

Changing Times, Changing Circumstances

Photo by Mathias Arlund on Unsplash

Changing Times, Changing Circumstances. Just another poem of the times. A rewrite of an earlier piece of poetry of mine.

As time passes, the memories of my youth fade into obscurity, and the realities of modern life take over my mind. The demons that once haunted my dreams have been replaced by the gentle words I speak. The fury I once felt within me has now been replaced by the sweetness of honey.

I used to punch the air in rage, but my voice can no longer be silenced, as I dare to speak out for what I believe in. Even though the world may applaud my ignorance, I stand firm in the face of adversity and make them laugh. But who exactly is my friend in this parade of jesters?

As I look down at the man below me, I can see the fear in his eyes as he tries to speak, but nothing he says has any meaning to me. He will have to rise up to meet me, as I refuse to stoop down to his level. And though I may stumble and fall, I will not give in to the lies of those who come with a hidden agenda. I will be discerning and see through their facade, for they may just be after my pocketbook.

Although he may call me his friend, I know that he will not hesitate to push me aside if I stand in his way. But I will not become cynical, for I know that there are still many virtues to be found in this world. And so I will spread them liberally, leaving a trail of goodness in my wake.

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By writingelk All Rights Reserved.

Poetry Writing
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