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Adrian, a fitness coach, successfully achieved a shredded physique with under 7% body fat within a month to qualify for a lucrative job opportunity, demonstrating a disciplined approach to diet, exercise, and lifestyle.


Adrian, an experienced personal trainer, embarked on a journey to drastically reduce his body fat to under 7% to meet the job requirements of a prestigious fitness company. Over a month, he meticulously planned and executed a regimen that included a calorie-deficit diet tailored to reduce inflammation and bloating, increased resistance training, fasted cardio, strategic supplementation, quality sleep, and stress management. His approach also involved visualization techniques, motivational reinforcements, and a strict schedule that balanced his physical activities with rest and recreation. Adrian's transformation was not merely for aesthetic purposes but a targeted response to a professional opportunity that promised a significant salary increase. His success was a testament to his comprehensive understanding of fitness, nutrition, and the psychological aspects of body transformation.


  • The author believes that achieving a shredded body is not inherently about health but can be a personal or professional goal.
  • Adrian's protocol for getting shredded is seen as replicable and adaptable to individual needs, as evidenced by the author's own experience in tweaking the system.
  • The narrative suggests that a shredded physique can serve as a motivational tool for clients and can be a part of a lifestyle choice for maintaining fitness and aging gracefully.
  • The author emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to health and fitness, incorporating diet, exercise, sleep, and stress management.
  • There is an opinion that while getting shredded does not necessarily equate to better health, it can indicate a high level of fitness and discipline.
  • The author respects individual dietary choices, as seen in the comparison between Adrian's and the author's diets, highlighting the importance of personalization in nutrition.
  • The author values the role of mental health and stresses the importance of fun and social activities in maintaining a positive mood and overall well-being.
  • There is a clear stance on the use of supplements and fasting as tools for achieving specific fitness goals, with an emphasis on safety and health preservation.
  • The author's perspective on health is holistic, focusing on homeostasis and the balance of the body's systems, rather than just physical appearance.

Health and Fitness

BodySculpting: Here’s How Adrian Shredded His Body in a Short Time

Unique and proven tips gleaned from a fitness coach to get a ripped body methodically in a short time as a lifestyle choice

Photo by Julia Larson on Pexels

Adrian Shredded His Body Landing a Dream Job at a Well-Paying Fitness Company in a Month

Getting ripped or getting shredded means more than having defined and well-toned muscles.

Fit people with these bodies also show the veins in their arms, legs, and abs. In other words, they have very low body fat, toned lean muscle mass, and no fluid retention.

Adrian wanted this body-builder physique for a specific reason. Therefore, he needed to tone his muscles without bulking up.

This goal required strengthening and toning his lean muscles and losing more body fat to show his blood vessels bubbling to the surface.

I do not write this story to label a shredded body as good or bad. It does not include any recommendations. I know shredding the body is a controversial topic in fitness communities.

However, I want to provide a unique perspective that I gained by observing numerous bodybuilders.

In this story, I present only one case study representing the experimentation of a friend and a fitness mentor for many years. I provide the case as a neutral narration by not detailing the pros or cons of his bespoke protocol.

This article is for information purposes only. I choose to be upfront about the context of this story in order not to disappoint my potential readers.

As Adrian’s protocol was comprehensive, I only included vital points in summary format. I covered some of the points in my previous articles, so I linked them to benefit interested readers.

Let me give a little background about Adrian’s approach to his health and fitness. First, I briefly introduced Adrian in a previous story about Eliza’s fat loss journey.

He played a valuable role as a personal trainer in transforming Eliza’s health and wellness, helping her lose substantial body fat sustainably.

In addition, he helped many more clients get fit and gain a healthier life. Interestingly, Adrian also had challenges in his personal life; therefore, he served with empathy and compassion while keeping his clients accountable and responsible for their health.

On a personal level, he gets his body fat, muscle quality, and bone density regularly checked. In fact, he is a partner in a DexaScan center. Thus, he does not have to pay for expensive scans.

In addition, Adrian has a data-driven approach. He records key metrics by keeping a daily journal of his own and the client’s fitness activities.

Adrian has been a fitness coach for three decades. He has had a great physique for decades, even though he was a chubby kid until he was 12.

His parents thought it would be too late for him to join gymnastics school, but the instructor said people could join their company at any age. They offered classes and customized them based on age groups and fitness levels.

This school opened a new development and professional path. He continued physical education at the tertiary level and was interested in human anatomy.

Adrian improved his body by focusing on formal and informal education coupled with curious and methodical experiments. He also helped many clients, like Eliza, Charlotte, Fredrick, Maggie, Alberto, and more, level up in their fitness.

