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This Is Why You Are Procrastinating

Overcoming Procrastination

Photo by Nubelson Fernandes on Unsplash

Do you want to stop procrastinating and begin to work on your projects? Today I will give you the Reason and the answer to “how to overcome procrastination”.

My goal is to share with you a summary of my journey from procrastination and imagine how everything will go to a workaholic.

Let’s start the Work.

The Question you should answer to yourself is why you are procrastinating. But the most important question is, do you track your day?

Do you have a to-do list that gives you an overview of your task from today? Are you working on your to-do list?

How you answer the above question will give you a good starting point. I will go through all the questions with you in this post and show you a way to make it out of procrastination.

Do you Track your Day?

Start by doing a reality check. What do you do all day, and for how long? As a tool, you can use, for example, screen tracking time or programs that record your activity on Sites and programs.

This will give you a great overview of your Day, and you can analyze what is the most time-consuming activity. Cut them off and make sure that you are working on that time period in which you normally procrastinate.

Do you have a to-do list?

To-do lists are one of the best tools to get rid of your procrastination. You are aware of what tasks are due today. This list shouldn’t be too long, and the most important thing is dividing your task into priorities.

You get the awareness of which task you should do now and not let them and that you do not postpone this task to the back.

Are you working on your to-do list?

Let us be truthful here: you know your tasks for the day, but you are looking for a method that you can finish the task without any effort.

First of all, there is no secret method that will show you how to do your task with little effort and in a short time. You have to schedule it for the day and work through the tasks. Otherwise, you will procrastinate, as always.

So Stop looking at the next YouTube video, stop reading the next chapter of your phantasie book, and stop watching the next episode of your series.



To sum up, once you figure out what the factors are that keep you from working and stop them, all you need is a system to help you get your tasks done. In my experience, it’s a to-do list.

If you enjoyed this short story, you might check a detailed story from Dr Mehmet Yildiz explaining the causes of procrastination from a scientific angle and giving us handy tips to overcome them.

Thank you for reading my story.

Mental Health
Work Life Balance
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