avatarHarshil Mevasa


The author discovered that embracing quiet moments and doing nothing can lead to unexpected success, such as a side income from writing, and is essential for mental well-being and clarity.


The article discusses the author's journey from a constant state of hustle to appreciating the value of silence and stillness. Initially feeling guilty during idle moments, the author learned that these periods are crucial for rejuvenation and productivity. This revelation came after a day of boredom led to writing on the platform, which surprisingly gained traction and eventually provided a steady income. The author emphasizes that regular breaks are not only necessary for avoiding burnout but also serve as "power-ups" for future endeavors. The article encourages readers to recognize the importance of pauses and to embrace them as part of a balanced and successful life.


  • The author believes that moments of quiet are not just acceptable but essential for success and well-being.
  • Doing nothing is reframed as a productive activity that can lead to creative outcomes, such as starting a writing career on Medium.
  • Constant activity is equated with success by the author, but this mindset is challenged by the realization that non-stop hustle is unsustainable.
  • Embracing calm is seen as a sign of wisdom, not laziness, and is compared to necessary rest periods in a series of life sprints.
  • The author suggests that our minds and bodies require breaks just like a smartphone needs to recharge, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness.
  • The article posits that breaks are not indicative of inefficiency but are vital for the brain to refresh and prepare for future challenges.
  • The author advocates for cherishing the simple and peaceful moments in life, which can be as nourishing as more active periods.

Why I Stopped Hustling and Started Embracing the Silence

The Unexpected Key to My Success, You can do it too.

Sometimes, I feel like I’m always rushing. Some days, I’m flying through tasks, feeling like a champ. Other days, I’m just… there. Doing nothing feels weird.

Why am I not moving? But lately, I’ve realized that these quiet moments? They’re golden.

Photo by John Matychuk on Unsplash

Do you know how I started writing on this platform?

It started on one of those “do-nothing” days. Out of sheer boredom, I opened up the site and thought, “Why not write something?” Anything really, just to pass the time. I typed out my feelings, the mundane events of my day, the thoughts swirling in my head. Posted it. Thought nothing of it.

But here’s the twist: People read it. And resonated with it. One article led to another, and another.

Before I knew it, I was making a steady $100 monthly on the side. All from that one day I decided to channel my boredom into writing. Who would’ve thought?

I gained my first 500 followers in just two months.

I Used to Hate Doing Nothing

For me, constant activity equaled success. Idle moments made me feel guilty, always pushing me to jump to the next task.

Even brief pauses felt like wasted opportunities. But as burnout loomed, I realized that non-stop hustle wasn’t sustainable.

Through self-reflection, I learned that moments of quiet are not just okay, but essential.

It’s in the stillness that our minds rejuvenate. In fact, occasionally doing nothing turned out to be the most productive thing for my well-being and clarity.

Embracing calm isn’t laziness; it’s wisdom.

Everyone Needs a Pause Button

Life isn’t a never-ending marathon; it’s a series of sprints with rest breaks in between.

When I first encountered these moments of stillness, they felt like speed bumps, slowing my momentum. Yet, as time passed, they transformed into welcome pit stops. Just as a smartphone needs to recharge, our minds and bodies crave these pauses.

Recognizing the need for these breaks isn’t a sign of weakness but of self-awareness. Embrace the pauses. They’re not just about rest; they’re about gearing up for the next big leap.

We All Need Breaks

Seriously, no one’s immune. In this age of non-stop notifications and instant gratification, it’s easy to forget the art of pausing.

Our world glorifies the “always-on” mode, but our minds aren’t machines. Just as we cherish our coffee breaks or weekends, our brain craves downtime too.

These pauses aren’t signs of inefficiency; they’re our system’s way of refreshing. Remember, breaks aren’t about doing nothing. They’re about refueling for everything that lies ahead.

So, give yourself a moment, and embrace those invaluable reboots.

Enjoy the Quiet Moments

There will be days when your mind wanders to distant places, days when you’ll simply want to curl up with a book or stare into the void. And that’s completely okay.

Not every page of life’s book is filled with high drama or explosive action. Some pages are soft, quiet, and reflective.

Not every day calls for a grand parade; at times, the gentle whisper of leaves or a calm evening is all you need.

When the world offers a pause, take it. These tranquil moments are life’s subtle reminders to cherish simplicity and peace.

The Power of Nothing Deep down

we all know that breaks are good. Breaks aren’t empty moments. They’re power-ups. And once you’re all powered up?

Well, you know what to do. Get back out there and shine.

Hustle Culture
Side Hustle
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