avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz


Curated Collection

Here’s How Freelance Writers Can Triple Their Writing Income.

I provide practical guides and perspectives in this collection.

Photo by Fox from Pexels

This collection aims to compile guiding articles for new writers to improve the quality of their stories and gain more readers.

First, let me share the story guiding on how to triple income.

Second, I highlight the importance of passive income for writers.

Guidance to New Writers on Medium

I provided guidance on saving time for writing and increasing views and reads on Medium.

I Interview writers to create visibility.

I created “Writing Prompts and Challenges”. Our prolific writers might consider joining these writing challenges to find new readers and increase their reading times.

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Invitation To A Writing Challenge

If writers participate in these challenges, they might increase their chance of becoming top writers in three months.

How to Become a Top Writer in Three Months on Medium

In addition, if one of our stories goes viral, we can earn a significant income. So it is a good idea to increase the chance of viral stories by following key rules.

What I Learned by Reviewing 100+ Viral Articles in 2021

Affiliate Marketing to Earn Passive Income

You might also consider affiliate marketing to increase your income. I provided valuable guidance based on my experience.

You might review the chapters of the book about affiliate marketing.

Chapters of the Book on Medium

Chapter 1

How Authors Can Write More And Earn Passive Income

Chapter 2

An overview of digital affiliate marketing

Chapter 3

Benefits of Digital Affiliate Marketing for Merchants

Chapter 4

The Power of Digital Affiliate Marketing -Chapter 4

Chapter 5

The Power of Digital Affiliate Marketing -Chapter 5

Chapter 6

The Power of Digital Affiliate Marketing -Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Credibility, influence, and trust for digital affiliate marketing

Chapter 8

Hоw Tо Start Affіlіаtе Mаrkеtіng

Chapter 9

Six Best Business Practices for Digital Affіlіаtе Mаrkеters

Chapter 10

Proven Strаtеgіеѕ For Digital Affіlіаtе Mаrkеtіng

Chapter 11

Globally Recognized Digital Affiliate Marketing Merchants

Chapter 12

Payment Processing And Methods For Digital Marketers

Chapter 13

Key Principles In Chооѕіng Yоur Fіrѕt Marketing Prоgrаm

Chapter 14

Vital Resources And Popular Programs For Digital Marketers

Chapter 15

Tips For Growth And Mistakes To Avoid In Digital Marketing Business

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Compelling Reasons For Digital Marketers To Become Affiliates With Outstanding Merchants

Chapter 18

Global Industry Trеndѕ For Digital Mаrkеtіng Merchants And Affiliates On A Global Scale

Chapter 19

Analyzing Key Factors Before Signing A Merchant’s Digital Affiliate Program

Chapter 20

An Assessment Of Popular And Rewarding Digital Affiliate Programs And Networks

Chapter 21

How Merchants Leverage The Power Of Digital Affiliate Marketing

Chapter 22

Dynamics of Marketing Links, Clicks, And Customer Conversions

Chapter 23

A Simple Model To Understand A Marketing Funnel

Chapter 24

How To Start Your First Promotion With Clickbank

Chapter 25

Commonly used affiliate marketing terms

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a happy and healthy life.

Sample Articles from My Writing Portfolio for New Readers

I enjoy writing about health and well-being. I share my lifestyle, health, and well-being stories on EUPHORIA. I wrote several articles on major diseases and valuable nutrients for health. My focus is metabolic and mental health.

Reduce the Risks of Major Diseases with Healthy Lifestyle Habits

Why 442 Million People Live Diabetic and What We Can Do About it

What Can We Do About Non-Communicable Diseases Killing 41 Million People Yearly?.

Defeat Fatty Liver Disease with Three Doable Tips

Reduce Liver Cancer Risks with Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Defeat Metabolic Syndrome and Slim Down Waistline with Three Tips

Five Tips to Prevent Infectious Diseases.

Lower the Risks of Heart Disease and Strokes in Five Steps

Three Tips to Improve Cardiovascular Health.

Three Lifestyle Habits to Lower Dementia Risks

Reduce the Risks of Neonatal Disorders to Prevent Infant Mortality.

Make Your Brain Healthier with Ten Lifestyle Approaches

Make Your Kidneys Healthier via Lifestyle Choices

Make Your Pancreas Healthier via Lifestyle Choices

Make Your Lungs Healthier via Lifestyle Approaches

I also wrote about valuable nutrients like:

Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and other nutrients that might help to improve metabolism and mental health.

You might join seven publications of Dr. Yildiz on Medium as a writer by sending a request via this link. You might find more information about the author.

Writing Tips
Self Improvement
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