I started living alone to chase my goals
I think at some point in life, we all take certain steps.
We all have goals, and we all want to achieve those goals no matter what the cost is because these goals define who we are and why we make certain choices.
If I talk about the whole story, it all started back in 2018 when I got my BBA degree and thought of starting something of my own. I was just alone with my PC and no other special equipment back then.
It was kind of hard for me to decide because technology in India is kind of lame, and people don’t trust technology that much, especially when you come from a middle-class family where purchasing an expensive device is totally prohibited because of funds.
So it’s kind of hard to make any decision based on the things you have because if you choose to chase your dreams, you’re going to be totally alone.
No one will support you because they will totally assume that your mind is not working properly, or you are totally out of mind because you’re thinking of something different from other people in your family.
You’re also destroying the culture that followed for ages and not preparing for the SSC (Staff Selection Commission) or other government exams. Hahaha.
All of this seems funny today, but when this happens to you, it’s harrowing, and you feel alone and stupid all the time.
Not many of you know this. In India (Bharat ancient name of India ), almost all students prepare for government jobs even though they know that there is cutting-edge competition for government jobs.
Why does this happen?
This happens due to two main reasons;
- Education system.
- And Indian Parents.
Because our education system is not trying to add any innovation to the system, we are still following the British colonial education system. Even though the world is totally different today, we are still stuck with the old teaching methods because of the government and the uneducated people running our government.
And the second reason is parents. In India, parents don’t allow their kids to think independently. In most cases, Indian parents try to decide the fate of their kids from the day of their birth, which is funny because the world is full of uncertainties, and anything can happen in this world, so being concrete about the future is not the right way to deal with things.
These two reasons are destroying the entire Indian youth, and I was also a victim of this, but I have decided that I would do something of my own from my school days. I will never opt for a government job or any other thing that my parents and society will force on me.
My will to choose something of my own kicked my ass because most of my decisions were not that good, and I failed in many things. But after my graduation, my only aim was to become independent in all terms, financially and socially, so I started tutoring 9 and 10th grades kids.
I used to teach math and physics to 9th and 10th-grade students, and this whole teaching thing made me realize many things. How we are all wrong when we criticize our teachers and their teaching methods, and many other things we do and think about our teachers is entirely wrong.
There were some other things, but teaching young students provided me with a deep insight into their brains. What they think and why they behave the way they do.
These are all things that vary from student to student depending upon their family and the environment of their homes, which we will discuss later in my upcoming articles.
But the whole teaching thing provided me funds, and from that, I purchased my first domain, SchoolOkay.in. Schoolokay was my first blog that is still live, and I still write on that blog. This blog has good traffic, and Schoolokay is dedicated to educating students and providing them with the proper guidance about life and career.
After starting schoolOkay, I started exploring the internet, and I got to know many things, like how we can make money on the internet through various methods and other good stuff on the internet.
So to convert all that, I started posting informative videos on my Instagram handle, Pushpender_4_u. Here I share all the videos with information about new tools and how you can use them to increase your productivity.
I was doing all of this from home because COVID broke out in 2019, and things were moving at a snail’s pace. I was doing those things without thinking about the outcomes because most people were dying. In a situation like that, you only pray and don’t think about money or other things because the first and most important thing is life, and then comes the other things.
So the COVID thing made my work slower, and it is still doing that. I also lost some loved known people in the 2nd wave, and many sad things happened. I realized how cruel people could be when it comes to life and death situations and in worse situations.
Still, things are on the way, but last month I took the bold decision to take all my aims more seriously, so I decided to move away from my home to a different city alone without proper resources, only my laptop, cellphone, and some books.
I have decided to finish the thing that I have started, no matter what it costs and how it will end. Therefore, I am living in a different city with unknown people and unknown cultures.
Are there any benefits of living alone?
Yes, there are so many benefits of living alone;
- First, you get to know yourself better.
- Your decision-making improved (because now you can’t trust everyone around you because you’re in a different city with unknown people).
- Your mindset changes.
- Your focus improves.
- Your productivity improves.
- You get to know how much of you is fuss and how much of you is real.
- You get more time to do things and think about your progress.
- Also, you can rest whenever you want. Lol.
- Your management abilities improves.
- Your lifestyle changes.
- You get to meet new people.
- On top of that, now you know that if you’re not working passionately, everything is going to end and you’ll feel very bad about it.
All of the aforementioned points add to your life, and your growth charts begin to rise.
As you all know, there are always two sides to a coin. The same goes for every situation. Living alone increases your productivity, that’s for sure, but it also affects your health because now you don’t have your family to take care of your food.
You’re eating on your own most of the time, and it’s junk food that kills your health, and you need to manage that. Also, now you need to worry about the bills because now you’re paying for everything, not your father. From electricity to ironing your clothes, it’s costing you cash, so you also need to take care of that.
Plus, you need to know that one day off without working will cost you a lot of money, so your mind totally performs on a different level, and you start getting rid of all your fears with time.
I have been living alone for a month now, and I can totally feel the change inside and outside of me. I am more peaceful, and my work style has changed.
Even though I haven’t been writing many articles lately because I’ve been too busy working on SchoolOkay and other projects, I hope to resume writing regularly by the end of this month and provide a lot of valuable information to my readers.
So stay tuned, and I love you all. It doesn’t matter what goes on in the world; always be happy and motivated because the world is full of uncertainties, and you need to be flexible if you want to pass through it
Thanks read my other articles if you have time. -)