Even though he always had six-pack abs and lean muscles showing under 10% body fat composition, he didn’t experience a shredded body until his 40s. It was not on his radar. He was happy with his healthy physique. However, he had to reduce his body fat to under 7% to achieve his new goal.

Interestingly, in his 40s, he had seen a job advertisement for a number of special coaches for a large fitness company serving bodybuilders who want to get shredded, also known as getting ripped.

The job advertisement grabbed his attention. The salary for this contract work for a year was three times more than what he was earning in his private practice. He did not want to miss this opportunity.

Even though he met or exceeded every prerequisite, one item concerned him. They wanted to invite applicants who already have shredded bodies to be verified by the selection panel during the interview period. He had experience supporting his clients to get ripped, but he never tried it on himself.

As this is a unique opportunity, and he was selected for the interview, he decided to experiment and get ready within a month.

I shall now summarize five phases to get ripped in a month by giving insights from this personal trainer’s life.

1 — Planning Phase

The first step was to design a customized plan based on his knowledge, the experience of others who have done it before, and his current capabilities.

His comprehensive plan focused on increasing his insulin sensitivity, leading to effective fat loss. His primary strategy was further toning his muscles, reducing his body fat to under 7%, and preventing fluid retention.

I share his tactics in subsequent sections.

It took Adrian an entire day to formulate and complete this action plan. He documented it step by step, entering details into a spreadsheet. He also copied daily actions to his smartphone as a schedule with reminders to ensure that he did not miss any step.

2 — Preparation Phase

His second step was to prepare himself physically, emotionally, and mentally.

He decided to take one month off from his private practice, only attending to urgent cases for his notable clients.

First, he prepared by delving into deep meditation for several hours, visualizing himself thoroughly shredded in front of the selection committee. After that, he decided to continue visualization every day.

In addition, he stuck pictures of his shredded athletes and bodybuilders in his living room, study room, kitchen, and bathroom,

He got his hypnotist friend to record a ten-minute motivational and subliminal podcast. He added this to his after-meditation sessions. He said the mind is more receptive to hypnosis after the meditation session.

3 — Building and Implementation Phase

This phase is more comprehensive as it is the heart of my story to provide essential information leading to his timed success. While executing the plan, Adrian focussed on the following key points that I summarized.

The first point was a special diet. He already had a customized diet created years ago and refined it gradually by trial and error with guidance from his dietician.

However, this particular diet focussed on eliminating any risky food that might cause inflammation or bloating, as these two conditions most likely would prevent the body from getting ripped.

Besides, he knew a lot about his microbiome, so he ensured that he did not upset the well-behaving colony in his gut.

His particular diet focuses on a gradual caloric deficit. Based on his assessment of needs and current position, he decided to make a 10% caloric deficit from his maintenance goals.

He was wise enough not to risk his health to get a job. This caloric deficit made his body more insulin-sensitive.

He slightly reduced his carbs and increased healthy fat in this caloric plan. He traded off between performance and physique, selecting which types of fats would work more favorably towards his goal, especially to maintain hormonal balance by reducing insulin and increasing his restorative hormones like testosterone and growth hormone.

He knew how to burn body fat with dietary fat.

The next action was increasing his resistance training by 10% and adding 30 minutes of fasted cardio each day, which he did not need during his maintenance state. As he was a coffee drinker, he did not have energy problems during his resistance training.

To ensure he does not lose muscles during this period, he supplemented with branch chain amino acids (BCAAs), significantly increasing leucine after the workouts.

Adrian knew a lot about hormonal balance. Quality sleep is one of the essential factors for hormonal balance. So, his following action was to increase his sleep and rest as he was on leave.

He decided to sleep an extra hour and rest several hours after each workout to ensure he fully recovered.

In addition, he increased the number of mixed cold and hot showers daily. After each workout, he had cold showers or icy baths to speed up recovery and reduce inflammation.

In addition to following his strict sleep regime, he made sure to expose his eyes to the sun every morning for a few minutes to reset his circadian rhythm.

On the days he did not get enough deep and rem sleep for any reasons verified by his smartwatch, he reduced his workouts.

This protocol ensured his cortisol remained at an optimal level as elevated cortisol would prevent his desired fat loss, particularly from the abdominal area.

He paid special attention to balancing the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems by balancing his hormones.

In addition to diet, exercise, and sleep, he also scheduled fun and pleasant social activities that he loved doing.

He allocated 30 minutes for computer games, one hour to classical music, 20 minutes of dancing, 30 minutes of dry sauna and warm spa, 15 minutes swimming, and an hour of phone calls to his best friends and close relatives.

