
New Curation Service by ILLUMINATION — Volume 19

Nominated and curated selections from passionate writers tailored for avid readers

Photo by Josh Sorenson from Pexels

Dear Readers and Writers,

Today, we present engaging stories for your enjoyment. As part of our new curation service, we compiled this collection to create visibility for great pieces nominated by volunteer editors and ILLUMINATION-Curators of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications on Medium.com, which supports 24K+ writers.

We explained the reasons for this post in previous versions. If you missed them, you can find them in these links: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4, Volume 5, Volume 6, Volume 7, Volume 8, Volume 9, Volume 10, Volume 11, Volume 12, Volume 13, Volume 14, and Volume 15, and Volume 16, Volume 17, and Volume 18. We believe you will enjoy our volume 18 today.

We are pleased that our special publication, ILLUMINATION-Curated, got recognized as a boost nominating pub. Here is How ILLUMINATION Publications Support the BOOST Program.

Please note that these stories are nominated by volunteering editors (also writers and readers) on this platform, so the stories in this collection reflect their collective taste. As a publication, ILLUMINATION keeps a neutral position for all published stories, and it is impossible to feature over one million published stories. But we will do our best to amplify as many great stories as possible almost daily from now on based on the availability of our volunteers.

Stories hold power, molding a writer’s unique perspective. For example, our chief editor was moved by a recent story, envisioning the impact of more writers sharing their treasured tales similarly. It’s an opportunity to explore diverse narratives and inspirations, enriching this platform with many voices.

A Heart Warming Story of a Woman Who Fell in Love After Marriage But Not With Her Husband

Medium thrives on the essential collaboration between writers and readers, fostering an exceptional space for both communities. Within this platform, our editors and administrators generously volunteer their time, ensuring every writer finds their voice. Their commitment involves daily review and publication of stories without compensation.

By leaving comments, offering a round of applause, sharing stories on social media, and following profiles, you may bring immense joy to these writers. Your support serves as a powerful encouragement, motivating them to craft more exceptional pieces akin to those found in this collection.

Out of 145 volunteer editors, a team of 57 volunteer curators developed this new service idea to address the visibility of stories. Each nominates a few stories from their reading list daily, and our lead ILLUMINATION-Curators compile them into collections like this one for our readers. But we can only add a limited number of stories to keep these posts in a reasonable size.

Our lead curators include them in lists, a great Medium feature. When you see your stories in lists, you may save them, share them on social media, link to them, comment on them, and like the list for increased visibility. The entire curation process takes up substantial time, so we will appreciate your support as your time allows.

Many editors, including our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, also created a list of the stories they read from our publication. We will compile lists in these collections. Here are sample curated pieces created by Dr. Yildiz recently from his tech account Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)

Building a Synergistic Tech, Business, and Leadership Community — Part III

Building a Synergistic Tech Community — Part II

Extended Benefits to Write for Technology Hits Publication with New Leadership Commitment

Writers’ income dropped in September and October due to fraudulent activities on Medium, as discussed in a story by Mike Broadly, DHSc titled Here’s What Seems to Happen to Medium Last Week.

Mike joined the curation team today and created three new collections from his favorite stories that you may adore. He has an amazing taste as an avid reader.

Today ILLUMINATION editors introduce two great writers, Jozsef Kovacs and Davor Katusic. You may check out their profiles and explore their fabulous stories.

We recently introduced a few more writers like Thomas Allen Moon , Omni Essence, Sneha Nagre, Sridhar Pai Tonse — Leadgen Coach- Tech Startups, Zondra Dos Anjos, Ani Vals, and Ammara Hassan

Meet Thomas Allen Moon

Chosen Stories from Collection of Jamal Springer on Medium

Meet Sneha Bhimrao Nagre

Meet Mr Sridhar Pai Tonse

Meet Zondra Dos Anjos

Meet Ani Vals on Medium

Meet Ammara Hassan on Medium

Our editors enjoy stories and nominate them for these curated collections. You may check editor profiles in the attached collection.

Daily List for Sharing — Volume 19

You will find relevant and enjoyable pieces from this collection covering many topics. Today, our editor and media coordinator Aiden (Illumination Gaming) volunteered to create the list. So you can easily share this collection on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Reddit, or Quora.

Let’s all engage in this list and at least tweet it so that more readers can find these stories. It is the purpose of these curated lists.

We appreciate your wonderful support for these writers who pour their hearts and souls into these stories to delight you.

Here are the nominated stories from avid readers today.

Chosen Stories from ILLUMINATION Writers Today

The Most Simplified and Concise Version of Neuroinflammation for Beginners

Overcoming Post-COVID-19 Long-Lasting Olfactory Issues Antonio Segovia, MD.

Cellular Responses to Ketosis: Can Cancer Cells Listen and Behave? Mike Broadly, DHSc

Mind(map)Your Exams Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)

Forged in Fire Carolyn F. Chryst, Ph.D.

