avatarDr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)


Technology and Business

Extended Benefits to Write for Technology Hits Publication with New Leadership Commitment

Value propositions of Technology Hits for writers and readers in a collaborative environment on Medium and beyond

Photo by Mikhail Nilov from Pexels

Hello, Dear Tech Writers and Readers

As a technologist, in 2020, I gave life to Technology Hits with a few simple goals, like establishing a platform for our talented tech writers and delighting our readers in enjoying these topics. It started small, gradually gaining its footing. However, my other publication, ILLUMINATION, experienced rapid growth and consumed much of my time and energy. Technology Hits, my beloved child, took a backseat.

However, today marks a new chapter and renewed commitment. I have set a mission to elevate Technology Hits to the same grandeur as ILLUMINATION, and I’m enlisting the support of our 24,000 writers and 145 volunteer editors from ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications.

To facilitate this collaboration, I’ve established a new profile alongside my existing one. This additional account will allow me to immerse myself in tech writing, curation, and promotion. I’ll be contributing more tech-focused content and curating stories within this domain.

Leveraging My Boost Nomination Role for Technology Hits

Furthermore, as a boost nominator for ILLUMINATION Curated, I plan to select and nominate exceptional tech stories from Technology Hits, giving them the visibility they deserve. If you’d like to learn more about my vision and mission for the tech, business, entrepreneurship, and leadership domains, you may check out my recent story.

These changes reflect my unwavering commitment to providing a thriving space for tech enthusiasts and writers. I can’t wait to see Technology Hits thrive, thanks to the collective efforts of our dedicated community

Alongside these changes, I’ve also shared my first professional article based on one of my popular books in the business world from my new account, where I delve into business architecture. I trust that my insights and experiences will prove valuable to those in the business architecture domain.

A Brief Introduction to Technology Hits to New Writers and Readers

I want to introduce you to Technology Hits and why it is a fantastic place for tech storytellers and readers on this platform. Technology Hits is not your typical, uptight publication. We are not here to reject articles for nitpicky reasons. As long as your content adheres to Medium’s guidelines and your topic relates to our scope, we support your content. We’re even quicker to publish than our bigger sibling, ILLUMINATION.

Sure, we might be smaller compared to some other publications, but we have great capabilities like an engagement community. I have a Slack workspace with over 18K members, free and moderated for our members. I also have a mailing list of 100K+ technology and science consultants globally.

Moreover, our diligent media coordinator and editor, Aiden (Illumination Gaming), has put together a brand-new Discord service for our community, and I truly believe it’s going to be a game-changer in the near future. Aiden, as the editor of Technology Hits, will also promote it on YouTube.

Assisting in the expansion of this exciting Discord venture is our senior editor, The Sturg, who, like me, has a penchant for all things geeky. With Aiden and Gerald on board, I’ve witnessed firsthand that when these two geeks come together in a space, magical things tend to unfold.

We focus on technology and business from multiple angles. Our writers cover everything from IoT and Big Data to AI, machine learning, and cybersecurity. They keep us up-to-date with the latest in the tech world. We also have several editors with academic backgrounds in technology, including myself.

But this pub is not just about the tech pros. We have contributors from various backgrounds. Some writers bring engineering and scientific angles, diving deep into architectural descriptions, design constructs, and security tools. Others explore the fascinating world of medical technology, bioengineering, and genetic engineering.

We support business folks, technology leaders, and startup entrepreneurs. They share insights about the economy, finance, cryptocurrencies, and digital ventures worldwide. It’s a place where startups can find new ideas and connect with tech writers.

There is room for philosophers, too. They discuss the complex philosophical ideas behind artificial intelligence and robotics, and we don’t shy away from discussing sustainability issues like climate change.

We also publish the futuristic stories. The ones that explore self-driving cars, flying cars, and how technology is transforming our society. Science fiction enthusiasts, you’re more than welcome here.

Technology isn’t just about work; it’s also about play. We’ve got articles on online games, game reviews, and the latest in the gaming industry. YouTubers and podcasters share their channels, providing entertainment and education.

Digital art and NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) are also hot topics. We’ve seen digital music, digital painting, and digital poems. So, all you digital artists, we’re eager to see your creations.

But it’s not all high-tech. We believe in personal stories. From smartphones and smartwatches to IoT kitchen gadgets and tech gardening products, our personal stories cover every facet of technology. After all, tech is a part of our daily lives.

In a nutshell, Technology Hits is the place where tech writers and readers come together. We have something for everyone, and we’d love to have you on board.

You may write in these seven domains for your contributions.

Technical: Dive deep into the technical nitty-gritty, covering engineering, scientific insights, and intricate details. This domain is your playground for defining and elaborating on tech concepts, from the nuts and bolts to architecture, design, security, and operational processes. It’s where tech professionals share their expertise.

Philosophical: If you’re inclined to ponder the broader implications of technology, this domain welcomes contemplative discussions. Explore the ethical dimensions of AI and robotics, or delve into academic insights from philosophy courses that dissect technology’s profound impact.

