avatarKumari Rashmi


Student of Life

Life is a place to reside with challenges besides

Photo by Camilo Contreras on Unsplash

Life is a place for residents of Students in Action. The Learner in Devotion.

The greatest exuberance of becoming a student is the biggest challenge because A student burden with curriculum loses the intuition, the curiosity, the wisdom and then Life .

Education plays an important role in life but not at the cost of everything else. The funny part is that Rote memorization is now the most famous type of Education.

In the Act of Development and Devices, The awareness is lost. Desperation with hatred is a new form of Action.

The student From School to University :

What is needed for school is supplied by society. A structure of education for bread Earning not self discovery , not freedom based but Grade based . Where marks are material of perfection , You become a Product for Association.

Well Now the thoughts on basics are failure in action because Some output exists without Input location.

A teacher who don’t hold both ends as Marks and grade is need of Generation .

Institution vs intuition

The Formal one in action is now the weakness.

A sole pointer to any segment cannot be justified because the whole structure is now the problem.

In curvature of return on parameters, Education now is most traded at every institution. In a plethora of desires, we created a desired sink where Becoming one is a new form of market penetration.

Student of Life

There are many lessons taught by Life. When we become students of Life there is some leeway in the midst of fluctuations.

Experience makes you wise Intuition makes you When both arrive with Life lesson

They are not always at Logical and calculative Location.

Thank you...


Life Lessons
Education Reform
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