90% Of Men Look for This in a Woman
Learn these skills to win over your man
If you think that men only see your sensual side, you are wrong. In fact, there are many more things behind what men are really looking for in a woman. Did you know that?
Of course, being sexy, sensual, and attractive is a great advantage to win over any man. It is no surprise that many models are coveted by many people around the world. But did you know that there are“common characteristics” that every man looks for in a woman?
That’s right. It doesn’t matter if he’s a football player or your childhood friend, all good men look for women who have these four basic characteristics. And don’t worry, this has nothing to do with beauty, status, and wealth — It’s all based on your own personality.
Want to know more about this? So come and I’ll tell you now!
Men look for playful women
Dating between two people who like each other should be fun, not a chess match where each person needs to calculate their moves. Therefore, real men look for relaxed companions, who are happy, and fun and who let the relationship flow more lightly.
Real men want to create connections with their partners, they don’t want a dramatic lunatic by their side. Nothing drives a man away more than a possessive, dramatic woman who seems to be experiencing a constant crisis in her life.
Therefore, you mustn’t get too attached to the rules. Be playful in your own way, do things you want to do, and don’t fall into fits of jealousy over little things. Make your relationship flow like a calm river.
There is already a lot of pressure on a man’s shoulders, so all they want in a woman is for them to be playful and make the mood light and relaxed as soon as he sees her. Try this.
Men look for women with emotional maturity
There is nothing more unpleasant than being involved with a ticking time bomb. This is how men see women who lack emotional maturity.
Men look for women who understand that a relationship is not just about happiness, as every relationship goes through some crisis at some point. And it’s okay to go through crises — But men hate it when you’re immature to the point of excluding all your guilt from it and throwing everything at him. It’s things like these that raise a huge red flag in your relationship.
The best thing to do when a relationship becomes dense, messy, and goes into crisis is to sit down with your partner and have a sincere conversation about how you will resolve this impasse from that point forward.
For this reason, real men look for women who have emotional self-control over themselves. They don’t want to be with someone who could explode at any moment. Therefore, learn to have self-control over your own feelings and live a happy life with the man you love.
Men look for independent women
Forget this outdated idea that men don’t like modern women with attitude. They love them.
Men love women who show control over their own lives. They like the idea that they don’t need to take full control over the relationship and can share this burden with their partner. They also love knowing that their partner has her own friends and that she has a completely normal life outside of the couple’s life. It shows independence and responsibility — Men love this.
But be careful, being independent is completely different from wanting to take their leadership. Men love being leaders, especially when it comes to relationships. Therefore, don’t step on this landmine — Show that you are independent in your own way, but don’t try to take all control of the relationship out of his hands.
Men seek intimacy in a relationship
A relationship without intimacy is not a relationship, and it would be a farce to say that within the four common characteristics that men look for in a woman, to say that they are not looking for sex.
So, yes, one of the four common characteristics that men look for in a woman is sexual intimacy. And there is no better way to show confidence in your partner than sharing your bodies — In other words, don’t be afraid to show yourself in bed, do the crazy things you want, and try new things, if you are enjoying it let your man know that, Call his name, make him feel special.
They want to know you’re having fun, they want to connect emotionally with you. And so, this is definitely one of the characteristics that men most seek in a woman: sexual connection.
Therefore, don’t put limits on your imagination. Put into practice all the tips I left above, perfect your winning skills, and live a happy relationship with the man you love.
I hope this has helped you clarify some doubts.
Thanks for reading. Have a great day!
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