avatarJames Boylan


What Kind Of Day Do You Want For Today

Considering you can choose

Photo by Beth Macdonald on Unsplash

“What kind of a question is that? We can’t possibly control what kind of day we will have.” I totally disagree. Do bad things happen to and around us?

Of course, they do. Is everyone friendly when they are with me? Nope. Can I control what others may do to me? Absolutely not! How, then, can I control what kind of day that I will have?

The Serenity Prayer is “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; the courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.”

To learn how to do this, begin by taking The Serenity Prayer as seriously as a tornado because IT IS! The prayer says that, if it is not me, I can not change or fix it. If it is me, I can change it.

Very simple but maybe not easy so let’s uncomplicate it some. My first reaction to being approached by a difficult situation — for instance, an irate ex or family member or just another person — was flash anger.

This led to a confrontation. This many times led to violence. This led to added anger. It also sometimes ended in emotional and/or physical pain. This led to feeling “victimized again.”

This led to more anger and frustration. This led to further problems with most encounters for the rest of the day/week. This led to feelings of guilt. Guilt led to feelings of remorse.

When you throw a fish back into the water, it instinctively swims. Startle a deer and it runs. Spook a bird and it flies. Toss remorse to an alcoholic and he drinks.

Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash

Now, if I changed my thinking so that, when confronted with such a situation or physical pain or injury, I realized that I could not change the other’s part in the ill-ease. I can only change my reaction to it.

“Fake it till you make it” sneaks in with situations like this. The true realization that, no matter what precipitated the anger in the other, even if the cause was something that I did when in the madness or when coming out of it, I can own my part and put space between us for a while.

“A while” is a very relative term, too. It could be momentarily or permanently. I am not going to change a thing in the way others think or act, short of physical intervention.

So, I realize that I should truly work my program 24/7/365. How do I work my program 24/7/365? I merely say the shortened version of the 3rd Step, “God, Help Me!”

Then I just move on, knowing that, after humbly asking my Higher Power for help, it is provided. It is provided in the form of guidance and inspiration. The universe always answers and the answer is always “Yes!”

I then just do the next thing, knowing that it is right and good. This is where it may call for some of the ‘fake it till you make it’ for a while but very soon it will seem as if it is coming from you originally.

Does it cure anyone else? No. Impossible! Does it cure you? Absolutely! So, try it because what do you have to lose besides misery and despair? It all boils down to what you really want.

Also, to gain becoming Happy, Joyous, and Free or to continue in the muddy river of misery and loss. The choice is yours so choose wisely!

Thank you, God!

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