avatarLibby Shively McAvoy


The article emphasizes the importance of staying informed yet prepared during times of global unrest, advocating for a balance between awareness and readiness to mitigate anxiety and ensure survival.


The author of the article urges readers to view global conflicts, such as the one between Hamas and Israel, as reminders of our interconnectedness and the need for preparedness. While it's crucial to stay informed about heartbreaking events in the Middle East, the author cautions against becoming overwhelmed by the news, suggesting that excessive exposure can lead to paranoia and fear. Instead, the focus should be on practical preparedness, ensuring that one has the necessary supplies and a family plan in place to survive potential emergencies, such as a nuclear attack or power grid failure. The article also highlights the psychological impact of war and the importance of maintaining high energy levels through practices like gratitude, forgiveness, and acceptance. The author encourages readers to use these difficult times as an opportunity for self-improvement and to send prayers or healing energy to those affected. The piece concludes with a call to action for readers to engage with the content by clapping, sharing, and exploring related articles and resources provided.


  • The author believes that while staying informed is essential, the oppressive nature of the news can cause undue anxiety and that a balance must be struck to avoid paranoia.
  • There is an emphasis on the importance of being prepared for emergencies, not out of fear, but as a practical measure to ensure survival and reduce suffering.
  • The article suggests that war and global unrest can lower our emotional frequency and hinder our ability to attract abundance and creativity, necessitating personal practices to maintain high energy levels.
  • The author expresses that difficult times should be used as catalysts for self-improvement and that we should practice gratitude for the simple pleasures in life that can be easily taken for granted.
  • There is a call for compassion and collective prayer or healing energy for those affected by conflicts, particularly in the Middle East.
  • The author promotes the idea of interconnectedness and the need to harness our inner divine power to navigate through challenging periods.
  • The piece encourages readers to limit news consumption to updates and not become fixated on the media, which can strip us of our power by inducing fear.
  • The author values the role of spirituality and emotional intelligence during crises and recommends engaging with additional resources for further personal development.

Digging Deep In Difficult Times

Allow world unrest to remind you of interconnectedness and expand your consciousness rather than cower in the fear that terrorists want to create

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Stay Informed But Not Paranoid

It is essential to stay informed, but the news can be oppressive and cause anxiety. The events in the Middle East between Hamas and Israel are heartbreaking. Israel is the holy land. Regardless of what your religious beliefs may be, these people are experiencing barbaric suffering. Women are being raped and murdered, and children are being gunned down. People are losing their homes as well as families.

Allow it To Expand Your Consciousness

So, as you sit comfortably and safely in your home, what luxuries do you take for granted? If we were to lose our power grid, which is far easier to digest than losing our homes and the loss of lives, could you survive? Do you have the necessary survival equipment — canned food, bottled water, matches, a grill or gas stove, candles and flashlights, and protective measurements….to survive for a couple of weeks? What about a couple of months? Do you have a preparedness plan in place with your family? Are your elderly family members prepared so you are not worried?

I think it is crucial that we not become paranoid or live in fear but instead be prepared and vigilant. Back to my question of what luxuries you take for granted… In the event of a nuclear attack or an attack on our power grid, we would not have the use of cellular phones, computers, internet, electricity, gas, or even the use of flush toilets. I do not say this to instill fear. I want to bring it into awareness to help people better prepare because this is potentially our new reality, at least temporarily.

Being Prepared Reduces Anxiety and Suffering

When we are prepared, we avoid panic. We can hunker down and stay comfortable. Food, water, and shelter are basic needs. My biggest struggle will be losing communication with the outside world, especially mom and children. But I will have a notebook and pens to continue journaling and writing. When I regain power, I can transfer my stories to my computer. I have printed off simple recipes I can use without power. I typically get my recipes online. I have my yoga mat and home weights to work out indoors. And hopefully, we will not have to stay indoors, and I can still enjoy the pool.

Keeping Our Energy High

War lowers our emotional frequency and puts us in a downward spiral. In that downward spiral, we can no longer attract abundance, and our creativity cannot easily flow. The media flashes scenes that tug at our hearts but paralyze and trap us in fear. It strips us of our power. So, I watch the news minimally. I get updates on my phone, which is all I need now. I am not one to stay glued to the television.

Now more than ever, we need to harness our divine power within. We need to feel our interconnectedness to one another. Now is the time to practice forgiving past pains and making amends. Now is the time to practice gratitude for the simple pleasures that can easily be taken away. Today is the day to stop judging and start being more accepting.

The things you complain about throughout the day, the refugees in Gaza and Israel only dream about. People over there went to bed last night with bombs shaking their homes, not knowing if they would survive through the night. The lucky ones who survive will have nightmares about what they witnessed.

It shouldn’t take a world tragedy or terrorist event to put these better living practices into place, but sometimes, we need a reminder of how precious life is. Let it be our self-improvement if something good comes of this horrible tragedy.

Final Thoughts

If you have friends or family in the Middle East, especially Israel, please comment, and I will pray for you and them. I am sure other readers will, too. I am more spiritual than religious, but in times like these, I believe in the power of prayer. If you do not believe, that is okay; maybe you would consider sending good healing energy. Let us have compassion for the suffering that is happening.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. I appreciate you, and you are truly a blessing.

I wish these stories would get more traction, and I would appreciate it if you would take the time to read them, clap for them, and consider sharing them. They are important to me-thank you 🙏 I would also love for you to join me on YouTube, where I offer short daily videos on emotional intelligence, relationships, self-improvement, spirituality, meditations, and more.

Peace & Light,

Libby Shively McAvoy

Dr. Preeti Singh’s story about her beautiful walk, the discipline of the palm trees, and how the world can be inspired by this discipline is perfect as a follow-up to my article. Maybe a walk in nature and the discipline of going outdoors would be good for us all right now.

Alex Besson makes meditation easily approachable with this breathing technique, which is extremely helpful in stressful times and when applied daily.

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