He refrained from social media and emails. These recreational activities kept her mood positive.

4 — Testing Phase

Adrian took photos of his body parts daily and visually compared them weekly to measure his progress.

Seeing the veins popping up on each photo inspired and motivated him to stay on track toward his destination.

He also got his body fat percentage and muscle quality checked in the Dexa Scan center weekly.

5 — Delivery and Presentation Phase

The interview was planned in a town 50km away from where he lived. However, considering the traffic might be a problem, he booked a hotel near the interview center.

In the final week, Adrian was on water fast with just BCAAs and stimulants, including just a little caffeine, ketone salts, acetyl-L-cararnitine, and N-cetyl-Tyrosine in his drink.

Long-term fasting was not a problem, and he thought it would give him a competitive advantage. Towards the end of his experimentation, he slightly reduced his sodium intake.

While going to the interview center, Adrian added a little citrulline malate and arginine-alpha-ketoglutarate (AAKG) to his energy drink to increase nitric oxide production to show the vein in his beautifully shredded body.

With his clear mind empowered by deep ketosis articulating his points during the interview and shredded body to the admiration of the selection committee, he was selected for the position he dreamed of.

Final Words and Takeaways

After hearing this story years ago, I asked Adrian whether having a shredded body is essential. His answer was no, as his situation was an exception to achieving a specific goal at a particular time.

However, he pointed out that some people desire such a body for various reasons, especially aesthetics, or to take their fitness to another level.

I understood that getting shredded did not necessarily mean being healthier. However, it might indicate the fitness level. It has more psychological value than health value.

For some of his aspiring clients, he saw a shredded body as a motivational tool to stay fit, joyful, and age gracefully. According to Adrian, it is a personal choice, and he respects his client's preferences.

As he is part of my social circle, I have had many conversations with Adrian. He is generous in sharing his experience, observations, and knowledge.

He walks his talk. His body fat percentage is usually under 10%. His body is admirable, and he inspires his clients to take action.

When I heard about what he did, his secret boiled down to fundamentals like quality nutrition, good sleep, customized workout, fun, rest, energizing and mood-boosting drinks, and additional caloric reduction with time-restricted eating and long-term fasting to reduce body fat percentage.

These key points cover lifestyle habits with no medication or medical procedures.

This post included methodical tips that I learned from a personal trainer who experienced a shredded body for a specific purpose in a month. He also helped several aspiring clients to achieve their goals. His protocol was replicable.

For example, I also achieved a shredded body in my fitness goal, slightly tweaking his proven system as we have different diets and exercise regimes.

While Adrian consumes moderate carbs and vegetables, I am on a zero-carbs diet with no plants. He eats twice a day, but I consume one meal. While he lifts hefty weights, I lift moderate weights.

He prefers mild ketosis, but I often like getting into deep ketosis to improve my mental health. We are all different. I plan to share my personal experience in another story in detail.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

Here’s How I Got Healthier and Smoother Skin via 5 Lifestyle and Holistic Health Methods.

Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

As a new reader, please check my holistic health and well-being stories, which reflect my reviews, observations, and decades of experiments optimizing my hormones and neurotransmitters. I write about health as it matters. I believe health is all about homeostasis.

Petechiae, ALS, Metabolic Syndrome, Type II Diabetes, Fatty Liver Disease, Heart Disease, Strokes, Obesity, Liver Cancer, Autoimmune Disorders, Homocysteine, Lungs Health, Pancreas Health, Kidneys Health, NCDs, Infectious Diseases, Brain Health, Dementia, Depression, Brain Atrophy, Neonatal Disorders, Skin Health, Dental Health, Bone Health, Leaky Gut, Leaky Brain, Brain Fog, Chronic Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Elevated Cortisol, Leptin Resistance, Anabolic Resistance, Cholesterol, High Triglycerides, Metabolic Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, Thyroid Disorders, Anemia, Dysautonomia, cardiac output, and urinary track disorders.

I also wrote about valuable nutrients. Here are the links for easy access:

Lutein/Zeaxanthin, Phosphatidylserine, Boron, Urolithin, taurine, citrulline malate, biotin, lithium orotate, alpha-lipoic acid, n-acetyl-cysteine, acetyl-l-carnitine, CoQ10, PQQ, NADH, TMG, creatine, choline, digestive enzymes, magnesium, zinc, hydrolyzed collagen, nootropics, pure nicotine, activated charcoal, Vitamin B12, Vitamin B1, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, and other nutrients.

Disclaimer: My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness.

As part of my creative non-fiction writing goals, I’d like to share a few stories that might warm our hearts with a bit of humor into weighty topics.

Sample Humorous Stories

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