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Why People Keep Watching The Games Of Their Failed Sports Teams

And how to keep going when you’re losing

Photo by leah hetteberg on Unsplash

I was at the gym the other day when two guys talked about soccer. “Your stupid team always loses,” one of ’em said.

His friend picked up some dumbells and looked at him proudly. “I know. I still watch the games though.”

“But why?” I asked myself. “That team is losing for years. What keeps him coming back?”

1. The underdog mentality

I failed often when I tried to pick up girls at the bar. Then I realized it was better not to resist and adopted the underdog mentality.

Think about those movies when the hero fails, no matter how hard he tries. In the back of your mind, you know he’ll win. It’s just a matter of time. That mentality pushed me forward.

It created a fun environment for growth, which motivated me to succeed. I stepped into the bar with the X factor in my eyes.

I thought, “I got nothing to lose. I’m here to win”. Even today, it puts me in the right mindset. I play to win. If I don’t win today, I’ll win tomorrow. Or the day after it.

That guy in the gym, his favourite team lost again. But he was still a proud fan, walking around with his head high.

2. The hope in your heart

Hope can inspire faith within you. It’s a sense of belief that says, “You got a chance. Don’t give up”. It’s a beautiful feeling.

When times are hard, it keeps you going. When I was depressed, I told myself, “There’s only one way from here. And it’s up”. I expected a change. I visualized it, talked about it, worked for it, and it happened.

At age 26, I met new friends and finally had a social circle. I went out with girls and enjoyed relationships, sex, going out all that good stuff. Suddenly, I got “lucky”.

Things worked out for me like I never thought they would.

3. Enjoy the game

The longer the wait, the sweeter the victory. That thought puts a smile on my face.

Hard times don’t last. As long as you work through your challenges, hard times pass. And you come out of the other side a brand new you. You mutate into a new you. You become stronger. Smarter. And your self-trust peaks.

I try to enjoy the process. I don’t think about the hardships. I think about my goal and how good it’ll be to achieve it. I hold on to that image and let it inspire positive feelings.

It’s funny. You can have days when you feel great, and it seems you can’t ask for more. Then, a few days later, you feel somewhat down. But in reality, nothing changed. Only your perspective on things.

4. The drive for victory

Some fans go crazy or cry when their favourite team loses a game. It’s an emotional roller coaster with highs and lows. Joy and sadness. But they never give up. They want to win so bad nothing else matters.

I tried to make sales for my business for three years. I had to make more than a hundred sales calls to close one. Every rejection felt like a punch in my stomach. But I kept going because I wanted to prove myself I could do it. And put that win under my belt.


You can’t avoid loss or failure. You can’t avoid the process, either. All you can do is accept these things, learn from them, and enjoy them as much as possible. Commit to success, and you’ll win sooner or later.

Get my free ebook, “Life Lessons From Getting Rejected By Hundreds Of Women.”

Self Improvement
Life Lessons
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