Entertaining: Technology and entertainment collide in a lively realm. From gaming aficionados to social media content creators, this space celebrates how technology brings joy and amusement. Feel free to share your YouTube channels, podcasts, and stories that both entertain and educate.

Entrepreneurial: For entrepreneurs and innovators, this space is your digital playground. Dive into the strategies and blueprints for digital ventures, dissect the economic and financial aspects of technology, and follow the trail of tech leaders reshaping the business world.

Artistic: Explore the captivating synergy of art and technology. Explore the digital realms of poetry, painting, and music, all fueled by technology. Share stories of how technology ignites artistic expression in various forms of design and creativity.

Personal: Your personal experiences with tech tools, devices, and services find a welcoming home here. Whether it’s your journey with smartphones, smartwatches, or the world of IoT gadgets, readers are eager to glean insights from your hands-on experiences.

Futuristic: For the forward-thinkers, inventors, and visionaries, this domain is your canvas. Paint a vivid picture of the tech-infused future you envisage, from groundbreaking solutions to addressing global challenges, or explore the transformative effects of technology on human life.

Image designed by Dr Mehmet Yildiz

If you want to learn more about Technology Hits on Medium, you may check out our updated guidelines. We’re looking forward to your contributions, reading, and promoting them.

As a token of appreciation to my readers, I’ve carefully curated some outstanding tech-related stories from my reading list that I believe you’ll find engaging.

To make it even more convenient, I’ve compiled these stories into a neatly organized list that you can effortlessly share with fellow readers or post on your social media platforms.

By doing so, you’ll not only enjoy these captivating stories but also help them gain the visibility they deserve. Enjoy your tech reading journey on Technology Hits!

Sample Curated Articles from Technology Hits

Digital Scent Technology And AI Machines Can Smell Now. So What! Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Power of Autonomous AI Agents Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD)

Why I Support Open Source Clean Technology: Humanity’s Only Destiny — “Win, or Die as One” Dr Michael Heng

The Unexpected Analogy of Technical Data and Fictional Novels Victoria Ichizli-Bartels, Ph.D.

Challenging Times In The Future with the Internet of Things and Artificial intelligence in… Dr. Preeti Singh

AI — Organisation’s Must-Have. Dr John Frederick Rose

Physicians are working like Robots for Robots. A Near glimpse at the Contemporary Healthcare Paradox Dr. Adam Tabriz

Entering the Era of the Super App Ryan M. Raiker, MBA

The Lenovo Legion Go Is Finally Here Aiden (Illumination Gaming)

Why You Should Reconsider Your Master’s Degree in IT AJ Krow

Obsidian Plugins Review — 32 Nuno Campos

How to create a UX Case study CXperience Lab

The Missing Piece in AI Content: The Human Touch Abhishek Biswas

Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Smart Grid Systems Sana Fayyaz

Building a Micro-SaaS From the Ground Up: Ideation Austin Starks

Building an MVP and Setting Your KPIs Using YC Strategy Somil Gupta

Can Mac Gaming Actually Be a Thing? JY Tan

How to push an existing project to GitHub Bhavana

How I Supplement My Medium Income with Robinhood Arthur G. Hernandez

Creatives and Marketers Are Under Threat From Software And AI, too Here’s what to look out for — and how to protect yourself Richard White

Algorithmic discrimination — part 1 Deborah M.

5 Productivity Hacks Every Programmer Should Know Rodney Rodríguez

Can Artificial Intelligence Help with Job Recruitment? Ronke Babajide

NVIDIA’s Omniverse is a game-changer Ajay Singh

Technology Hits: The New Think Tank Chelsea Renee MAT

Technology Will Never Be the Same. What? How? Right Now? Desiree Driesenaar

3 Tech Innovations We Will Consider Normal in 2025 Elena Beliaeva-Baran

If You Hear Voices, Don’t Be Afraid, They Are Not In Your Head! Things Have Just Started To Talk! Flavio Aliberti

Extremely Sad For Original SlingTV AKA SlingBox GeoFavTech

Why You Must Give Security Questions a False Answer with Some Examples Julie US Writer

3 Paths to Success as a Content Creator Leo Guinan

Programming for Cats — Part #1 Leonid Hass

Technology’s Obsession With Location is Crazy Llewellyn Daniels

The pandemic will revolutionize the future of work. Here’s how. Rebecca Sealfon

Personal Digital Security Recommendations Steve C

Why You Should Send Your Cryptocurrencies Offline When PayPal Allows ItHow to Trick People Into Thinking You Are Smart About Bitcoin Tom Handy

7 Highly Effective Lessons I Learned from 3 Bad Managers Vidhya Parvathy R.

The Symbiosis of AI- The Next Evolution Warren Brown

Starlink Just Launched in Canada, or How Elon Musks Plans to Take Over the World Joanna Henderson

Are We on the Cusp of the Artificial Intelligence Revolution? ILLUMINATION-Curators

