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Back to Writing / Curating Technology, Business, and Leadership Topics Using a New Profile

My writing and curation plans for this new profile

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Dear Technology, Business, and Leadership Readers! It’s been a while since I wrote about technology, business, and leadership topics. In this post, I wanted to share the reasons behind this brief hiatus.

Over the last two years, my focus shifted toward topics of health, well-being, and lifestyle, prompted by the requests of many of my dedicated readers. I’ve been privileged to explore these subjects, drawing from scientific research and personal experiences.

However, there’s more to my journey than health and well-being. I’m also a technologist, one who marries science and technology in my consultancy work. I dedicated 40 years of my life full-time to the tech industry and transitioned into semi-retirement in 2021, starting a new entrepreneurial journey as a self-employed and independent consultant serving my valued clients.

Along the way, I’ve authored several books on technology, penned academic papers, and filed inventive creations. You may learn about my background from a story published by the editors of my publications last year.

My New Writing and Curation Plans

My goal is to share these experiences in a storytelling format, offering support to my fellow tech leaders. As an executive engineer and enterprise architect, my focus is a blend of technology and business, underlining my leadership in the field.

One of the reasons I couldn’t share as many tech stories from my primary account is that over 80% of my followers are devoted to health, mental health, lifestyle, science, spirituality, mindfulness, longevity, and self-improvement topics. I am grateful that my main account gained around 74K followers.

Just yesterday, I published a story detailing a fake account that attempted to impersonate my main account and deceive my readers, leaving them astonished. Many of these readers have expressed a keen interest in more of my cybersecurity stories, which I’ve delved into in the past.

Receiving emails like the one attached from my subscribers is bittersweet. It saddens me to know that they are facing difficulties, but it also deeply honors me, as it reflects their unwavering interest and support.

Previously, this account was used by my publication amplifiers to showcase stories from contributing writers. Now, in collaboration with the curation team, we have emerged curators and amplifiers into a unified front, and the ILLUMINATION-Curators account will be the focal point for these endeavors. Here is a sample of their new initiative.

This transition has allowed me to re-brand this spare account and cater to the needs of my readers interested in tech, business, and leadership topics.

In my commitment to the technology and business community, I established the publication Technology Hits in 2020.

Despite its growth to a certain extent, my extensive workload with my largest publication, ILLUMINATION (supporting 24K writers), limited my ability to give it the attention it truly deserved.

By utilizing this new account, I plan to bolster this specialized publication by amplifying exceptional stories as a writer, reader, editor, and curator.

In my new account, I aim to present technology-related narratives to a broad audience, leveraging my network. My vision is to assemble a diverse cadre of writers, each with their unique technological perspective, to craft captivating stories.

With access to a vast community of writers across Medium and beyond, our potential is unlimited. This publication has been meticulously designed with our audience in mind, utilizing Design Thinking principles.

From this process emerged seven prominent roles or personas within the realm of technology: technicians, philosophers, entrepreneurs, entertainers, artists, storytellers, and futuristic leaders.

I explained the extended benefits of using Technology Hits.

Here are two curated collections from Technology Hits as an example to empower this publication.

Here’s my plan to grow the tech community on Medium.

My New Role as a Boost Nominator to Curate Outstanding Stories from My Publications

This year, I serve as a boost nominator to select well-crafted and impactful stories, which I will extend to technology, business, and leadership topics, as these are in high demand among our readers.

My second large publication, ILLUMINATION-Curated, serving advanced writers, was selected as a boost nominating publication by Medium.

If you’re an experienced writer in these domains, I’ll be delighted to review your stories that align with boost guidelines, thereby increasing their chances of nomination. Medium offers additional benefits for boosted stories by expanding their reach to a broader audience.

If you’re a reader passionate about these topics, please share your areas of interest so I can tailor my stories to address your questions and provide valuable insights from my wealth of experience.

I’ll also curate stories from my publications and present them in collections, just as I did in 2020. You can explore some of my popular curated lists through the links provided.

Top AI Stories on Technology Hits

How Storytellers Articulate Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain

NFT Story Collection on ILLUMINATION Integrated Publications

Business Collection: A Mini MBA Bundle

Do You Want to Become an Entrepreneur?

The World Needs Passionate & Compassionate Leaders

Education and Learning From Many Aspects

The Power of Freelancing for Writers

Final Words

In addition, I’m planning to establish a personal publication where I can host my tech, business, and leadership stories, mirroring what I’ve done with my health and well-being tales in the EUPHORIA publication, a favorite among my subscribers.

Through this new initiative, I aim to support my subscribers via Substack further, offering practical tips and curated content.

I shared chapters of my books from my previous account, but they got very few views, so I will delete those old stories and rewrite those chapters in storytelling format so that my tech readers can benefit from them. I am also the owner of the ILLUMINATION-Book Chapter publication, giving voice to book authors on this platform.

On a lighter note, I’ve chosen to display my formal attire in this account’s photo, while my main account features a more casual look, making it easy to tell them apart. Both photos are of me, though the one on this account is a bit more youthful, having been captured a few years earlier by a professional photographer.

Let’s stay connected. You can reach out to me via my website and join my writer and reader community on Slack workspace. I enjoy supporting writers and readers. I mentor around 500 new writers yearly. Thank you for reading my perspectives. I wish you a healthy and happy life.

To inform my new readers, I wrote numerous articles that might inform and inspire you. My topics include brain and cognitive function, significant health conditions, valuable nutrients, ketogenic lifestyle, self-healing, weight management, writing/reading, and humor. 100+ Insightful Life Lessons from My Circles for the Last 50+ Years

I publish my health and wellness stories on EUPHORIA. My posts do not include professional or health advice. I only document my reviews, observations, experiences, and perspectives to provide information and create awareness. Be Your Own Therapist in 10 Steps.

Thank you for being a part of this journey, and I’m excited to dive into these enriching topics once more from now on with your support.

To get my health and well-being posted in your inbox, you may subscribe to my main content. If you are a writer, you are welcome to join my publications by sending a request via this link. I support 24K+ writers who contribute to my publications on this platform.

If you are interested in technology, business, and leadership topics, I invite you to follow my new account and subscribe to my mailing list on Substack. I have over 100K subscribers in my technology list accumulated over the last four decades.

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