avatarSal Gallaher


Coffee Time

A story about enjoying your own company.

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

It’s Sunday morning, a beautiful sunny spring day here in Sydney.

I slept in a little but after a shower and some minor domestics I got a powerful urge for a coffee at my local cafe. It’s become a ritual when I have a quiet weekend by myself.

Today I had plans to go to the city for a Mind Body Spirit convention, but fighting a bug at the moment. I’m ok, just low in energy and patience. I’m not a person who swears a lot, but yesterday those pesky little four-letter words seemed to fly out of my mouth at regular intervals. Everything was a massive effort and frustrating.

So today I’m resting and taking it easy, trying to do the right thing and listening to my inner body voice.

Dressed in shorts and T-shirt and cap firmly on my head, I head out with just my phone and keys. These days it’s all about simplifying life so I travel light whenever I can.

Author on her walk seemingly growing trees out of her cap! :-)

Walking out of the front door, I am greeted with a cool breeze that at first sends shivers up my bare arms but once in the sun and walking it’s a welcome addition to my surroundings.

I cross my street to the park on the other side, which leads down to the bay walking track. It’s still quiet in the park but some have already arrived to set up what looks like kids’ birthday parties. The park is popular for children’s events with updated kids’ playground area and the safe bay beach close by. Flocks of Ibis are eagerly waiting for people to arrive with the ever giving food scraps for them to indulge in during their day. The chirping of the busy minor birds compete with the loud screeching of the white cockatoos in the tall Norfolk pine trees.

The park is not huge but big enough to give you a sense of being in nature even if houses and unit blocks line up the western perimeter of the park. Maybe with the expanse of the bay to the east, it provides a sense of a bigger park.

Or maybe it’s the gratitude that fills my body and provides me with a limitless view of the world and my surroundings.

The park track loops around the back of the park and circles back towards the local sailing club with a cafe that I often meet friends for brunch. But today I’m planning to finish my walk at the cafe closer to my home, and I continue my walk right along the water. The sailing club must have an event on today as small colourful sail boats are lining the bay, ready to fly with the breeze.

Despite of not being a sailer myself the sight of the boats and the buzz of families gathering are infectious. I can’t help but smile at people passing me.

I finish my walk by crossing back across the park towards my local outdoor cafe, an interesting old cafe frequented both by locals and tourists passing by. My area has a large population of Greeks and Italians and the cafe makes me feel like I am back in southern Europe with its ever present group of men gathering out the side of the cafe smoking and talking in their mother tongue.

Photo by Dunja Mihajlovic on Unsplash

I order my usual oat latte and settle at a table outside, partly in the sun and the cooling shade. It’s only 10 but already the heat from the sun warms my legs. While waiting, I catch up on some Medium updates. I love reading the many fascinating articles, learning along the way, opening up my mind to other cultures, opinions and lives. And hopefully helping me improve my writing.

The cafe is almost full and people keep coming. A guy with a cute dog named Ollie waits near my table for his take away coffee. I smile when a couple of young girls come across to pat the eager puppy. Reminds me of my daughter’s poodle. He goes bananas whenever I come to visit and won’t stop till I pay him some attention.

My coffee is strong and smooth. Just the way I like it. I sip it while taking in the sounds and activities around me.

Many people hate going to a cafe by themselves, but I don’t mind. I enjoy being able to be fully present in the experience’s moment and not have to converse with anyone. Unless, of course, I decide to. Often when you are out by yourself, strangers open up and start small conversations with you. That doesn’t often when you are with company. I like the fact a coffee by yourself is like an open book. Anything is possible and it can start new connections. Don’t get me wrong.

I love the company of my family and friends but living on my own, they are not always around, and I have learnt to enjoy my own company too.

A precious tool and one I think everyone would benefit from adding to their personal tool kit.

So next time you have a quiet day, maybe head to your local cafe and enjoy a coffee in your own company. You may just find yourself with a new quiet day ritual. Or the start of a new friendship.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

As I walk in the door of my unit I feel refreshed and ready for breakfast and a quiet day at home, writing up this story, reading a bit of my current book ‘ Fires by Fires’ by Candice Fox and maybe some Netflix later in the day.

It’s an open book today, enjoying my own company.

Thank you for reading till the end.

If you like my writing, please support me by following, clapping, and commenting. It may just buy me a good coffee :-)

Or if you really want to bring a smile on my dial, donate towards my coffee expense here

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If you’re interested in collaborating, please PM me or contact me via my website.

Photo by Hanny Naibaho on Unsplash
Self Love
Coffee Time
Single Life
Sunday Bliss
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