Asking for Discounts Is One of the Stupidest Financial Decisions You Can Ever Make Tim Denning

Is There a Second Chance? Davor Katusic

Meet Top Writers of Medium on YouTube Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

The Heart Keeps Score; A Hushing Score — Journeyman’s Poems Joanie Adams

Red Sky at Night, Shepherds Delight. Dr John Frederick Rose

Why Are You So Unhappy at Work Right Now? Luay Rahil

History of the First American Christmas Bill Petro

Gabriella Travels Across the US — YouTube Collection Dr. Gabriella Korosi

Liberating the Infems Jack Kammer, MSW, MBA

Career Roadmap for Gen Z to Land Their Dream Jobs (Part 1) David B. Grinberg 🇺🇸

Urgent Action Needed To End Flooding Raveen

4 Soothing Self-Care Tips To Ease Inflammatory Arthritis Pain Before Bed Tamara Sonak

Clipped by Chance Andy Williams

Every Good Story Needs a ZIGZAG Ugur Akinci

Do You Suffer From ‘Elite Laziness’? David Tighe

New To Leadership? My Lessons In Becoming A Better Leader Aaron M. Kippins

Are AI-Generated Chat-Based Searches a Game Changer for SEO? Stephen Dalton

The Pursuit of Praise Abubakar Writes

90% Of Men Look for This in a Woman Christine

The Final Flight Akhtar Mehmood

I Had a Bizarre Dream About an Illuminating Nutrition Kitchen in the Vast Plains of Medium Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Macaroni: Political Marketing Essay Alin Stan

The Science of Happy Tears Amir Bibi

You Are An Animal Andra Forbes

Beauty Is A Basic Necessity Andrea Feccomandi

Killing A Spouse! Annelise Lords

Keep The Spiritual Flame Alive Astral Escapes ∞

Fifty Shades of Green Bernard

History of Mach 1 Bill Petro

Bring Stories to Your Interview Brian Clark

How Learning My Attachment Style Led to Forgiveness Britta Cee

Why Opposites Attract, and When They Don’t? Charlene Ann Mildred

Lost Your Mojo? Here’s How to Get It Back! Chhavi Kumari

Does Every Generation Need Their Braveheart Moment? D J B

I Miss You Dana Stankovic

3 Foods That Contribute to a 30% Death Rate, and Natural Remedies. Dean Gee

A Frog on a Lily Pad Dee

A Long Day’s Writing Journey into This Year. Don Martin, real-life writer

Diabetic or Healthy People May Benefit from CGM to Find the Ideal Diet for Glucose Management Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Opening Your Heart Up To More Trista Signe Ainsworth

“Limbo” Dranéa

The 6 Types of Empaths You Will Come Across In Your Life Ella Harris

How to Cultivate Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation Skills in Your Child Emily S.

Nature is the best healer ever…!!! Eram Siddiqui

Deer Share Golf Courses With Golfers Floyd Mori

Banks Recommend That People Recognize, React, And Report Scams Floyd Mori

Can We Survive the Sadness? FranMorelandJohns

Saying Goodbye is Tough | Gill McCulloch Gill McCulloch

How To Deal With Loneliness When Living Alone Hannah Callisto

Why I Stopped Hustling and Started Embracing the Silence Harshil Mevasa

10 Ways to Build Stronger Relationships with Your Loved Ones Harvey Ross

How To Truly Give (And Receive) Meaningful Feedback At Work Hector Ramirez Torres

Why We Age: An Evolutionary Exploration Hendy Wijaya, MD

Are You Training For The Correct Strategy In Life? HyaenaDad

This Is Why You Are Procrastinating ilias B.

New Curation Service by ILLUMINATION — Volume 1 ILLUMINATION

Nutrition: Curated Stories — Volume 1 ILLUMINATION-Curators

What Kind Of Day Do You Want For Today James Boylan

For Work And Nothing, Don’t Know Why I Always Ignored My Health Jasbeer Singh

5 Body Language Gestures You Should Avoid as a Salesperson Jeloze Ali

The Top 3 Signs He’s Into You Jenny Alexander

A Sense of Humor is the Best way to Get Through Life John Whye

Why People Keep Watching The Games Of Their Failed Sports Teams Jonathan Peykar

The 7 People You Meet in a Homeless Shelter Joy “Jona” Nibbs

How To Successfully Pursue Your Dreams Kevin Bell

Student of Life Kumari Rashmi

Digging Deep In Difficult Times Libby Shively McAvoy

Take the Sting Out of Sadness and Let Success Shine Through! Lorwen Harris Nagle, PhD

