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How to Establish a Daily Self-Care Routine

Creating Your Oasis: A Step-by-Step Guide to Daily Self-Care Routine

Image Source Natasha Fernandez in Pexels

In our busy lives, we try to take care of everything and everyone but forget ourselves. Self-care is essential for feeling happier and more relaxed and facing the day with a smile. Self-care is not about bathing and moisturising your face, as my husband believes. It is about giving your mind peace, decluttering all the rubbish, giving yourself that "me" time and indulging yourself in caring for yourself. These simple morning and bedtime rituals will nurture your mind, body and soul.

Bedtime Bliss:

Waking up gently

Somedays, the alarm clock of my husband is like a bomb blast in the morning, omg which I hate the most. Waking up gently and peacefully can set a positive tone for your day. So replace those horrible loud alarms with soft alarm sounds or natural light alarm clocks.

Hydrate your body

Hydration is essential all day; however, drinking a glass of water when you wake up is beneficial and prepares you for the day ahead. Add lime, lemon or any other fruit for a refreshing twist.

Stretch and Breath

You do not have to go to the gym that early; spend a few minutes stretching your body and pair it with deep breathing exercises. Breathe in positivity with a smile and breathe out the stress again with a smile. This awakens your body and helps with blood circulation.

Mindful Breakfast

Never skip your Breakfast. Make sure you have high fibre and rich protein-based Breakfast like Oats to give that super energy to your body.

Positive Affirmations

I believe in a positive mindset, and positive affirmations help control your unconscious mind. Stand in front of the mirror and repeat the positive affirmations: "I am capable of…." "I am worth of….." to boost your confidence.

Bedtime Peacefulness:

Digital Detox

Even though phones are a vital part of our lives, they should be used to a limit. Put your phone away at least one hour before bed; instead, read a book, listen to calm music, or even practice gentle yoga. The phone and the blue light from the screen can interfere with your sleep.

Relaxing bath or shower

Take a warm bath or shower before going to bed. Add a few drops of your favourite essential oil to relax your body. The warm water will calm your muscles and give you restful sleep.

Gratitude Journal

Be thankful for whatever you have in your life. Keep a Gratitude journal and write three things you are grateful for each day. Reflecting on positive aspects of your life is an excellent practice for peace and gratitude.

Meditation or Deep breathing

It is crucial to calm your mind before you lie down to sleep. Spend a few minutes doing deep breathing exercises, clear your mind, focus on breathing, and let go of the stress and worries.

Self-care is about making you feel good, and you can always add anything that you think is important to you. Don't ignore; listen to your Mind and Body. You deserve this time for yourself.

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Self Care
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