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3 Mistakes I Made While My Third Eye Awakening.

And how you can avoid those mistakes.

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When I started my spiritual awakening, the best and worst part was my spiritual awakening; I often felt something tingling between my eyebrows.

Later in life, I discovered this was my third eye-opening process, but how could I know it? I was too young to care about my psychic abilities, even though they were shouting in my face.

It didn’t help because I was in survival mode this time, wanting to get far away from home and the psychological abuse I was facing.

Later on, while I connected more with myself and grew, reading more and more about spirituality, I understood that this time was the main shift point in my spirituality, my soul’s growth.

I would avoid the following mistakes to make the most of the third eye awakening.

Photo by Zac Durant on Unsplash

Be connected

I felt a different energy around me when my third eye started to open; it was like I was bigger than my body.

When I walked, I could feel the energy around me; I was scared because of my lack of knowledge.

I could have improved the presence, but my thoughts were mainly on the future or the past.

My younger self was in survival mode, and anxiety is always present when we are in survival mode.

What I would do differently today was be more connected through meditation, listening to good music, and watching subject-related videos as much as possible.

Being present when stress arises can be better if we walk in nature, hug a tree, look at the sky, and feel what is around us.

The increased connection to life and the Universe results in receiving insights that result in a solution that solves the problems around you.

When you are present at the moment, you are developing right there and then.

Fear disappears; you no longer fear silly things or situations not worth taking your energy.

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Vivid Dreams

One of my main mistakes was not paying attention to my dreams.

Sometimes, I treated my dreams as meaningless, like they just showed me things that didn’t matter.

Today, I keep a journal beside my bed to write down my dreams so I can read them later and understand the meaning of my most potent dreams.

I don’t base my decisions on dreams but use them to understand what is happening inside me.

The dream helped me know myself better, know my shadows and triggers, and love and acknowledge them as much as my light side.

Write down your dreams and understand them, especially if you have been dreaming of the same thing repeated times for an amount of time.

Photo by Content Pixie on Unsplash

Intuitive abilities

Back in the day, I remember receiving intuitive predictions while my third eye was opening.

Sometimes I listened to it, sometimes I didn’t, and sometimes I was tired of the whole process.

Let’s be honest: when your third eye opens, you are like a server where the Universe downloads many insights and energy needed for your growth. It is part of the process.

Your soul has to evolve; for this to happen, you receive downloads that give you more knowledge about what is going on and where to go.

They are like the aha moments when, for example, you look back at something that happened and think, “Oh, this happened like this because of this.”

There is a Brazilian saying that is like: “The ends justify the ways.”

When things have passed in our lives, there is when we understand why the situation was like that in the first place.

I would tell my younger self to listen to her intuition and be aware of her surroundings regarding the intuitive message she received.

Always trust your intuition; this is your soul GPS pointing to where you should go next.

Now, you have to know how to discern intuition from your mind, and this is easy;

Intuition doesn’t make you afraid; your mind goes wild, assuming many things that probably will never happen;

The mind puts you in survival and stressful mode.

Final words

Being connected is the most important thing you can do in your daily life; by being present, you can understand more what is happening inside you that is attracting what you are experiencing.

Please pay attention to your dreams; they are essential when experiencing the opening of the third eye because you learn about yourself and where to go.

Listen to your intuition, and ask your inner self to give you the discernment to understand what is your mind’s activity and what your intuition is.

Give yourself time to process what is happening in your awakening; the spiritual path can be experienced quickly, but peace of mind and presence.

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© 2023 Zondra dos Anjos.

Life Lessons
Spirituality And Women
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