On Choosing Your Battles Wisely Luke Chand

Compassion as a Catalyst: Keys to Effective Mental Health First Aid M Saud Nawaz

Discover the Path to Financial Freedom Mahan Bagheri

The Ancient Origins of Halloween Maleesha Perera

Only People With Big Goals Will Succeed Maya Sayvanova

Four Valuable Necessities to Have A Productive Day Miles Chandler

The Alchemy of Creativity: Turning Ideas into Gold Muhammad Writes

Democracy Is A Sister Of Feminism My mind

If You Play Special Interest Roulette Nikki Abelson

Find Meaning in the Simplest of Moments Øivind H. Solheim

How to Handle Toxic Positivity with Possibilities Thinking Pal Dru Koi

I’m Far From Being Vegan, But My Health Tip Makes Sense. Pen and Pixel

Don’t Get to High or Too Low, Instead Do This So You Can Repeat Success Rafeeq Warfield

The Importance of Mindset Rajan Bhateja

Pursuing a World of Peace: Alternatives to War in International Disputes Rajeev Mudumba

How to Establish a Daily Self-Care Routine Rma Kaushal

How He Left Me After 3 Years Of Relationship Without Even Knowing How It Will Effect Me Rose Smith

How Much Of A Monster Am I? Ruby Noir 😈

A Gentle Reminder: Your Boss Will Never Be Your Friend Ryan Miller

Tongue Is A Beast — If It Is Let Loose, It Devours: S.a.n.a.h

Coffee Time Sal Gallaher

9 Essential Tips to Protect Your Eyesight | Bright Eyes, Bright Future Salman yousafzai

Losing weight is easy for most people. Sam Richardson

Canada Does Support The Independent State Of Palestine Scott Anthony

25 Things You Should Do Every Day to Become Better Human Shahzaib Malik

How the Barbie Movie Saved Mattel Shortcast over Coffee

5 Unexpected Ways Being a Caregiver Has Taught Me To Take Care of Myself Shy Am I

Living Alaska — The Detour Stevenharrison

Welcome to ILLUMINATION’s Nutrition Surekha Chandrasekhar

Physics and Music: A Poetic Harmony Suresh Sangwan Saru

Try This Trick to Stick to Your Workout Routine During the Holidays Talya Adams

Visceral Tarik Murrell // Titan’s Tirade

Making a Case for the Mixed Grouping of Students Text and Image Creator Matthew Bamberg

Six Hacks That Help Me Stay Confident In Every Situation TheUnknownDoctor🐙

Wake Yourself Up, Change Yourself, It’s All Up To You. tim8888

Unlocking the Power of Journaling Tom Kane

Cry My Beloved Planet Uvebruce

When I Opened the Garbage Can I Found Something Horrendous Inside Vera-Marie Landi

The “New Choice” for 2024 Veritas Civis

The Little-Known Financial Habits of Asian American Millionaires Victoria Z.

Life’s Parade Warren Brown

How to Adjust Goal Weightings in Performance Reviews When Goals Have Changed Wendy Scott

The Productivity Cult Wesley van Peer

Don’t Listen To Yourself Woman at 40 🦋

Changing Times, Changing Circumstances writingelk

Suffering from Osteoporosis?- Try Out these Medicines Your Health Master.

Minecraft Update 1.21 Was Just Announced at Their Recent Live Event Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

“Fostering Environmental Sustainability: An Advanced Professional’s Strategic Path to Green… Zayn_Blogger

Ergonomic Bliss: Transform Your Home Office for Comfort and Productivity Zeel Kinkhab

3 Mistakes I Made While My Third Eye Awakening. Zondra Dos Anjos

Update on New Writer Registrations

Due to some glitches, we are adding new writers joining us in the last few days. It will take time, so please be patient. This delay is caused by Thanksgiving holiday. We apologize for inconvenience.

Note from Aiden (Illumination Gaming): dear new writers, there appears to be a system glitch, so if you cannot see our publications on your list, please don’t panic. We will add you again as soon as our administrators come back from holidays. I will try to add as many as possible manually and also get a Slack request sent to you. I am one of the editors and a media coordinator for Illumination publications so you can contact me on Slack when you need help.

Please remember to submit only one story daily, preferably as a draft. We don’t accept multiple stories as our focus is on quality to increase your chance of being boosted by Medium.

Change of Perceptions for Expectations

Unlike perceptions, ILLUMINATION editors don’t publish every story. Your stories must be well-crafted and valuable for our readers. Our focus is curatable and boostable stories.

Recently Updated Submission Guidelines

ILLUMINATION-Curated: New Submission Guidelines 2023

SYNERGY: Submission Guidelines 2023

Technology Hits: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Book Chapters: Submission Guidelines 2023

Readers Hope: New Submission Guidelines 2023

Submission Guidelines: Illumination Integrated Publications

ILLUMINATION Gaming: Submission Guidelines 2023

ILLUMINATION Videos and Podcasts: Submission Guidelines 2023

Publishing and Conduct Guidelines for the Lampshade of ILLUMINATION

How to Increase Earnings from Content Creation

Apart from the boosting opportunity on Medium, which can increase your income, our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, recently answered this frequently asked question by many writers on how to increase income from writing engagement.

