry? Stephen Fischer

What If It’s Not Meant For Me?” Nova Binx

By A Thread: Part Two Nova Binx

Want to Keep Your Resolutions? Here’s How. Oliver W. Johnson

Dangling Dreams Omkar Ranveerkar

Holding On to the Past Can Be Just as Painful as Letting It Go. Onyema Williamson

Writing on Medium is a Trapeze Without a Net Paul Coogan

How To Make Gigi Hadid Pasta Sauce? Pisoglou

44 Of The Most Interesting Websites to Keep You Entertained When You’re Bored Randy Salars

Self-Awareness — a Poem Roxanne Barbour

Fethi Sekin: The Turkish Police Officer Life and Heroic Death Rui Alves

8 Peaks Above 8000 M in Nepal Sailesh Rai

Copy the Thought Process, Don’t Copy the Content! Sara Marium

Upon Greeting The Return of Wildlife At A Pond By A Grove Sav Map

Is the Real World as Evil as the Internet Appears? Shannon Piérre

Light At the End | Fact or Fiction? Dan Martino

How You Can Increase Your Income With KDP Low Content Books Shea Hulse

How 3 Weeks of Meditation Rewired My Brain Tammy Bergstrom

Tech Stories on Technology Hits #2 Technology Hits

Google Is Overthrown as the World’s Most Popular Website The Dozen

Investing With Small Sums of Money Thijs Nijenhuis

The Blacklisted Dominican Sales Funnel Abandoned Trapper Sherwood

How to Organise and Manage Emails Like a Spartan Trisha Dunbar (She/Her)

We Didn’t Need Police In Schools. We Had Teachers Vuyo Ngcakani

Review of A Quiet Place and Its Sequel Movie Xin Xin

Pain Sucks, So I Decided To Buy and Try This New Massager For My Partner KL Simmons

Mountain Yonke54

Don’t Add Without Letting Go of Something it Creates Stagnation. Lady Jhershierra

Hidden Messages in Elon’s Ex-wife’s TedTalk You, Me and Happiness

Prototype For Success Allison Bonilla

How Do You Use The ‘Fear Setting’ Octopus Explorer

Grateful Though I Am No Billionaire paulmartincurry

Self Healing Promises for a Happier 2022 Zeenat Merchant Syal, M.A, M.Sc

Relive your upper back pain and lower back pain easy way ZEN

Outstanding Stories — Volume 84 ILLUMINATION-Curated

Freelance Writing on Synergy ILLUMINATION

Thank you for reading these engaging and informative stories.

You may find more curated stories featured by our editors.

Many thanks to our editors who reviewed and published these pieces. You can meet some of our editors from this collection compiled by ILLUMINATION-Curated.

Profiles of our writers from their pen compiled by Technology Hits

All publication related stories can be accessed via this collection.

Please enjoy this video featuring one of our top writers and a published author on Illumination YouTube channel. You may subscribe us to enjoy our new videos.

You can read the transcription of this video introducing Shashi Sastry.

Helpful References for New Writers

How To Become A Top Writer In Three Months

Improving the Quality of Writing Using an Editorial Checklist

Five Questions To Increase Curation Chance and Reading Fans

6 Easy & Proven Tips to Increase Followers

8 Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

Process and Procedures

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

No Defamation, Discrimination, And Hate Speech Published

Copyright Matters: Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Use of Affiliate Links On Medium

A Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers

How to Survive and Thrive on Medium

How Writers Can Use YouTube Creatively and Productively

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

The Joy of Selling 1,000+ Books In A Month With Minimal Investment

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

Collection of Editor Bios

Collection of Writer Bios

Guiding document for writers

Invitation to Potential Writers

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link. We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please point out the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request. If you are new to Medium, you can join via this link. Readers can read thousands of stories and writers can monetize self-published content.

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