

Tongue Is A Beast — If It Is Let Loose, It Devours:

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The Tongue is one of many endowments Allah bestowed upon His slaves. Although the tongue is a tiny organ — the person who uses it to comply with the orders of Allah, the teachings of the Qur'an, and the teachings of the Prophet may earn blessings in this world and in the Hereafter.

However, the one who uses his tongue in disobedience does not display thankfulness to Allah and leads to his own destruction. Certainly, being thankful to Allah means not using the endowments bestowed by Allah in what is Forbidden.

One needs to know the sins of the tongue can be small or enormous and should be aware some of these sins take the person out of Islam.

As the Prophet(saw) said in the Hadith related by at-Tirmidhiyy: "A person may utter a word he thinks harmless, which results in his falling the depth of seventy (70) years into Hellfire."

This Hadith clearly refers to the bottom of Hellfire —a place only the blasphemers will reach. Included among the sins of the tongue are gossip (ghibah) and tale-bearing (namimah).

Ibn Abid-Dunyia related the Prophet(saw) said: "One can greatly beautify himself with two habits — good manners and lengthy silence". In this Hadith lengthy silence means not speaking — except For what is good, such as remembering and praising Allah and teaching others what is good.

We are responsible For our words.Hence, wisdom entails that one uses his tongue in remembering Allah, performing obedience, ordering the lawful, and Forbidding the unlawful.

Let us remind ourselves of what Allah said in Surat Qaf —not a word does a person utter without having a vigilant observer ready to write it down.(50:18).

However, it is known that some of these sinful words will be erased if the person repents. On the Day of Judgment wouldn’t each one of us want to have all good words in his record and not those disliked or sinful words? Thus, it is important to emphasize on matters relating to the tongue.

Allah made the tongue witness to what is in the heart — as mentioned by the Great scholars of Islam. Words of goodness reflects what is in the heart, as sinful or blasphemous words reflect what is in the heart.

Gossip (Ghibah) Gossip (ghibah) is a disease prevailing in many societies. In addressing this issue, let us remind ourselves and others to be cautious of spreading this disease.

In Surat al-Hujurat, Ayah 12 — Allah ordered us not to commit gossip (ghibah) amongst one another as it is similar to one eating the flesh of his dead brother.

Allah gave us this comparison to show the ugliness of this sin and to guide us to clear ourselves of it. There are many Hadiths of the Prophet(saw) highlighting the unlawfulness of gossip (ghibah).

Among them is one related by al-Bukhariyy and Muslim from the route of Abu Musa al-Ashariyy. This Hadith refers to — when the Prophet (saw) was asked about the best among the Muslims, to which he replied: He whom the Muslims are safe From his hands and his Tongue.

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Imam an-Nawawiyy reported: Qiss Ibn Saidah and Aktham Ibn Saifiyy met together. One of them asked the other, "Generally how many errors have you Found the sons of Adam commit?"

The other replied, "I have counted 8000 such errors, but let it be known, we cannot count them all. However, there is one good trait that would cover up for all of these errors and mistakes: To have control over one’s tongue."

Imam ash-Shafi, in addressing his companion, ar-Rabi, said: "Do not haphazardly speak without a need. Once uttered, you no longer control the words, but they control you."

That is, once you speak a word it will be to your benefit if it is good. However, if it is sinful, then it will be written against you and will require a valid repentance.

Abdullah Ibn Masud said: "The Tongue is the thing that deserves imprisonment most ."

So,the point is — Our Tongue is one of the Blessings of Allah, as if we should use it according to the will of Allah and in good deeds so that this Tongue becomes a source of our salvation on the Day of Judgment.

May Allah (swt) protect us From Falling into gossip (ghibah), Tale-bearing (namimah), and other sins.

May Allah(swt) make us among those who soundly prepare themselves for the Day of Judgment and among those who use the endowments Allah bestowed upon them in sincerity and obedience.(Ameen).

JazakAllah (May Allah reward you [with] goodness)for reading.


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