Many writers desire to make a living from their craft. Using Medium as a single source is not a viable option. There are other opportunities that you need to consider. We believe this story will give you valuable perspectives.

Collaboration and Promotion

You will receive an invitation to our Slack workspace to collaborate with other writers, share your story links, and contact editors and our chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz. It is a free and moderated service. You may meet some of our editors from the attached collection.

Introduce Yourself in a Story

Please consider introducing yourself in a story and post it to ILLUMINATION or our other publications. This might bring you new followers and expose your profile to new readers.

Our editor Aiden (Illumination Gaming) compiles and distributes these bios to our subscribers. You may get bio ideas from the attached collection.

You may also self-curate your stories to gain visibility. Aiden provided a sample example, as attached. You may follow a similar format by categorizing your stories based on topics.

You may also enjoy a recent story from one of our new writers and editors, Mike Broadly — Healthier Lifestyle, who made significant progress in the last two months. You may contact Mike on our Slack workspace, who volunteers to support our new writers.

You might also check recent editorial introductions from our team.

Editorial Bio of Ali Alzahrani, Editor

Editorial Bio of Karlene Joseph K. Joseph

Editorial Bio of Elin Melaas

Editorial Bio of Philip Writes

Editorial Profile of Kurt Dillon

Editorial Profile of Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Editorial Profile of Joanie Adams

Editorial Profile of Nurma Komala-Hadi

Editorial Profile of The Sturg

Editorial Profile of Surekha Chandrasekhar

Editorial Profile of Fahaz Hameed

Editorial Profile of Mr. Jacob Morales

Editorial Profile of Abraham Bamidele

Chosen Stories from Collection of Brooklyn Muse (editor)

Chosen Stories from Joe Collection of Joe Luca

Chosen Stories from Collection of Lawson Wallace

You can learn about our other editors’ backgrounds from this collection curated by ILLUMINATION-Curators.

Recent Announcements for Connection

You may check the following two announcements to meet other recently joined writers, including links to their profiles. This is a good opportunity for new writers to build their audience, as writers are great readers. We enjoy enabling collaboration on Medium by encouraging meaningful engagements.

New Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #1

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #2

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #3

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #4

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #5

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #6

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #7

Announcement of New Writers for ILLUMINATION #8

Welcome to our writing and reading community, and we look forward to the meaningful and high-quality stories.

When you have questions, please feel free to contact our owner and chief editor Dr Mehmet Yildiz, on our Slack workspace. He is also happy to speed up publishing your stories if they are delayed 48 hours or more.

Critical Policy Documents for Our Writers

Every writer contributing to our publications must review these guiding policies before submitting their stories. We are tolerant, but these are non-negotiable rules.

Zero tolerance to plagiarism on ILLUMINATION

No Defamation, Discrimination, and Hate Speech Published

Why Image Copyrights Matter for Writers and Editors

Use of Affiliate Links On Medium

Writing Challenges and Prompts for New Writers

Invitation to a Writing Challenge

100 Day Challenge For New Writers

1,000 Short Posts in 100 Days

Helpful Resources for Beginners

Conduct Guidelines for ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Starter Kit for Writers of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

How To Triple Your Writing Income Methodically

How to Write Content Guaranteed to Get Views and Reads

8 Proven Tips to Build a Rock-Solid Reading Audience

6 Easy & Proven Tips to Increase Followers

Improving the Quality of Writing Using an Editorial Checklist

How To Create A 30,000 Words E-book In A Month

Five Tips to Become a Prolific Writer Despite Full-Time Work

A Compelling Passive Income Stream For Freelance Writers

You may find more helpful stories from the content management collection of Dr Mehmet Yildiz typically written to help new writers joining Medium.

Sample Curated Collections for New Readers

We curate and feature stories from multiple editorial accounts.

Here are our latest curated collections by ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION Amplifiers, and ILLUMINATION-Curators for your enjoyment.

ILLUMINATION Reading Club #7

Curated Collection #159

Hand-Picked Articles — 2023 #47

Invitation to New Writers to our Publications on Medium

To join our vibrant publications, please send a request via this link.

We will help you gain visibility and succeed as a writer on Medium. Please mention the publication name with your Medium account ID in the request.

ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications include:

ILLUMINATION ILLUMINATION-Curated ILLUMINATION’ S MIRROR ILLUMINATION Book Chapters The Lampshade of ILLUMINATION Technology Hits SYNERGY Readers Hope Illumination on YouTube Illumination Gaming ILLUMINATION’s Blog EUPHORIA by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Life Lessons
Self Improvement
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