5 The Most Exciting AI & IoT Trends of 2021 Elena Beliaeva-Baran

Voyeurism In The Twenty-First Century Charles H. Roast

Want A Blockchain Crypto Worth Following? — Hint: It’s Not Ethereum! Landon Lester

How To Securely Configure SSH On Linux Servers Sam Starkman

Bitcoin Breaks A New Record (But It’s Not Done Yet) Isaiah McCall

Why McDonald’s is Using Artificial Intelligence to Spy on Its Dumpsters Audrey Malone

The Intriguing Routine & Life Lessons From Elon Musk Will Inspire The Sh*t Out Of You Vivek Naskar

A Useful Way To Chase The Phish: Anthony M. Davis

The Structure: Good in theory, a nightmare in practice Vinicius Monteiro

Here is my first mechanical keyboard Binlong Li

Uplifting Meditation for Software Engineers and Tech: How to face both failures and the unknown with calm. Emily Jennings

Sci-Fi Thriller I — The Election of 2052 jt

Why Crop Protection: Farmers can produce more with less Douglas Pilarski

3 reasons why we don’t need data scientists and why we do Salvatore Cagliari

How to Get People To Stop Scrolling Past Your Content: There are only three concepts you have to know. Derek Oxley

Job Ideas for Technical Writers in an Age of COVID-19 Pandemic Ugur Akinci

What’s With the Name — ‘Bluetooth’ Lynda Coker

What does Google Cloud’s Outage Signify? Demystifying a common myth surrounding Cloud Computing. Abishaik Mohan

AI Reimagined and Repurposed Marcus

DuckDuckGo: It’s not for kids Jim McAulay🍁

Watch Again What The Very Best Of Film Offers Stuart Englander

5 Ways You Can Learn To Code And Master Your Life In 2021. A guide to mastering the skill of programming. Aaron Jacques

We should learn how to collaborate with robots before it will be too late. Jair Ribeiro

The Most Advanced AI Image-Generator Firefly by Adobe Is Here (with 14 Stunning Image Examples) Kristina God

How To Code With SoloLearn Agnes Laurens

Will Your Next Car be Electric? Sumera Rizwan

A New Kind of Corporation. Tree Langdon

‘Technology Hits’ Arrives At The Speed Of Light Liam Ireland

Sick And Tired Of Taking Meeting Minutes? Now, You Are Free. Aldric Chen

The Fundamentals: A poem Dr. Fatima Imam

Chasing Eternity: The Unseen Limits of ‘Infinite’ Energy Mashrur Arafin Ayon

The Significance of Quantum Computing for the Future of Artificial Intelligence Dr Mehmet Yildiz

Unusual Technical Issue on Medium

As Mike Broadly mentioned, weird things happen in Medium.

Yesterday, a hacker emulated my account and tried to deceive my readers. As some of my readers mentioned, the Medium system should recognize when someone uses an identical name and photo and should ask for additional information to create accounts. I wrote an article about it today.

I hope you enjoy reading these stories. Please share them in your network so that more people find and benefit from them. I will create many more collections to support our writers and delight our tech and business readers.

If you are interested in other topics, I also curated several collections from the contributors of ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications.

Heath & Fitness Collection

Mental Health Collection

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

How to Love and Relate

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

Do You Want to Become A Sexy Entrepreneur?

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

Collection of Featured Stories

Index of Published Book Chapters

Sample Book Chapters

Stories on ILLUMINATION-Curated — All Volumes

Let’s Meet Editors of Technology Hits

Dr Mehmet Yildiz, Dr John Frederick Rose, Dr. Preeti Singh, Yogesh Haribhau Kulkarni (PhD), Dr Michael Heng, Bill Abbate, Liam Ireland, tarun bhatt, Aiden (Illumination Gaming), Agnes Laurens, Tree Langdon, Mike Broadly, Abraham Bamidele, Mert, Noorain Ali, Sumera Rizwan, Nuno Campos, Annelise Lords, Utibe Udoma, You, Me and Happiness, ZENcurity, Mashrur Arafin Ayon, ILLUMINATION, and Dr Mehmet Yildiz (Tech)

Thank you for reading my perspectives.

If you are interested in technology, business, and leadership topics, I invite you to follow my new account and subscribe to my mailing list on Substack. I have over 100K subscribers in my technology list accumulated over the last four decades.

To inform my readers, I wrote numerous articles from my main account that might inform and inspire you. My topics include brain and cognitive function, significant health conditions, valuable nutrients, ketogenic lifestyle, self-healing, weight management, writing/reading, and humor. 100+ Insightful Life Lessons from My Circles for the Last 50+ Years

I publish my health and wellness stories on EUPHORIA. My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness. Be Your Own Therapist in 10 Steps.

To get my post in your inbox, you may subscribe to my content. If you are a writer, you are welcome to join my publications by sending a request via this link. I support 24K+ writers who contribute to my publications on this platform.

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